User Reviews: World of Mines!

Top reviews

  • Great game but...

    This is a great game. So far I’ve completed the whole world plus the UK. I’m working on Korea right now. I’m really surprised that there isn’t a United States level. It would make sense for there to be one along with the other three packages. If there was a United States package then that would be an easy 50 more levels. If a United States package is added, I will give 5 stars.
  • This is great

    I honestly have enjoyed my time with this game! If you’re a fan of minesweeper then you definitely have to check it out, it’s a pretty well made version of the game and probably the best one on the AppStore by far. One thing I do wish would’ve happened is if they made more single country maps with like did with Korea, UK, and Spain. I feel like there should’ve more countries on the list, but aye what we have is still pretty cool. Overall great game, it thankfully isn’t caked with ads, it’s very fun, best minesweeper on the AppStore, and it’s just simply great.
  • No bad

    Game is pretty fun
  • World of mines

    I got thru the World then the United Kingdom , Korea and Spain. Then it just stops. Where’s the rest.
  • Great game, but a few flaws.

    This game is great if you want a challenge, but sometimes it can get a bit annoying with their take on the game.

    Mainly, my problem with the game is when there are multiple islands in a level. Half of the time you spend on one level is tapping each island to get a space that you can actually work on. This gets really tedious because you are constantly tapping on an island, losing, and trying again. After finally getting a space on each island, you get three lives but you have to watch an ad for each of them. After that you need to pay money for another life.

    A tip I have for the developers of this game, is just to make it so that the mines generate once you tap on each island, or at least let us get a space on each island that we can actually work with. Besides that, this game is really fun to play!
  • Canada is wayyyy too hard

    It’s literally majority luck-based can we please get some sort of fix for things that are so ridiculously random like that. This would be such a great game if i wasn’t just playing the lottery every time i tried to complete canada
  • Beat the game and am bored now. Need to add more worlds

    Still fun, just no more to do
  • Love this app, but...

    I love this game and would buy it in a heartbeat, but I get really frustrated with the bugs. It’s really disappointing to be carefully working through a country, like Russia, and be almost finished only to be blown up when I’m marking the mines. I’ve clicked the button hear the click and gotten the cross, but... blown up anyway.
    Another frustration is countries like Indonesia and Canada with lots of islands being extreme.... when you attempt to work one country repeatedly (literally 20 - 30 or 40 tries) and you can’t get past your 3rd move without being blown up, you begin to wonder if it’s really you.

    I don’t completely understand the layout trends of bombs as there seems to be some inconsistencies. Sometimes there’s more than one number on a block... sometimes the blocks are connected between the mainland and peninsulas, sometimes they’re not. Would love to have a rules/explanation guide if there is one.

    I really enjoy this game and it could be an addiction. Would love to work out these issues, maybe learn what I’m missing and could improve on. .
  • Great game

    Everything about the concept of this is amazing. Especially since its cross content learning (math and geography)

    I hope in the future, an update will include countries in the West Indes, such as Trinidad, Jamaica, Dominica, St Lucia, and the likes for full representation of the beautiful people who inhabit the Earth. :)
  • Best Game

    I love this game because I can play for fun or competitively. I mark the countries I finish and try to complete them all. This game is great for all skill levels.
    A suggestion I have is to make a ranked mode in which you go head to head with other players at your skill level.

Alternatives to World of Mines!