User Reviews: Baldi's Basics Classic

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Top reviews

  • Awesome

    I've seen a lot of lets play youtubers play this, but sadly, I didn't have a computer to try it myself. But when I found out there was a mobile version, I couldn't wait to try it out. And overall, it's pretty great. The only thing I wish I could have is a regular arrow controller (like in minecraft) instead of a joystick. I know a log of people like using a joystick so you should make that the default, but you should also make an option for an arrow controller cuz to me, its a little less frustrating. Other than that, I have nothing to say. Great job!
  • Update?

    This is great! I see nothing wrong with it! The only thing is that this is the old version of the game. I would see if you could update it with the elevator! Ytp points! And the 3 new characters given (Charles, ms pomp, and beanz) that way I could play the updated version instead of just. Old classic one. Overall great game its just like the original game. The people complaining about it being too hard r just probably bad at the game, because it IS beatable
  • Idk it’s pretty good

    This game is so much fun but ever since I got it there was one problem, I never knew how to get the “shiny quarter” from Baldi.
    I downloaded the game and went up to my room to play the game. (I thought that it would be peaceful and quiet at first) I opened the game and chickened out a bit. I found the first notebook and got all of the answers correct. Baldi then gave me a “shiny quarter” and I pressed everything I could only to get that quarter because I watch too many Baldi videos and know that the quarter actually does something. (Somehow I forgot about what it does) the game is amazing except for a few glitches that I’m not sure have to do with anything or if anyone else is experiencing this too. :)
  • This is the best and funniest game ever

    This game is clearly awesome I love it and it does deserve a five star. However I still have a few suggestions. 1.Can you please turn Baldi’s speed down just a little when he starts going really fast after getting the first 2 notebooks? 2.Please I don’t want to sound crazy but can you please also make that jiberish math problem for example the second notebook’s last problem a tad bit more clear for everyone? Thank you that’s pretty much all I had to ask for and all my suggestions thanks again good luck to all my Baldi Basics players.
  • 🍪🍪💖💖

    I got this game a few weeks ago because I was playing the roblox versions, so I just got the real app. I absolutely love this game!! The only thing I would suggest changing is when you first enter the game every single time you have to do the intro where you get one notebook and Baldi gives you a quarter. After a while it got annoying. Maybe it would be better if there was like a skip option or something? But otherwise the game is awesome and I love it💖💖💖
  • So great!

    I L-O-V-E, Love this game! I’ve heard a lot of my friends talk about this game and recently I finally downloaded it and I really liked it! The sound on my phone doesn’t work so it’s a bit harder, so I kinda get jump-scared whenever Baldi comes around, but for me that’s a fun thing about it. Math is also my favorite subject in school so that’s another part that I like and it kinda helps because we don’t do negative numbers when subtracting so I can still do it. I’m also glad that there is a secret room in the game but I can’t pause or get out of the game in the room, and I don’t really understand what to do in there. I also got my brother to download this game and we’ve had a lot of fun, and since I like math he makes me do the math when he’s playing heh heh. So far I’ve gotten to 4 books and I’ve had lots of fun with it (sorry I’m saying that too much, I can’t really think how to write this). I would definitely recommend this to people that like math and suspense. Welp that’s all I can really think of so,

    Sincerely PrincessTia (nickname)
  • This is not what it seems

    Ok now Baldi’s basics so I’m givin a warning to grown ups this game you think your kid can learn all about math your wrong this is a horror game when you do a problem wrong Baldi’s will jump scare you so if you see a bully he will take your quarters from Baldi if you run in the hallways the priceabel will come to you and you stay in the office for 15 seconds if you see a sweap or hear somebody say sweap sweap sweap your in a dead end and if you see a weird thing with a heart he will bring you to baldi ok that’s it give it to your 6 year old only 😱it’s jumpscare game It’s a good game
  • I like it but...

    So I really like Baldy‘s basics because it is a really good game it’s where you have to find his notebooks and answer his questions but if you answer anyWrong he will get really mad and you start smacking his ruler and if he gets you it will show a jump scare it’s not really that scary it’s just a picture of his face and it’s really good game and there’s different mods but there is a secret ending that I haven’t really got to yet but it’s a very very good game and I hope you guys like it too I really like it too because it allows you to do a math while you’re playing a game so the answer is math problems sometimes I get hard sometimes It take away but in this one it only does plus and minus!!
  • Love this game & #support1stprize

    So this game IS not as what It seems...
    It is IMPOSSIBLE! So hard! Only can get 4 notebooks for me and before I know it, I was caught or I closed the game for jumpscare’s sake. I love this game and watched it a kajillion (100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000) times! I know all about it, but my problem is playing it. I can’t get 5-6 noteboos! It’s not a glitch, it’s gust that the game is too hard for me! Please make it easier and my favorite character if Baldi himself and 1st Prize! I was upset too as well he was only in Baldi’s Basics in Education and Learning and Baldi’s Basics Full Game Early Demo! Until 2.0 of Baldi’s Basics ➕, when he was added!

    Sincerely, DagiDaNoob.
  • Good, but baldi is a little to fast

    I love this game. It’s everything a game should be! But occasionally I would get a whole notebook wrong, (idk how to do subtraction that good ok!?) and baldi would go chainsaw mode. He would go so fast the sound of his ruler would glitch out! Now this would be ok if it was the first notebook, and baldi just got stuck on the door, like that weird glitch, but at the time I first found this out I was at 5 notebooks. Needless to say, the last thing a heard and saw was a “BBBBZZZZZT!!!” And the scissors of death.
    Other than that baldi basics is a great game and I highly recommend it!

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