User Reviews: Baldi's Basics Classic

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  • Good but…

    See, i have played this game a lot, but every time i get six notebooks, i cant find the last one, I basically have searched the whole map but its just not there, maybe u could add something like a map that shows where baldi is and notebooks are too, overall, this is a pretty sweet game, maybe u could add different difficulty levels, like practice, beginner, easy, normal, hard, and master, i would like u to see to it that i can go through, “its a bully”, because I don’t have anything and baldi is coming, he just sits there like a wall, so please fix this, and maybe add a random vending machine, cause it gets really hard to find items sometimes, anyway, I recommend this to everyone cause this is ad-free smooth, and not scary horror, but fun horror, thank you!
  • Best game ever

    This is the best game every I literally have action figure toys of these characters and I also made a lot of drawings back In my day this game is so addicting and one of the best games to be up there better then Roblox or Minecraft it is pretty funny and cool the mods our very fun to I watch videos of them once in a while go check out kindly Keyin videos he makes great videos about baldi basics I would suggest to play the classic version see how you like I have not beating the game myself but I have seen the end of the game it is pretty spooky but also so hilarious I love all the characters in the game baldi playtime Principal bully arts and crafters 1st prize filename 2 gotta sweep and I hope y’all hav3 a great afternoon and a goodnight as well be sure to go check out Micah McGonigal also know as mystman12” so yea be sure to go check him out and also play baldi’s basics plus very good game new characters and challenges have a great day ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜☺️☺️☺️
  • Overall great! Few problems.

    First of all, I want to start off by saying this game is great. It has that quality in a game where it makes your blood rush and get your adrenaline pumping when he starts chasing you and/or getting faster. But I have encountered the same bug about 5 times and it annoys me. One time, for example, I was playing and I was about to get to 10 books collected in endless, about to answer the very last question. It was one of those where it was random letters and numbers smushed together and I knew I couldn’t solve it, which was fine by me and by no means the problem. But when I entered a random number, my screen started flashing pink, green, and black, and then after about 5 seconds of it flashing, it kicked me out of the game. 10 books would’ve been my high score, but it kicked me out. I’ve encountered this bug about 5 times, and it’s the same algorithm before it leaves the game. Please fix!
  • I can’t believe it.

    My name is Mrs. Karen, and I’m very upset about how you say this is an educational game! I tested the game to see how to play and what to do before I gave my grandson my phone so he could play, and I was bewildered when I got an impossible question on the second book. Then, the teacher chased after me with a ruler, and when I went to him to ask him what was going on, he gave me a stare, and I went back to the opening menu! My sweet, sweet grandson would have piddled in his pants if I had given him my phone and not checked. I demand an immediate response from your manager this instant!

    (This is a joke, this game is very fun!)
  • This is the best game!!!

    Ok so I was playing it and I got the first notebook and then answered the questions and I got a shiny quarter. I was like what’s this for?? Then realized it was for Bsoda. I saw this jump rope girl and I was like whatttttt then Baldi got me. But then I played for like another year and I got really good. Here are some beginners tips: Get as many Bsodas as possible Make sure the principal doesn’t see you do anything bad If you need to run in front of the principal then click the run/shift button over and over but never leave it on Play with sound so you know your surroundings Always keep safety scissors If you can, If you see the bully try to see if the principal is coming cuz he will put him in detention Know your surroundings If you use principles keys then wait for the principle to leave the room and for him to go away. What items do: Big ol’ boots:make you immune to first prize Bsoda: shoot anyone down the hallyway Safety scissors: Cut playtime’s jump rope Window no squee:Use on a door and doesn’t make a sound Zesty bar:Run for a longer time Principals keys: Gets you out of detention Shiny quarter:Buy a zesty bar or Bsoda Yellow door lock:lock a yellow door so no one can go through Thanks for reading!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • DESTR0Y TH3 G@M3.

    Oh jeepers! You found me! Good job. I'm glad you found me… Look I have something- Kind of important... To say. #*#8(1#8((@(@1’ It's about the game, uh- Don't @(#)@(@) Ah- ooh- Don’t @)@‘@(@* Don’t- hah..hahah.. this.. this is probably looking pretty ridiculous. #(@)(@‘ Don’t tell anyone about this game. You wanna- Don’t- Don’t bring attention to yourself. Destroy- Destroy the game…. Destroy the game.. before it’s too late. @@‘@*@&*@ Just, don’t- Don’t— no uh you probably- No, i’m not someone trapped inside the game that would be ridiculous, no, uhm @&#&*@*The game is kind of.. @(*#(*@ I got really corrupted… Yeah i- @#*@&@&@ i don’t know what to say. Just-Just trust me, you gotta- @#&@&@ This isn’t- this seems… I- Yeah it seems- oh @#&@&@ “Vague”? No, i- “Vague intentionally?” that’s.. i guess I can’t- I can’t tell you e- some- stuff is classified. I cant say it. @&#@&-ish, i could say more, I can’t talk normally, I-it’s corrupted.. i There’s.. @*@&#(@ Yeah.. @&#&@* Just close the program. DESTROY IT. NEVER COME BACK. @*#&@& this is the last time im gonna tell you. DESTROY THIS GAME. #*@&#(@ DON’T LET ANYONE ELSE KNOW ABOUT IT, BEFORE— @*@&@( ‘(#@(‘@#’#@(‘$($(#”#’@(#(H#()#)(#()#)(#()E#*(#)@‘SOMETHING BAD HAPPENS TO YOU-#(@(#’@#@$%$@$%$%&@*@)%(@(%*(@(*@
  • .

    i̴ ̴l̷o̷v̵e̴ ̵t̸h̶i̸s̴ ̴g̷a̸m̵e̴ ̵s̵o̶ ̴m̸u̸c̶h̴!̷ ̶i̴t̴s̵ ̵s̴o̴ ̵f̸u̴n̴ ̶b̵u̵t̷ ̴a̴l̸s̶o̸ ̵c̵r̷e̶e̴p̸y̶ ̸a̶t̴ ̸t̸h̵e̵ ̴s̶a̸m̶e̸ ̴t̴i̴m̸e̵!̴ ̴I̴ ̶l̸o̴v̷e̴ ̵h̶o̵w̸ ̷i̴t̸ ̷s̸e̸e̴m̵s̴ ̵n̷o̴r̶m̶a̴l̸ ̶u̷n̵t̶i̶l̶ ̵t̶h̸e̶ ̵w̶e̷i̸r̷d̸ ̵c̶o̷r̸r̷u̶p̸t̴e̷d̷ ̶m̷a̵t̷h̵ ̴e̵q̵u̷a̷t̵i̵o̷n̴!̵ ̴L̶i̸t̸e̷r̷a̵l̷l̶y̶ ̷s̴o̵ ̸c̸o̷o̵l̷!̸!̶ ̶I̷ ̶a̴m̸ ̶s̵o̶ ̷g̷l̶a̸d̸ ̷I̵ ̷d̵o̶w̵n̷l̴o̵a̷d̴e̵d̷ ̸t̴h̵i̶s̸ ̵g̷a̸m̵e̸!̵
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  • 8 out of 10!!

    In the game, WHY DOES HE HIT KIDS WITH AN RULER!? He can use a hammer or anything else. It will be good if you had a weapon to slow him down. Also why can’t you add an art class????? You should put easier questions and another killer. Named Sam that is a construction worker that uses an wrench to kill. Plus there should be an secret room to hide from him. You should also be able to hide in lockers. Why aren’t there other students it’s a school it needs more kids. There should also be a person on your side named Aaron who helps you. By the way is baldi the principal? There sould also be one that you go on a field trip to the zoo and a evil zoo keeper takes all of the dangerous animals out of the cage. There should be a poisonous snake that bites you. In conclusion, you should have more life’s. Also, you should be able to make your character. Second, you should be able to write and also, you should have a thing to help with work. 🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓😎🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🥸🥸🥸🥸🥸🥸🥸🥸🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓😎😎😎😎😎😎😎🥸🥸😎😎😎😎🤓🤓😎🥸🤓🤓🥸😎
  • read this pls all of it

    ok, so, this game is amazing. The reason I’m putting one star is cus why not mostly everyone checks the one star page. There are a lot of trolls putting one star and just spam nonsense in the description, so ignore those. some people even say that the last question is impossible, so maybe that’s a glitch? nah how’s that a glitch that’s what gets the game going. There are tons of glitches in this game, but that’s every game. They all have glitches one way or another. All that said, this game isn’t educational. OF COURSE IT ISNT IT SAYS SO IN THE FREKING DESCRIPTION LOL!!1!11!1

    so now u know that this game is amazing, but maybe u can add more updates to it, since I haven’t seen this game updated in years. Other than that, amazing game. I highly recommend this game if u want something hard and fun and sorta creepy.
  • 1 star trollers.

    Ignore all those dumb little 5 year olds and trolls leaving reviews about stupid stuff. They are complaining that it’s “too scary,” when THATS THE POINT. It literally says at the start of the game that this is a horror game. People also complain that the game has impossible questions, which is stupid because that’s the point. They are supposed to be impossible so that the game can actually start. More of those little kids also complain that the game is “impossible,” when that is not even true. I beat it in like an hour. Those little kids just need to get good. Not to mention all the trolls leaving 1 star reviews, but their descriptions say nonsense. Try the game out if you like some sort of challenge, and not some little kid that gets scared easily. I hope that some people who actually look through the reviews find this one, so they know why there are actually so many 1 star reviews. That is all.

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