User Reviews: Thru My Eyes Simulator

Top reviews

  • RP

    As someone diagnosed with RP, trying to explain how I am partially blind has been difficult. With little effort this app has allowed me to set the camera to what my visual field is, allowing me to share it with my family and friends. Although limited in support for other eye conditions, I would recommend trying this out if you or someone you know has a limited visual field.
  • This isn’t accurate at all.

    I actually have Leber's Congenital Amaurosis and this isn’t anywhere near how I see the world. The easiest way to explain it to somebody who is sighted is I see the world in much, much, much, much, much less detail. I can’t see the little detail on the carpet that you can in the app. I can’t see each individual strand of hair on my head like you can in the app. When I look at somebody’s face, I can’t see their eyecolor like you can in the app. I can’t even recognize faces. I don’t know how anyone can ever replicate that though. The world is not blurry to me personally. It’s just in much less detail. I can’t read small print. I'm not able to see each individual blind on a window. there’s way too much that this app just doesn’t replicate. Also, it’s sideways. Every time I turn my camera to try and fix it, it turns too, and it’s very hard to get a picture because the entire thing is lopsided and that’s not how my vision is.
  • Not really exclusive enough for visual impairment

    I have Chorioretinitis and the way that this app is doesn’t include blind spots that could be placed, flashers, floaters, distorted vision etc. It’s as if a sighted person made it honestly. Which is fine but vision loss isn’t always gradual as the app gives you options to it can be very complex how a lot of people lose their vision. This is actually how sighted people think my vision looks with less light coming through vs how it’s that plus more.

    I can only speak for myself though! It’s an amazing concept but don’t think it’s inclusive enough for every or even the majority of the visually impaired/blind person in the community
  • Used for class

    Used this for my DeafBlind translation class

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