The HomeAtmo application supports the weather stations (and all its additional modules like indoor sensors, anemometer, rain gauge), air quality sensor (Aircare or Healthy Home Coach), thermostats and valves associated with your Netatmo account.
There is no limit in the number of devices supported by the application, you can have as many weather stations, Healthy Home Coach sensors, thermostats and valves as you want.
No account creation is required for HomeAtmo to work: to log into the application simply use the Netatmo account you created when you first installed your equipment.
HomeAtmo displays a synthetic and ergonomic dashboard of your measurements:
- The interface has been developed to offer a global view to be able to compare the values of the same nature of all your sensors.
- This interface adapts to all iPhone and iPad screen sizes and supports portrait or landscape orientation.
- A filter can be applied for the dashboard display, i.e. by equipment, by location or even all equipments.
- You can customize your display by activating the color or monochrome mode as well as displaying or not the title of each measure.
- The dark or light theme is automatically supported depending on the configuration of your iPhone/iPad.
By clicking on the "i" information symbol next to the name of one of your sensors, you can also view additional data such as the id, firmware version, location, date of installation or configuration of the sensor and the time of the last measurement sent for this sensor.
The display of your measurements is automatically refreshed according to the refresh period of each sensor type. You can also refresh manually by doing a "pull to refresh" on the dashboard.
HomeAtmo also allows you to display different types of widgets including on the lock screen of your iPhone:
- You can create as many widgets as you want.
- Two sizes of widgets are available, small and medium.
- For each widget you can select the sensor you want to display and you can also customize the display with color or monochrome mode or whether to display the title of each measurement.
HomeAtmo can be downloaded for free. An integrated purchase allows to activate the full version without time limit:
- Without the integrated purchase "full version iPhone/iPad" you can view essentially one measurement for each sensor including in widgets. The measurements available for free depending on the type of sensor are: current temperature, rainfall and wind speed.
- With the integrated purchase of the "full iPhone/iPad version", you can view all the available measurements of your Netatmo sensors without time limit.
HomeAtmo also gives you access to your measurement history through multi-curve graphs:
You can display up to 5 curves on the same graph for the same type of measurement, by selecting the sensors of your choice!
You have access to multi-curve display for temperature, setpoint temperature, CO2, relative and absolute humidity, noise, atmospheric pressure, cumulative precipitation as well as wind speed and gusts.
You can select the viewing period of your choice, i.e. a time range, a calendar period or between two customized dates, and move through your measurement history.
The graphs are accessible exclusively with the HomeAtmo full version in-app purchase.
HomeAtmo is available in English and French.
HomeAtmo supports the user preferences of your Netatmo account for the measurement units:
- C° or F°.
- mbar, inHg or mmHg.
- mm or inch.
- km/h, mph, m/s, knot, beaufort.
Minimum iOS version: 15.0
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