Not user friendly and lacks features
Features that would make this app great:
1. Make the app user friendly please!! I feel like I’m using Windows 98. So painful. I’m sure there is a high school kid that can build you a better app as an intern.
2. Being able to set the geo fence through the app would be awesome.
3. Having a kill switch to prevent thieves from being able to operate the equipment at night or over the weekend while the equipment is at the job site. This feature would help me sleep better. And I know Yanmar has this ability to do this, but they have not released it to the masses. Please Yanmar help me sleep better. I did pay a pretty penny for your machine.
4. Logging the activity of the machine through the app like whether it’s on, off, or idling.
5. Exact location with an address would be nice too.
6. Please just make the app user friendly and add these features 🙏
Oh and can you send me a Yanmar T-Shirt please.