Art of War User Reviews

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  • Potential but yawn.

    First looks are promising, but the potential is completely wasted. Just endless click and view quick battles with no strategy.
    They had an bonus challange in the Headhunt section once that was far better than the rest of the game, where you battled to take over forts and towns. But it has never reappeared. In all, a very disappointing waste of potential.
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    Developer Response

    Hello, we are working on expedition mode and soon we will have more levels, new gameplay, and expedition as the permanent mode.
  • Super Fun Game, Ads only if you want to watch them!

    I honestly don’t think I’ve left a review on a game before. However this game was such a breathe of fresh air, that I felt compelled to. When reading reviews I noticed the developers took pride in producing a game where you can be successful without spending a dime or being spammed with ads. After reading that it peaked my interest and got me to download. I was very pleased to find nothing but truth in the developers statement. It’s a great time waster game that I truly enjoying playing!! The fact that they don’t spam you with ads makes me more likely to watch a few to triple my winnings or to take advantage of the free coins three times a day. Thanks guys for a great game!
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  • Big Fun

    If you’re the kid who wants prices in game lowered for troops because you have trouble choosing between a phone game and doing your homework, you have a few things to work on there bud. Took me doing one set of headhunt challenges, and watching one video for the 4x multiplayer and I made over 100k... on a side note, do your homework, get a good job, buy some gems and bang, no more grinding!

    Had to write my first review of a game because of these guys. No need to be so proud of me, I get it. Try finding another game with no forced adds, the sense of progression, no energy to worry about, and an couple efficient ways to earn the paid currency (gems). Yeah, it went with the classic battle pass type deal. If you have the money, sure, get it. Just remember, you won’t have that same sense of progression over time! Fun way to kill some time, without the aggravation of overwhelming ads and such
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    Developer Response

    Thank you for the great review and thank you for supporting our game and bringing the light on reviews made by kids.
  • Fun but repetitive.

    The game is pretty fun at first and i love the amount of heroes and troops but every map is the same and there isn’t really much to do... I would love to see more options like other maps, different game mode and more challenges and rewards! and shorter the amount of time you have to wait for chests, my god even being able to create your own base! I see so much potential for the game! i hope you get to read this because I am loving the game and I don’t usually like mobile games.

    In conclusion, game is worth a try. Thank you and good luck!
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  • Great idea, great execution, poor use of micro transactons

    Lemme start of by saying this game is great. Playing for about a week and I’m loving it all. Great idea and good execution of it. Almost feels like an idle game while having the perfect amount of control. A+ on every expect of except the micro transactions.

    I’m all for them if it’s worth it. But 7$ a week for some in game currency, 10% discount on the shop and 30% time reduction on your “chest” prizes??? Not worth it in the slightest. Make these chest timers disappear, give us no ads, or some sort of inventive to buy this extremely overpriced VIP subscription. Or, simply just sell it as a one time deal. 5 bucks: no timers or no ads or extra daily in game currency. OR bundle it all together! The subscription is a waste of a GUI.

    As well, the watching ads button is disabled on my game, so can’t cash that in either.
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  • Nearly a great game

    First of all, I love this game. Really great to start and feel like you’re getting far. Really wouldn’t change all that much.
    1. A tab to edit your army outside of the battle screen is a must.
    2. The ability to zoom in on your army.
    3. The reactions of the fighters in the back 2 lines is way off. There have been times where my entire back lines have focused on the enemy mass, instead of the stuff attacking from the rear, as they had been placed there to defend. Maybe a customize tactics screen for all deployed units would help with this. This alone cost you the 5th star.
    4. The normal packs and the Super packs do not carry enough value. I would rather draw more expensive packs in the battle screen and build up lucky points and gamble on the rarer troops in that screen than try to pull cards from the shop.
    5. Once I got that first epic hero, I never bothered to change it. Didn’t feel the need to and nothing else seemed to be an upgrade on paper. Making the heroes appear rarely in the packs you can pull from battle or maybe 1 out of the 3 in the Lucky Time screen might make these more viable. As it is right now, upgrading them is tedious, slow, and far too expensive.

    Again, love the pacing. It’s a very satisfying game to play. The common currency packs a whole lot of value punch and the ability to triple your coins after each battle with optional ad views is pure genius. Well done, developers and best of luck with updates!
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    Developer Response

    Hello, thank you for your suggestions, as for the edit army outside the battle screen, can you tell us why we need to do so, and how we better to realize it. As for zoom in we already have zoom in during battle please thy to manipulate camera view with two fingers. As for other suggestions we agree and think they are cool! We will work on that!
  • Cool game

    This game is a lot of fun the battles are quick the only things that I hope can be added is some type of clan system. so you can play with friends or you can have battles with different clans or your clan can help fight a boss of some sort. Also when you get to the higher levels like 250 or 300 it doesn’t get any harder the highest number of enemy troops it can get to is 300 so it would be cool if the enemy could get harder to beat. Another thing is that water should be added because if you can have battles in the sea it would give players something else to work towards after completing the land battles. Lastly can we get presets so if you wanted to change the formation you can but still have your old formation.
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  • It’s kinda a scam

    The game itself is good but the prices for the level four troop is bad it’s only supposed to be 60,000 but it’s 120,000 sure the chances of getting a card four time is slim but they didn’t have to double the price of it they could’ve been nice and said “let’s let the prices be better for kids” but what happens when a kid what the level four troop and has to choose to do homework or play a game and then forget to do his homework so I say lower the prices to 60,000 for the level four then keep dividing by two for the rest of the prices if you really care about the people that play your game and not just want them to spend their moms money on the game because think about the company ea games they have fallen down because they wanted money don’t let your company fall down like they have so please listen to me not just for the sake of kids time but their moms money or their dads money and for the sake of your company I am a kid to but today I act like an adult why because we kids are becoming obsessed with video games I’m not saying don’t stop the I’m saying lower your prices so kids don’t have to grind weeks mouths days for just one level four star troop listen to me from,Francisco Rumbo
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    Developer Response

    Really sorry you say so, our game can be easy played without a penny spend and without single ads to be watched, the time you spend for watching an ad can be substituted by 3 battles requiring the same time duration. Our email address is
  • Game crashed. Lost a lot of gems and money

    I’m up to level 3311 in the home screen and I am like level 605 in the arena. I saved a lot of gems and a lot of money ever since I started playing. The other day the game crashed and I lost all money and gems. As you can imagine that was a lot of hours of playing this game and when I contacted customer support they just said it’s impossible to have that many gems and money. The only option I have to get all that money and gems back is to pay for it all. Wish there was a site for trusted game developers. So many hours spent playing this game. Just to get kicked to the curb
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    Developer Response

    Did you try to restore the progress with load function?Were you logged in with FB or Google Play? And we sorry to say, but it's nonsense our developers never ever will say something that you claim that "you should pay to get your progress back", please contact us and make sure you didn't misunderstand something! Are you that user who claims to have 195 thousand gems lost?! You can add our Discord and ask other players whether it is real or not to have 195 k gems.
  • Suggestion

    Ditch the whole “battle dance” they tend to spin around each other and tend to miss or attack the air if two troops are fighting they should be locked on to each other and not spin around so much as well as if more then one is attacking a single troop one more is dedicated Troops should engage the closest targets and not try and run into enemy lines lastly archers and ranged should not rush the front lines like is they have my chance at survival (more realistic and easier to strategize your lineup) and I would love to see more troop diversity unlike how you have a class from each faction adding the necromancer was a great addition I understand this is a lot but I wouldn’t of taken the time write this if I didn’t feel like this game could beat a game such as “clash Royale” you guys made a wonderful game with amazing potential no other game like this could put beat this right now
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