User Reviews: CalTopo

Top reviews

  • 3.25/5 stars app needs improvement.

    Overall great app and platform my review would be more like a 3.25/5.

    Web version is awesome. 4.5/5 stars does everything you need and more. The only thing I wish it had without having to get the business version is live Garmin integration but there are workarounds.

    The App is where CalTopo’s downfall is. 2/5 stars. I constantly have to relaunch the app or it freezes. Sometimes also very glitchy. Since this is where most people use the app is mobile this may be critical unless you work in GIS.

    Developer Response

    Thanks for taking the time to review the app! We do offer garmin integration, email us at for more information. We are working on a big release to help the app run more smoothly. Let us know if you have specific examples at the email above. We would love your feedback!
  • Fantastic mobile Client

    I loved the web app and now I love the mobile app. I can edit on the desktop and then take into the field using the same layers. Great simple UI with intuitive gestures, what great value.

    Developer Response

    Thank you for the review!
  • Worthless

    Don’t waste your time. Garbage app.
  • Crappy App No Way To Sign Up

    Crappy App No Way To Sign Up…This is a worthless app
  • Slow to the point of being unuseable

    The maps load unbearably slowly, so I have decided to use other apps.
  • oops

    the coordinates are broken, they break after you cross the looping map, an easy fix is adding a bordor to the edge of the map.
  • Slow to load map

    Downloaded maps are very slow to render. Really frustrating when taking out your phone to check your location and the screen shows nothing of any use.
  • Great app for backpacking!

    The level of detail combined with customizable overlays and the ability to be used off-line is superb.
  • Capable but impractically slow at times

    Lots of functionality though often provided through non-standard if not obscure UI functions. Hard to operate in direct sunlight (which is mainly an iPhone problem though the developer can help by providing contrast filters) as well as in the dark (too much light, no red filter). By far biggest issue is that the app gets so slow after a day’s worth of work with multiple tracked teams that it can not be used any longer. Why not provide a filter that allows me to see just the teams I was on? Instead everything is always on making the UI cluttered and unbearably slow. I wonder if developer actually uses it themselves on SAR missions?
  • Requires a third party OAuth account

    I have no interest in sharing my account login across services. SSO is a huge security and identity risk that only benefits the issuers so they can track you and lock you into their services. I'd be happy to use this app and service if it had it's own login option.

Alternatives to CalTopo