PushPress Members User Reviews

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  • Default Screen

    My biggest issue is the fact that it always goes back to the last day you logged or whatever you looked at instead of the current date. Can you make it so the default screen is the workout of the day?
  • Profile pic

    It will not upload a photo from my library. I finally got it to bring up the camera but that’s not what I asked for. I have deleted and reinstalled, checked my settings as well. It sure deleted my previous picture just fine and now it can’t be replaced.
    No other issues noticed yet but that should be a basic working feature.
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  • What were they thinking?

    Most recent update is garbage. They didn’t simplify the interface. I actually have to click two more times to get to the location I need access to, the only reason I use this app. Also why in the world do you have to reserve the class and then check in to the class separately. This to me feels like their is no actual user feedback. Hopefully it is fixed.
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  • App holds credit card info hostage

    I don’t typically write reviews never the less bad ones. The app requires you to give your credit card information upon sign-up, but it refuses to let you remove or delete it later. The only method of deleting your credit card info and canceling your membership is via te gym manager. This app holds your sensitive data hostage, leaving you vulnerable to potential hacks and breaches. It's astonishing how little regard they have for user privacy and safety. Steer clear and protect your financial information elsewhere!"
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    I downloaded the members app and it doesn’t even let you create an account. It automatically takes you to a login screen before you even have the chance to setup your login credentials. As a gym owner, I created the free web account for my gym and when I add members, they don’t show up in the members list. Very frustrating. Deleting all accounts.
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  • Bare bones sign up

    There is little functionality beyond signing up for classes and making payments. Competing apps that allow you to enter your performance (times, weights) and store this for you add so much more value to this type of app.

    Specific issues: the app appears in the Home Screen with the title below the icon as “Members”, which seems lazy and not app specific. The workout of the day shows up when you click on a class to sign up but not in the bottom tab labeled “Workouts” oddly.
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  • Very buggy as of late

    Over the past few months, I’ve had to delete and reload the app a couple of times, between not letting me log on and also incorrectly showing class schedules on the wrong day. Works well most of the time, but when it displays the wrong class and dates, it has thrown coaches off from when they are supposed to be leading a class.
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  • Unreliable

    This is by far the worst, most unreliable app on my phone. It only allows one program’s workout to show up and I constantly have to do a force delete and re download it just to get it to work. This is very frustrating being a coach and not being able to get in and check members in a lot of the time or it takes forever to load. I have also heard so many complaints from members not only not being able to see workouts but also not be able to see class schedules or sign up for classes. Would not recommend to anyone!
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  • It used to be good

    I can now only reserve my classes. I used to be able to see the other members that were signed up and I used to be able to watch the new workouts before class. Now I can only reserve the class and nothing else.
  • Question

    I used to be able to see who was registered for class. Others at my gym still can. I have the latest version. What’s the big I wonder?

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