User Reviews: MyGrange

Grange Insurance Association Inc.

Top reviews

  • Registration Problems

    1-star because this app has the same problem as many other organizations in that they only accept ONE name as the main name on the account. And of course, it’s probably going to be the man’s name. I have learned that whenever we set up insurance, utilities, or any financial contract, everyone goes into a complete tizzy when we expect to both be treated equally. When we both expect to have the power to deal with the details of the account. This leftover crap from patriarchy has to go! Modernize your forms, people! In most households, both partners are working! And even if they aren’t, both partners should have equal access to information! I don’t want to have to go find my husband and ask permission so I can get a simple question answered!!
  • Cumbersome app that doesn’t work

    It couldn’t find my policy information. Also requires way too much info to be entered to register for someone to enter on their phone. And does the password really need such stringent requirements?
  • Great app

    Great app! Clean user interface. Easy to use. Was able to get my policy information, view billing and installment data. Looking forward for new features.
  • Does what an insurance App should

    Insurance ID card on your phone and an easy setup to report claims or pay your bills. This app does what you need it to do. Would be great to see it let you make changes to your account in a future revision!

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