User Reviews: Symptom Tracker

Top reviews

  • Perfect Aid to Doctors

    This app helps keep track of problems as well as issues that the user is feeling along with the location on the body. Tiny details can be missed when we talk to our doctors and this app basically acts like a diary of our body and helps the doctors effectively treat us. There’s also the timeline feature which would be helpful in remembering progression of issues which could be vital in diagnosing issues we might be facing. Overall, this app is pretty impressive and uses technology to help aid our wellbeing.
  • Love the purpose but the UI can be improved

    As a design student and a first time user, I like the concept and the purpose of this app. This app makes it easy to take care of your health and your loved ones (my favorite feature). Having a section for your loved one is thoughtful and beautiful. Some design and user interface elements could be improved and simplified. For example, in the timeline feature, I don’t think it is necessary to repeatedly mention “no records for this month...” under each month of no record when it is already said on top that I have “0 records in ___month”. I think some information like that doesn’t need repeating, keeping it concise and simple can make it more clear to the users. The calendar can also be more packed together or have it so only one month is visible on the screen and then you can swipe horizontally to the next month so not too much space is wasted and this will also require less scrolling. Nonetheless, overall the app is clean with white background and visually interesting with pop of colors. I enjoyed the functionality of the app. I love the purpose and how this app can help you improve your lifestyle and look out for your loved ones as well.
  • Flexible and detailed tracking, fills an unaddressed need in healthcare

    I just got this app today and after examining the different capabilities, I’m really impressed. The interface is clean and intuitive, simple to use and allows for logging in great detail. Takes a lot of the burden ofd patients’ shoulders (especially those with memory difficulties) and lets them easily record symptoms as they occur, and the logging of dosage information and reminders is so great for this too. Few small things UX wise that could be improved is the “dismiss” button—this makes sense but “close” is more industry standard. Accessibility wise, adding a visual confirmation in addition to the physical pulse upon logging an entry may be a good idea.

    I find that once I log a lot of symptoms, the Timeline view gets quite difficult to navigate, as they all stack below the monthly calendar and make it hard to jump to previous months without lots of scrolling. Implementing an option where all the symptoms begin collapsed with maybe just a preview or summary and then expanding when tapped is a good idea, similar to how other calendar apps like Moleskine implement expanding info.
  • Excellent concept, room for improvement.

    I think open care is a wonderful grab at addressing Public Health needs, which are so critical to improve the full health spectrum of individuals wether it be physical or mental. I really enjoy the interface however I’m not so sure if it’s intuitive enough as I was left to explore the app myself with no guidance and kept running into what felt like enpty journal entries. If that is the intention I think this application would be best utilized for those with chronic illness or disability. Also the caregiver versus loved one confused me. Am I supposed to be filling this out or my care provider?
  • Great app to consolidate and track medical info

    The functionality of the app is great with being able to monitor symptoms, notes, appointments over time. I like that there are specific questions following symptoms. The calendar lets you monitor/view symptoms over time and even export that timeline. It can be useful for users who don’t remember all their symptoms and also helps healthcare professionals with prognosis. My one complaint is that some functions don’t feel as intuitive to a user. For the appointments function, I think being able to set the appointment date and seeing it on the calendar could help monitor symptoms up until an appointment. Or some kind of integrated calendar (Google calendar or iCalendar) would be appreciated.

    Developer Response

    A Google and iCalendar integration is a great idea, thanks for the message! – OpenCare Team
  • Great idea, room for improvement

    I really like the idea and there is need for this application. Health caregivers and relatives of patients benefit tremendously from this application.
    My recommendations:
    1) As soon as I log in, I am asked to try free trial and then start paying. I can skip this by clicking in the upper right corner, but it doesn’t feel right. It would be better if the option to start the trial is shown to the user after 3 days as it doesn’t seem right to ask them to start paying for something in the future without trying it.
    2) The appointment section should have the option to add them to different kinds of calendars like Google or iCal.
    3) The timeline feature should have the ability to scroll from from left to right to access previous months and include a parameter to choose months instead of scrolling downwards.
    4) The name of the application is the same as another product focused on booking appointments with dentists. It would be better if another name is selected.

  • New way to track my health

    The app is allowing me to track my health concerns and target the areas where i may be struggling. I applaud the creators because they identified that health is not only physical but it is also mental and behavior. This provides accountability for the users to manage their symptoms after seeing the doctor. It can be used as a tool to review by our doctors to see how we are doing up until our next visit. If we have apps that track our calories and exercise then this is an app that can track our overall welbeing.
  • Calendar feature tips

    Nice app! Timeline feature works well with the calendar, but a little too much scrolling to access past dates. Maybe use a Google Calendar approach so we can more quickly access dates — and being able to visualize specific tasks and symptoms in each day without having to click individually would be nice. I also think we should be able to book appointments in future dates (currently cannot record notes past current day).
  • Dyanmic features great for management!

    This app offers great features in regards to documenting and tracking symptoms. The option for caregiver and loved one inputs allows for a dynamic and personal experience that still upholds the goals of the app: care management. Options for symptom documentation allows for a thoroughness through the options of adding symptoms, medications, notes, and appointments. There is flexibility when adding a symptom, through free response answers or structured multiple choice responses. There could be some minor updates, like making the text “dark mode” friendly, finding a way to differentiate the Reports and Timeline tab, and potentially creating a profile page. Overall an easy to use and clean app!
  • Bug with micro-interaction, however overall good app!

    There was a small problem with the scroll options in Frequency > Medications where the options would disappear if I scrolled too fast, and the dialogue box would not disappear when pressing Submit.

    I enjoyed how the app gives you simple options and guides you through the details, thereby not straining my cognitive load. The export PDF feature is very nice and will be helpful to taking information to the doctor’s office. I have only had the application for a day so I cannot comment on the notification feature, but overall it was a good experience!