Sanita CP Egypt

Sanita CP Egypt


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Rating summary

About Sanita CP Egypt

  • Released
  • Updated
  • iOS Version
  • Age Rating
  • Size
  • Devices
  • Languages
  • September 29, 2019
  • December 24, 2024
  • 10.0+
  • 4+
  • 41.84MB
  • iPhone, iPod
  • American English


Developer of Sanita CP Egypt

Sanita CP Egypt screenshot #1 for iPhone
Sanita CP Egypt screenshot #2 for iPhone
Sanita CP Egypt screenshot #3 for iPhone
Sanita CP Egypt screenshot #4 for iPhone
Sanita CP Egypt screenshot #5 for iPhone
Sanita CP Egypt screenshot #6 for iPhone
Sanita CP Egypt screenshot #7 for iPhone

What's New in Sanita CP Egypt


June 1, 2021

bug fixes

Alternatives to Sanita CP Egypt

More Applications by MEDIAPAK Co


Is Sanita CP Egypt compatible with iPad devices?

No, Sanita CP Egypt doesn’t work on iPad devices.

Who is the app developer of Sanita CP Egypt?

MEDIAPAK Co is the developer of the app.

What’s the minimum iOS requirement for the Sanita CP Egypt app?

The minimum supported iOS version for the app is 10.0.

How does the Sanita CP Egypt app rank among users?

The Sanita CP Egypt app has received no user ratings yet.

What is the primary genre of the Sanita CP Egypt app?

The Primary Genre Of The Sanita Cp Egypt App Is Business.

What is the latest version of Sanita CP Egypt?

The latest Sanita CP Egypt version released is 1.0.2.

What is the latest update date for Sanita CP Egypt?

The latest Sanita CP Egypt update was rolled out on December 24, 2024.

Could you provide information on the release date of Sanita CP Egypt?

The Sanita CP Egypt app launched on February 5, 2023.

What is the content advisory rating of the Sanita CP Egypt app?

The Sanita CP Egypt app contains no objectionable material and is suitable for children aged MEDIAPAK Co.

What languages does Sanita CP Egypt support?

You can use the Sanita CP Egypt app in American English.

Is Sanita CP Egypt available in Apple Arcade's lineup?

No, Sanita CP Egypt is not available on Apple Arcade.

Are there in-app purchases available in Sanita CP Egypt?

No, Sanita CP Egypt does not offer in-app purchases.

Does Sanita CP Egypt support Apple Vision Pro compatibility?

No, Sanita CP Egypt does not support compatibility with Apple Vision Pro.

Does Sanita CP Egypt display any ads?

No, Sanita CP Egypt does not display any ads.