Random Dice User Reviews

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  • Bugs or just needed improvements

    As I do like this game a lot because it is really fun, there are some things I think that should be improved, I don’t know if everyone experiences this but whenever I am watching the ads for some reward or whatever it won’t even let me close them and I get sucked into it and I can’t even leave the game sometimes, and I don’t know if the luck is dependent on the days because turn matches have been using a Slice & Dice if you know what that is, and it’s only been like the higher number twice so I’ve been really unlucky with a weekday said I can’t even use and it’s only been affecting me at all though it’s entire purpose is to do otherwise, I think some days are too weak and summer too strong, and I think that overall the luck should be changed, some of it’s not that random some of it is but I’ve also gotten some very very repetitive rolls, sometimes I get one type only for example sassing days and I can’t even use it or they’re just not the same thought number and they’re really high level so I can’t even use them in a really weak. Sorry if none of this makes sense I say I’m using voice to text for reasons as this is a really long statementAnd I definitely not want to type some thing as such.
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    Developer Response

    Hello, this is 111%. Thank you so much for your kind suggestion toward Random Dice. Your meaningful feedback will be forwarded to the relevant team and thoroughly consider to be added in our future update. We will reward you with a better Random Dice through continuous updates and improvements. Thank you.
  • My Ideas For Future Updates

    I believe that this game is very fun and has many aspects that really differs this game from others. I have been playing for around a month and progressed quite a bit. I believe that this game should have a “playground-type” game-mode where you could be able to make a deck with any dice and play with whoever you want in either PVP or Co-op for free with no rewards. That would make the game more interesting since you can experiment with any dice you want without having the hassle of obtaining them. That leads me to my other idea; From day 1 of playing, I have gathered over half of Legendary dice and every of the other class dice. From owning over half of the Legendary dice, this gave me more duplicates of the Legendary dice I already own. I think that there should be a feature from the item shop that decreases your chance of getting the same dice and increasing your chances of obtaining a new dice. Another way of obtaining new dice could be a “Crafting” feature where you could trade in duplicates and get dice you don’t have. This feature could be great since the best dice are almost impossible to get.
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    Developer Response

    Hello, this is 111%. Thank you so much for sharing your experience with our game. We will do our best to reflect your meaningful ideas in future updates. In addition, we will reward you with more fun of Random Dice through continuous improvement in many aspects of our game! Thanks again for your feedback! Have a nice one :)
  • Hands down the best underdog game ever

    I have been playing since 3 months after release. Though this game looked boring and simplistic before downloading, but this game is one of the best cases of don’t judge a book by its cover! It is a huge underdog with a ton of potential and surprisingly very competitive with all of its game modes. The versatility with builds for your decks though simple are complex and can catch a naive opponent off guard. Though the game has some bugs still and isn’t perfect I wouldn’t focus on it because of how minuscule they are. And even if a major issue pops up in the game the developers have it resolved in a 72 hour period max. Which is very rare considering their studio size. And with issues they break the game for a day the developers WILL generously compensate their players with the premium currency. So even a lot of people would say this is 4 star game do to its minor issues, I whole heartedly disagree and give it 5 stars because of the connection is the players get with the developers.
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  • Not there yet...

    This game instantly became part of the regular cycle of my day, and I would play even more often when I was bored. It has a fun basis for gameplay and I ranked up and got some really good dice that kept me interested. However, due to the sheer number of die that are actually UNDERPOWERED combined with the fact that they appear randomly in game, there is a small margin for strategy. There are a few combinations of die that run this game and are essentially the meta. It will either take you a decent amount of money or an indefinite amount of time to acquire these die. Overall this is a fun game, but when you have a ranking system in which you can be demoted, some like me would prefer for more options in die combinations so that you feel as if you have some control over whether or not you can beat your opponent (PVP). Co-op is fun even though they make you watch minute long videos before every game after your 5th match. You can get paired with some really weak people and can find yourself carrying most of the weight in co-op, but the most frustrating part is realizing that coop will help you acquire basic die and gold, but it will not help you get any of the legendary die that you need to truly be successful in this game.
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    Developer Response

    Hello, this is 111%. Sorry to hear that you had an unsatisfied experience with Random Dice! Please elaborate more on your problem and share it with our support team. We will investigate all of your cases thoroughly and try our best to improve those! Hope you have a wonderful day! Thank you.
  • Midknight here

    Hey it’s midknight again i don’t know if you read these or not... I hope you do! I had an idea for a dice. Midnight and daylight dice. The midnight dice would have an atk around 50-60 atk and would shoot a “moon beam” like the laser dice but would also have a “synchro effect” where if there are multiple on the field all will shoot the beam at once and would be phases. 4 cresent, 6 half phase, 9 full moon. The daylight dice will also shoot a “daylight beam” like the laser dice but would give a burn effect called sunburn. The burn effect would work like the poison effect except dice around the burned dice would also get it. The burn damage would increase for how many dice are on the field, 4 dice= 10 dmg, 6 dice= 35 dmg, 9 dice= 75 dmg. I hope you read this if you don’t then it’s fine but if you do please just keep this in mind. I’ve always wanted to work on this game and add new concepts but I know I can’t. If you so happen to see this then hello 111% and have an amazing day. From Midknight
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  • Surpassingly good

    I downloaded this game as just another one of those games I saw in an ad to kill time but I found myself getting sucked into it way more than I thought I ever would. It combines a great combination of risk reward and strategy. I only have one minor complaint but it’s not a big enough deal for me to drop my review from 5 stars and that is the screen during gameplay doesn’t stretch to the full screen on the iPhone X or newer. They added it so it fits properly on the menu and I’m sure they can do it in game. I’m aware stretching it could change the pace of the game because it gives enemies more space to travel but all I ask is for it to stretch to the full screen with various details not the actual map size itself. Besides that, I would highly recommend this game to anyone that wants to take a few minutes to relax and either play a quick match against another person or play cooperative with their friend. Even if you’re more of a competitive player, this game works for those type of people as well.
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  • Put legendary cards in co op mode chests

    Great game. Really one of the most fun games I’ve played in a while. It involves a lot of strategy and the options for your deck are limitless. It takes a little while to get the hang of it, but to new players I recommend constantly changing your deck so you can see how effective different card combinations are. The one thing is I’ve opened over 50 co op mode boxes and have never gotten a legendary. However, it would defeat the purpose of the game if they were common in co op mode chests. Again, this is an absolutely brilliant game. I have never been one for mobile games but once I got the hang of this one it immediately intrigued me. It is very complex, and honestly I am in awe of the person(s) who created this. I have no idea how they’d possibly be able to think of this. This is nothing like other strategy games and deserves #1 spot on the App Store. The issue is I am now severely addicted to random dice. I swear I wasn’t paid to say this 😂
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  • Ignore the Haters (Great Game)

    I have a lot of medical problems and can’t really go outside but I have to deal with a lot in the house all the time so the game length in this is perfect for me even if it gets substantially longer at higher levels. They’ve been doing constant balance updates including reverts in stuff that didn’t land like the gear targeting changes. I love a lot of the changes and the new dice, they’ve been gradually helping some of the less powered dice too. It’s entirely unnecessary to pay for dice, speaking as someone that made it to rank 14 without doing so, but obviously it helps so don’t say I didn’t tell you. I hate change but I do like the new look of the game and I appreciate the additions of events and attendance rewards and stuff. I’ve been playing for about 6 months and it’s basically only gotten better and more involved over that time, great game for passing time or playing more seriously.
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  • Fun game when it doesn’t crash

    This is a highly addictive game. It’s a LOT of fun and it’s probably the only game I’ve played on mobile that I never tire of, however, ever since the version 5.0.0 update, it crashes just as it is almost done loading data. According to the app info, my device is compatible, yet it never finishes loading...it just crashes. I’ve rebooted my phone, uninstalled and reinstalled the app, yet no “dice”. I’ve tried sending emails, but get no responses. I’ve seen the developer respond with “contact us through FAQ”, but the app crashes before it finishes loading, so that’s not an option. Through message boards, I’ve found that this has been a very common issue since that version update. Many people spend very real money to enjoy this game further. Will this issue be corrected? It would be nice to know that our concerns are at least being looked into. Just saying...

    Update... app version 5.1.2 was just released and supposedly a bug was fixed. I don’t know what bug was supposedly fixed, but it’s apparently not a solution to the crashing before it finishes loading. How about a fix for that??
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  • Fire your QA Manager

    Been addicted to playing this game since Feb 2020. When I say addicted, I mean 20 or more matches a day between PVE, PVP and more recently crew. The new update has changed that completely. First off, I cannot even get past the loading screen anymore, so someone in the QA department really should look in the mirror and ask if this was ready for deployment. Second, the minor amount of time I was able to play before being locked out was really disheartening. This game used to be something special with slick graphics and a great UI. That is no longer the case. The new graphics are childish and cartoony. Multiple types of dice have new visuals which make it hard to see how many pips are on each die. Everything got more colorful for the sake of being colorful, not because it was impactful. Lastly, like everyone else, the daily and event quests are completely broken, or at least they were when I still had access to the game yesterday.

    Seriously, roll back this update, do a legitimate QA and beta test the crap out of this or else you’ll lose a lot of your fan base. You might attract a younger base with the new UI, but as someone who has spent over $100 on this game to date (seriously, I have been addicted to this game), you won’t be seeing anymore of my money.
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