User Reviews: Worse Than Death

Top reviews

  • Cool but easy to get lost

    I own the previous title by the same developer and have the same issue. The atmosphere is really creepy but there are too many places that look the same it’s easy to get lost. I’m stuck on both games. I played this one with my wife and despite trying several times we are lost / stuck. My recommendation is to watch the 1st few minutes of a walkthrough to see if it’s right for you.
  • Said it worked with my phone but...

    it doesn’t. After the opening screen disappears a black screen with “loading” written in the lower right hand corner appears and then the game force closes. Refund please! Reinstalled the game, restarted my device, neither worked. To make matters worse I purchased the bundle that also included the game “Home.” Disappointing because I really was excited to play this game ☹️
  • Great visuals and ambiance but the story....

    So I enjoyed it, the visuals were cool and the atmosphere was creepy and fun. I loved all the things to interact with and the puzzles were engaging but I feel like they left loose-ends. Part of this kind of thriller is in getting the answers actually piecing things together. And the reveal of her being in love with not the friend you might typically have expected falls flat and doesn’t add anything or in my opinion actually count as an actual twist. Idk I would have liked this to be better knit together story and horror/thriller. For that I’m glad it wasn’t an expensive game but save for feeling unsatisfied with the ending it is a good game, I wouldn’t play it over but I’m not upset that I did. And for a game for the spooky season it fits right in
  • A horror experience with a compelling backstory (though some loose ends)

    Eight interesting chapters of story, puzzles, and evading death. A bit of gore and a lot of mystery. Fun little jumpscares too.

    What I loved:
    -The graphics. They aren’t pixelated out of laziness; there’s a ton of detail in every location.
    -The use of stereo sound. Makes the monster(s) sneaking up on you much creepier, plus great ambient noise (use headphones)!
    -The dialogue. I actually cared about the main characters.

    What could have been better:
    -The ending (*no spoilers*)...there are more than a few loose ends. Certain plot points seem to be there just to add more horror gameplay without ever being explained.

    Regardless, I gave the game 5 stars because it’s clear a TON of effort was put into this. Wish there was a sequel!
  • What a rip off

    Would give zero stars if I could. Game constantly crashes/glitches and won’t even open for more than 10 seconds before it crashes. Waste of money. Very disappointing. Not worth the buy.
  • Heavy on jump scares, light on plot

    It’s an engaging game, but the story is weak. The timeline doesn’t make sense, the characters are flat, the puzzles don’t make sense, and the story leaves so much untold. What exactly are the ghouls roaming about? How does a doctor know the exact weight of his own heart in ounces? Is it two years, or ten years after graduation? She’s a closeted lesbian the whole time? Really?! That surprise falls very flat given the lack of narrative structure.

    I played it through, because the ambience is interesting, and I suppose I thought it would improve. However, it was ultimately very disappointing.
  • Awesome game

    Probably the best mobile horror game I’ve played so far
  • Fun puzzle-solving, deliciously grizzly, good story

    This game is definitely worth the small handful of Loonies it costs. The story is fun to follow along and kept me engaged. Nothing groundbreaking—just a solid horror romp. The puzzles are not so hard that frustration gets in the way, but are still challenging enough to to be worth the effort. The character designs and overall aesthetic fit perfectly with the story. If I have any complaints, dodging the creature gets a bit tedious, but it’s a minor gripe and eventually you’ll learn strategies that work (Holly’s face when she gets caught is pretty great, though!). The app is cheap, so just buy it and enjoy a few fun evenings with headphones on in the dark. If it ain’t your jam, you’ve only lost the price of a cup of coffee. Me? I wore a stupid grin from the opening scene to the final (great) epilogue. Thanks!
  • Horror

    One of a few horror game apps that I’ve found. I love the pixelated graphics. Hope to see more like this.
  • A Solid Survival Horror Experience

    It’s hard to come across actual horror titles on mobile so I’m happy to find them when I can. Overall this is pretty good for what it is. Controls and gameplay are very well done and had some effort put into them. I do wish the monster encounters weren’t so repetitive and simple but it could be far worse. Happy I gave this a try. Hope more people come across it as it deserves far more ratings.

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