User Reviews: Phantasmat

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    STORMTROOPER: These aren't the droids we're looking for.
    OBI-WAN: He can go about his business.
    STORMTROOPER: You can go about your business.
    OBI-WAN: Move along.
    STORMTROOPER: Move along. Move along.

    It's the only possible explanation for the high ratings.

    That or the IQ among players had a sudden drastic drop.

    It's 2018.
    With the rapidly changing technologies and tools at our disposal, especially in the gaming arena, I assume the top tier gaming companies would want to showcase that evolution....
    with each newly released game.

    Experienced gamers expect it.
    Scathing Review Ahead.

    I had whiplash from EIPIXs' blindsiding turnover, assuming this newest Phantasmat installment was a speedy recovery in response to the Reign of Boredom.

    I originally stated it was worth the neck brace....
    but that rapidly changed.


    Because despite the consistently stellar graphics and the fact that Phantasmat is my favorite series, the majority of time in this game is only spent running around.
    Nothing new, fresh, creative or FUN.
    Back+forth HOOP JUMPING-revisiting the same old stuff.

    😳I can't believe the newest Phantasmat actually reuses HO scenes!
    Can't be bothered drawing another storyboard...??
    Its the same old boring redundancy that solidifies the tone throughout the entire game.

    💔There isn't a breath of fresh air or even the smallest whiff of new car interior to be found - anywhere.

    ⚠️ WARNING!
    I was surprised that nothing stood out that would indicate newer, better or unique.
    Nor is there any exciting interaction; completely lacking in any kind of top notch HO/Puzzles or Mini-Games.

    Even with past tried/true ideas , items, etc. - there's ALWAYS room to tweak it in ways that can breathe new life into it.
    Yet, here.....None.
    There's ZERO complexity,
    ZERO challenge,
    ZERO creativity,
    ZRRO ingenuity
    and ZERO excitement.🛌

    🥇And ZERO excuses after Mournful Loch.
    That was a shining example of a FANTASTIC updated game.
    It's the epitome of what I expect: incorporating all sorts of fresh new ideas, resulting in interesting twists, that are fun, unique and challenging in ALL areas.

    So It's difficult to fathom how EIPIX could deliver such a great game ...then completely blow it with the next two.

    Opening scene began with promise:
    The boy's nifty 🌈"rainbow suspenders" .....very circa 1980's Mork and

    The kids voice?
    Did I just hear a hungover Chuckie from Rugrats?? 🤤

    😇THE GOOD:
    (quickly going downhill)
    The basic premise:
    A cornucopia filled with all my favorites:
    Equal portions of darkness, foreboding, paranormal and anticipation, surrounded by sides of interesting HO/Puzzles/Mini-Games...
    and who doesn't LOVE old creepy dolls??

    😈THE BAD:
    The music.
    Then the background "sound" of rhythmic tapping-it's as pleasant as water torture.

    With the cool background scenery, paranormal storyline and tremendous potential in the beginning ..I was so crushed to discover that the core of this game underneath is worn OUT.

    Drudgery of tasking takes over.

    👺THE UGLY:
    Back to running around.??
    The tedium of gathering items/errands...the kiss of DEATH: BOREDOM!!
    •But Sharpening a Dull Pencil....??
    To darken areas of a Mini-Game?

    •Punching down a Watering Can?

    •The tasking in obtaining the gasoline...😴?

    •Dragging the Colored Circles into their correct box?

    I know items/errands are part of the game, but certainly not the bulk!

    Placating Animals...??
    Fighting Dogs?!
    The WORST of all time
    You're joking ...right....??
    So yet again, it's back to the incredibly HUGE waste of time/energy spent on mundane junk...that's neither enjoyable or complex by ANY stretch of the imagination.
    But the pinnacle?

    🎂The icing on the decades old fruit cake?
    The Never Ending Journey to obtain the coded bracelet.
    Good Grief!🤦🏼‍♀️

    It was the absolute LAMEST and longest, multiple TASK Collecting nonsense I've ever suffered through in a game:
    First the Knife,
    then ...
    the beer mug,
    turning on stove burners,
    finding water,
    filling beer mug,
    back to stove,
    boiling water,
    defrosting ice from fridge,
    open fridge,
    select "wrapped" ham....
    (better take a breather from all the fun, excitement and anticipation of where this is all heading...)
    now you have the "wrapped ham".

    But now the ham must be combined with an item,
    the knife,
    to become an "unwrapped" ham...
    which is now ready be given to these annoying, snarling dogs...

    But WAIT!

    I've been rewarded with a coded bracelet! (Soaked with dog slobber and smelling like HAM...yum..)

    And that was actually thought up & approved - good money paid for that and all the other debacles.

    its the height of STUPIDITY.

    The mind numbing tasks to get the lame USB in order to charge the phone was completely ridiculous.
    I was ready to quit by then...but had to finish it out.

    That was completely laborious, the opposite of fun and an utter waste of time.

    THE MAZE?⛔️
    No MATTER what direction I attempted- it kept me blocked.

    The elephant toy, spray & tape?

    Please Stop ruining the Phantasmat series and embarrassing yourselves.
    I can't STAND IT.

    The few basic HOP/Puzzles/Mini-Games weren't nearly enough to hold this "Dream" together.

    I assume the EIPIX team members are hired for their creativity and top notch skills..??

    🤔I'd be curious to know who came up with these last two games with so many mind numbing gems...and ask them what their definition of "fun" is.....

    🐘I can't wait to see what Elephant releases next....

    San Fran
  • -

    One of your less interesting story lines for me, had to make myself finish it- but loved all the others
  • Right amount of everything

    I loved this game. Everything worked, no glitches. The graphics were great, the story line interesting. It made you want to find out what happens. It was the right amount of scary without being gross. The mystery of what happened to the child is compelling. You don’t have to chase back and forth between rooms, the puzzles are interesting. One of my favorites.
  • Great game

    Confusing In how to go to bonus game but figured it out it was short but good game
  • Bonus chapter doesn’t open.

    Finishing the game is a let down. No option available to access the bonus game and then several of the sections in the Extras area can’t be accessed because you haven’t finished the bonus game. Game forum has a couple useless comments from developers but no solution. Spend your money elsewhere.
  • Disappointed

    What happened to the bonus game? I finished the game & now there is no button for the bonus game???
  • Ads, ads and more ads.

    Be warned that even if you pay for the full version, you will be constantly bombarded with ads for other Big Fish games.
  • No more BF games for me!

    My recent download, Phantasmat, along with the last 3 games I PURCHASED, have not included the Souvenirs in the game!! They just aren’t there! Anyone out there having the same issue? If so, pls recommend a solution??
    I guess I’ll be looking elsewhere for my games from now on!
    This is INTOLERABLE!
  • Phantasmat: Insidious Dreams by LynxMinx

    I am a fan of this series, but EIPIX lost their opportunity to ensure a 5 star rating of this game.
    The storyline was one we have seen many times over: trapped with a serial killer in a frightening setting. You could customize settings. There was no cohesive journal but objectives were regularly updated. An excellent teleport map was provided to transport you instantaneously between locations. At each location you must collect a creepy doll. Inventory was labeled and interactive and there were complex items to assemble. As per this developer, inventory usage was bizarre. So if you think you hit a glitch, you just might be using the wrong inventory item. The graphics were somber and dreary; they perfected the ambiance but unfortunately lacked the visual acuity and were poorly rendered. The HO scenes had the usual variety we receive from this developer; an alternate match-3 was provided as well. Morphing objects were confined to the HO scenes. It’s very possible that EIPIX developers read our reviews because the puzzles/games were not as simplistic as they were in a few of the latest offerings; this time we had to work our brains! I enjoyed the labyrinth and also the phone puzzle with the colored dots. As for length, this was a short game including the bonus adventure.
    I deducted a star for length and also for somewhat glitchy gameplay. At times I had difficulty applying inventory tools and I had to try 2or 3 times. There is no excuse for poor levels of quality assurance. BigFish, can you please pass this along to EIPIX? It would be appreciated, and I know other reviewers noticed the same problem. Thanks so much!
    Tomorrow my tablet goes in so the next game might have to wait. Happy gaming to all!
    Note to Izzyoc: where have you been, my friend? I haven’t seen any reviews from you in a while and I sincerely hope that all is well!🤙🏻🙏🏻❤️
  • So Far OK

    Bought this game - need something to play this weekend. Did not want to spend the money since the game only has 4 chapters plus bonus. One chapter is short, others appear to be decent length. Therefore the 3 stars. Played 1 chapter so far and have been entertained. So far all scenes are dark which can be depressing. Will update my review after I finish the game. Pretty decent game. Some puzzles too hard for me. Kept me entertained though so increased to 4 stars.

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