To be fair, the set up is fairly easy but I managed to stretch it to an hour. And ten minutes of that was thinking the peephole extension through the door hole was too short, only to find a longer one in the box after I found I could use the existing peephole extension. My bad. That said, it was a pain to connect to the app. Had to reset my WiFi key because it had characters that this tech wouldn’t accept. This started a round of “forgetting” my WiFi on all the home devices, so I could alter the WiFi key to work for this. That was most of the hour.
A previous review mentioned the notifications onslaught. After I connected the device to my phone app, it flooded my email with notifications of “activity” outside my door, with pics. That would be great if anything was happening. As it was, I got 20 emails in less than an hour, with 80 pics of my neighbors closed door…no activity. I turned off the notifications, but I’ll update later on what happens.
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