User Reviews: Charts Astrology

Top reviews

  • Great app, Misinformation

    Every single time I check my chart on a different platform my moon is in sagittarius. For some reason this app states that my moon is in capricorn. I double checked that I put in my birth info correctly to ensure that everything was accurate and it was. Every other aspect of this app is great. I just don’t know how my moon sign wound up being different.
  • This app steals its descriptions

    This app steals the descriptions from asto future considering they’ve been copyrighted for 4 more years than charts 🥲 I really liked the lay out of the app sad to see this
  • Most educational

    This app gives the most educational information about not just your chart, but all the components at play. You can learn about all the signs, houses, and aspects in order to fully understand what you’re reading in your own. It makes it really easy to learn the connections between them all. I downloaded dozens of apps and this one is superior for people wanting to learn about astrology and interpret their own chart without all the fluff (and fees!!!) most others add. It is worth noting that there are many different ways to have your birth chart mapped. They do offer 4 options on which sky to view. Simple and straight to the point information.
  • accurate & helpful!! ALSO I KNOW WHY UR PLACEMENTS R MESSED UP

    i checked all my placements for accuracy and they were all right!! i love the masculine/feminine feature :)

    can’t wait to use the app more <3

    EDIT: i think the reason everyone thinks their placements r messed up is because they r looking at the transit map instead of the birth chart map (birth chart is on the tab “me”, transit map is on the tab “current”)
  • Incorrect House Info

    I wish I would have read the reviews in depth before using this app to get to know my chart better. Been trying to learn the placements and the houses they are in to find out all my Housed were incorrect. I made sure to check the info I used to get the chart on here and it’s correct. I then tried several other free both chart sources to find out that Charts has the incorrect info.
  • Random Info

    Most of the app is so great I even pay for charts+! But on the info section that lays out polarity and dominances is pretty much random. I compared my chart on two other people’s phones and was given different information on each person’s phone even though we used the same birth information. Please update!!
  • So close but not there

    I really love the layout of this app but I’m so confused as to why it has my house placements wrong. It’s trying to say I’m an Aries moon when I’m a Taurus moon, even though all of my birth time info is accurate. If this was fixed, I’d give it 10/10, but unfortunately it’s hard to have an astro chart app when your specs are wrong
  • So close

    I want to love this app. I love that it has the keywords and transits and good charts. What I can’t stand is that just having the keywords without more is very confusing. I would love even just 1-2 sentences for each transit so that my brain can process what it’s actually saying
  • Doesn’t work if born outside the US

    I wasn’t able to input my place of birth on my birth chart because it was only set up to work for US locations. While I like the idea of the app and the layout seemed great, it did not work for me.
  • I Love this app it’s just Incorrect.

    I was referred by a friend who uses this app and swears by it. I got it and immediately loved it. The amount of information & attention to detail and organization just made me so happy. However upon closer examination I realized that my chart was off in some areas I triple checked my information was put in correctly (it was) then I tested a few other peoples charts in very familiar with and they had placements off too. I don’t know what algorithm is used to calculate the natal chart on this app but if it gets corrected then 5 ⭐️ (10⭐️ if I could) is what this app would get. Until then I hate to review this so low but a natal chart that’s incorrect in even one area/placement just completely change the others and that’s just unacceptable. I’m sorry I hope it gets fixed because if it does it would be perfect and I’d gladly change my review & pay any price for it.

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