Better organize your receipts with the Mastercard Receipt Management™ app.
Phase out paperwork, improve cash management and streamline expense tracking.
Mastercard Receipt Management lets you digitally capture business receipts with your smartphone, and categorize, manage and delete them for efficient record keeping.
Effortlessly capture and manage paper and emailed receipts - Sort receipts by merchant, purchase date and more.
Efficiently upload and access your data – Upload receipt images and data to the cloud where it can be exported for later use by you, as well as bookkeepers, accountants and supervisors.
Easily supplement receipt data – Provide additional information such as whether the expense was business vs. personal, expense category, payment type and notes.
How to use the Mastercard Receipt Management app:
• Take pictures of business receipts or import them from your smartphone
• Add supplemental data, such as transaction date, merchant name, amount,
payment type, etc.
• Categorize transactions (personal vs. business, meals vs. hotel vs. other)
and attach notes
• Utilize the multiple filtering and sorting options to view only the specific
receipts needed
• Export images and/or data in PDF or CSV format
• Save images and data with all the benefits and security that cloud storage
Capture, enhance, sort and share receipts in a snap.
Exclusively for all Mastercard Small Business credit, debit and prepaid cardholders in the United States.
ONLY!!! for MasterCard Small Business credit card owners
You cannot use this app (create log-in account) unless you have this type of MasterCard.
Only AFTER downloading this app, reading through the wonderful receipt saving functions of this app, safely entering only the first 8 digits of your MasterCard, entering name on your card to create a log in account does it CLEARLY state this is for MasterCard Small Business cardholders only.
After rechecking the App description, this restriction is stated on the last line after scrolling down to the bottom.
Feels like data harvesting... why not make this clear by stating “App only for MASTERCARD SMALL BUSINESS CARDHOLDERS” before begining log-in account creation process - instead of afterwards. :/