Needs more features
Here's a few things I would love to be able to do with penny that would make it truly #1.
I want to be able to sync my Facebook contacts directly into penny.
I want to be able to manually add customers and orders, not everyone who places an order with me does it on my website. I carry products on hand and sell those at vendor events and to local friends and family.
I want to be able to choose if I am reaching out or following up with people and be able to record their responses. Penny doesn't currently give this option, it chooses for you if it is recorded as a reach out or follow up.
So far these are the 3 main issues I've experienced during my first 24hrs. Would love to have these options available. Thank you.
Response from developer
Hello kendrapoole62, thank you so much for your feedback and suggestions, we really appreciate hearing from you! We are currently working to improve syncs between accounts and social media, and hope to see that implemented soon! Please keep an eye on new announcements in the near future! In regards to adding your own customers, I will be delighted to pass this onto our team as an enhancement idea! If you would like to reach out to our Customer Care team at, we may be able to give you some tips or workarounds for your Reach outs and Follow ups! Thanks again!