Freya User Reviews

Freya • Surge Timer
Freya • Surge Timer
The Positive Birth Company Ltd.

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  • This is an amazing app

    I had my second baby last week and in the months leading up to her birth, spent a lot of time doing birth meditations in preparation for labor. I also took several of the hypnobirthing classes from The Positive Birth Company (I wish I would have known about this approach during my first pregnancy).

    This app is an incredible tool both in my preparation and during the birth of my daughter. It is simple to use and has a really nice layout. I found Siobhan’s voice to be so calming when my contractions were ramping up and having the breath count option really helped me stay in a calm space during labor. This app played a huge role in my peaceful birth experience!
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  • Basic and underwhelming, but glad I had it I guess

    I listened to her audiobook and found it helpful but I felt like the app was so bare-bones. I would have liked:
    MORE affirmations and meditations to chose from. Yes you can upload your own but there should be a bigger library to chose from.
    -an easier way to turn on and off the sound of meditations, vs surge counter. It was kind of all-or nothing. Easier way to pause the meditations. Overall that interface was just clunky ESPECIALLY once I was in labor. Kind of gave up on it by the time I was in transition!
    -should be a better way to edit the surges, like if you accidentally left it running and need to shorten the duration from 2 minutes say to 1. Vs just delete entirely.
    -more detail on the surges and patterns would be helpful. It just says “labor is established” basically but not “now you’re ~5-1-1” or making notes about new patterns- it’s not analyzing the data much. I would have preferred a more interactive app for that.
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  • Love the book. Hate the app.

    I loved her book and when I heard they put out an app I was so excited for it but I’m 37 weeks and have been using the app with my Braxton Hicks contractions for practice and if I get any kind of notification during a surge, the app stops counting. Then at random times when my phone isn’t even in my hand the surge timer will start counting. Additionally, at times the meditation will continue even after I have closed the app, not just changed apps but literally closed it. Way too many glitches. Concept is great and if it would work the way it was intended it would be the best app on the market but sadly it is way too glitchy and unreliable. Had to uninstall to get it to stop playing randomly.
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  • Absolutely worth the $!!!!!!

    I discovered this app a few days after my due date, but before the birth of my son. I used it through early labor and most of my active labor until I started pushing. It really relaxed me and was great for tracking my contractions. 8 never thought I would use an app but it was a good distraction and was extremely helpful with breathing through my contractions. I highly recommend this app and have shared it with all my friends/coworkers who are currently pregnant.
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  • Nice App…But Beware, Out of the Blue Data Loss

    My wife and I downloaded this app during her labor and we really enjoyed the design, calming voice, breathing coach and just overall peaceful meditative nature of tracking contractions. The issue we had and I expressed to their support is that without any warning, our “surges” (recorded contractions) stopped recording properly, recording as “0” and then eventually just vanished as if we hadn’t recorded anything. We also were unable to get the app to sync across iPad and Apple Watch, which still I don’t understand how it works without having to create an account/track through HealthKit?

    According to their support, “To ensure privacy and minimise friction, we do not require users to create an account to use Freya. This means your data is stored only on your device. Unfortunately, if you clear a surge, there's no way for us to retrieve it.”

    So if this happens to you, you are out of luck. I’m very surprised that there isn’t an on device log file generated anywhere. Over a week later we never heard back from them so I just requested a refund.

    Seemed like a great app, but as we couldn’t trust it to do the one intended function of tracking contractions, it’s impossible to recommend.
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  • Couldn’t have done it without Freya!

    A must app for active labor and transition phase!!
    I have prepared playlists with songs to use at some point during labor and I could not let go of the app! The counting for breathing kept me guided and the meditation during the breaks had me relax. Sometimes I was not even listening to the words of the meditation even just the calming voice was “enough”.
    Thanking this app for making my labor and birth a wonderful experience❣️
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  • Needs more variation

    I'll preface this by saying that I used it religiously through my 12 hour labor and I LOVED that it counted your breaths for you. It helped immensely. However, the same song on repeat for 12 hours was extremely difficult. I wish there was a way to choose what music you can put to the background of the app, but otherwise I'll definitely use this again for my next child.
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  • Incredibly grounding

    I recommend this app and the Positive Birth Company to any pregnant person. I learned from the videos which helped my mindset going into labor but this app in particular helped keep me grounded. My family felt no urgency to get me to the hospital when I said I was ready because I was SO CALM. The doctor also didn’t think I was ready due to my calm demeanor (I was 9cm). It was accurate with timing on when it was time to go. I’ve had a few friends who also used this app that found their labor experience to be easier than they had anticipated and attribute their positive experience to this app. Highly recommend!
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  • So helpful

    I’ve used this app for both my pregnancies listening to the guided relaxation tracks and using the surge timer to keep track of progress. It tells when you’re in “active labor” so you don’t have to guess when to head to the hospital. The timed breathing also helps in early labor to manage contractions better. The ladies voice is very soothing. I liked hearing it. Also, I took the online class with Positive Birth co in 2019 with my previous pregnancy and loved it. Highly recommend!!!
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  • Good but

    I love that this app lets you know when it’s time to head to the hospital. It REALLY needs some sort of widget feature, because in early labor when I’m trying to keep track of my contractions, I have to open my phone and open the app and that could take a few seconds and then it’s not accurate anymore. But I do love the Hypnobirthing feature it has.
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