User Reviews: Warriors Characters

Top reviews

  • I have tips/questions about the pages

    So why did they exclude that one of bramblestar’s half-brothers is hawkfrost? And I feel like there are some more cats that have wrong info on their pages. I feel like moonlight from the sisters should have a profile pic. And cinderpelt should not be able to stand on all fours, brightheart’s ear should be torn off. And another thing about bramblestar, why is he on the dark forest? And when did spottedleaf come back from the dead, and get killed twice. And a lot more of the sisters profiles should have pics. I feel like some cats are either not there or in the wrong clan/group. I feel like there were more half-siblings for bramblestar. And did bramblestar get put in the dark forest because of his doppelgänger? For some reason I feel like feathertail should look different.

    -Splotched-pelt of thunderclan
  • This App is way off

    To begin with, some of the cats depictions are way off compared to the actual book. Secondly when you pull up the details about the cats themselves, some of the descriptions about the cats are way off as well. For instance if you pull up Tigerstar for example and look at his positions it says the following Tigerkit, Tigerpaw, TIGERHEART, then Tigerstar. But if you really know the books and have read the series the you will know that Tigerstars warrior name was Tigerclaw not TIGERHEART. A lot of these descriptions are this way, and some of them even have there family members and descendants completely wrong as well. Lastly, when you pull up some of descriptions there are spelling errors….really come on. In general this app is definitely not worth installing. It’s completely unprofessional and sloppy. If you want to truly know about the warrior cats then just read the books, heck even if you haven’t read the books just grab a couple of the series books that are in order and just glance over the list of names of the cats and there positions and it will give you more information than this.
  • I can’t believe thistleclaw was whitestorms father :O

    This is a great way to keep track of all the warrior cats, find out there kin and what they look like! But I can’t believe some of this stuff like thistleclaw was whitestorms father (I haven’t read that far in the books so) my OC is lilywhisker, just informing you. And I thought Sorreltail was a brown cat but I’m dumb huh? That’s how I found out she’s not. And the reason the thing at the tops hard to believe is that thistleclaw was a contemptuous and bloodthirsty (DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUN LOL) and whitestorms was a loyal warrior all his life. But, not that hard because tiger(claw)star was the same way and brambleclaw and tawnypelt weren’t. All I have to see see ya in my next review! Try to get more warriors books! I’ma go play wildcraft now and look for creepypastas! Also, one complaint. I can’t find some of the cats that were in the series that Im reading… AND why do most of the cats instead of they’re profile and stuff there’s just a dumb leaf in the way do you have an explanation for this?
  • My life story part two

    I’m snowpelt from thunder clan Enjoy my life story part two! I swam to the river bank, cold, wet, and scared. I thought, if the leader was smiling at me then he was up to something, he had set me up! I felt tired and had pain in my back and fainted… I woke up in a barn with a dart in my paw I pulled it out and bled,mice were everywhere, but I was warm and dry. I saw 50 cats around me “are you okay?” Said a handsome black Tom “yeah…” I said “good” said a gray kit named fuzzy “uhhhhhhhh…” I said standing up on all four paws I tumbled to the ground a sparkle in the handsome black tom’s eyes, they were the wind clan I was given the job to be medicine cat. Their deputy said, “You are given the job of being the medicine cat to prove yourself worthy to be deputy when I am leader” I smiled at him He smiled back at me “yes sir” I said he nodded slightly as a fox entered and attacked me he stole the young kit “give me food or the kit will die!” Said the fox 🦊

    Read for part three!
  • Very good app but some things missing

    When I discovered warrior cats, I fell in love! This app tells me some things I don’t or already know. Although there are some things that needed fixing. Most cats have the exact same features as others. For example sky’star and Bristle’frost. They look the exact same in the app. I’m not mad because of this. They look close alike in the series. It’s not a bad issue for me so if you don’t want to, does not need to be fixed:) Another small issue that I have is some don’t have a tag. I know what most of the cats without tags look like, but I just think that others who want to learn more want to see exactly what the character looks like. Now again it doesn’t need to be fixed but those are some issues that I think need to be fixed. -May
  • I love this game but there’s a few things I think should be fixed.

    Hi my name is Flashfur of windclan and I hope the couple of things I mention will be added to the game 1. I love the game don’t take me wrong, but I think each character should have a life story. 2. I am a big warrior cats fan and as such I believe you should be able to make your own clan with your favorite cats. Including naming the clan. 3. Last but not least I think you should be able to make your own cats. As you can see this game has almost everything, it’s free to play and it’s a great thing to do for a few minutes each day. I completely recommend this game. It helps me so much when I am trying to connect family trees. Please checkout this game it’s awesome for people interested in the warrior cats series.
  • Its okay 👌

    Hi, this is Sparrowpelt from ThunderClan! This app is pretty good when I’m reading the Warriors books and I am introduced to a new character! But… I can’t help but notice and state the mistakes that are in the app… 1. In the app, Ravenpaw has blue eyes, when he should have amber/yellow 2. Bluestar’s shoulder wound was on her torso on the app 3. Brokenstar’s/Brokentail’s eyes weren’t blinded, or at least damaged 4. Ok, ok, ok! This one is probably just me, but Millie was always described as a grey tabby. BUT in the graphic novel she was a light brown. And because Graystripe’s graphic novel was the first Warriors book I read, I still say she’s brown! 5. I don’t really like how some cats’ profiles show what they look like and some don’t. And I totally get that out of the MILLION Warriors characters, only some are actually important to the story. Some cats were only mentioned, and thats why they don’t have a design, but there is a wiki page for literally everything, so it would make a little more sense if they all had designs! 6. Eh I’m lazy Other than those things this app is great! Keep up the good work! 😊
  • Hmm

    I love this game so much! I’m obsessed with the warriors series, I have ALL the books…so…who’s domino? I’m pretty sure he’s not a kitty pet/rouge in the warriors series. I wish there was a way we could edit the characters ourselves because you dont have nightheart, or that fringewhisker is part of shadowclan and is spireclaws mate. This is a good app, but you need to update so badly. If you update can you please make it so that we can add cats based on new books? Also, so many cats have no pictures and I love drawing and the warrior cats, so can we send in fan art ? You also messed up with Lark song(TC) because you said he died of “prey sickness”. It was actually from the poisoning in a meadow saffron! Otherwise this is a good app. I mostly use it to track bright heart and sorrel tail and fern cloud because they had so many kits and it’s hard to remember them all. Oh, and you didn’t update squirrelflights kits. Her foster children were jayfeather, holly leaf, and lionblaze. Her real children were alderheart sparkpelt dandelionkit and juniperkit. Just FYI. And it’s not bramblestars imposter. It’s ash fur. I’m so sorry, this really is a good app, but on bellaleafs profile what’s a bloner and a kkittypot? And you didn’t update stemfurs kits. (Hint: one was bristlekit after the dead cat bristlefrost) guys get this app it’s good I just want them to update some stuff
  • It was great!

    Hi!!! This is Sunflight of Lakeclan. The app was very helpful for knowing the cats and clans, although there is some stuff I think you got wrong. First, on Bluestars profile, it’s says that her death was drowned. That was part of her death. She died when dogs chased her into the gorge, or a river, and that was too much for her. So she died. And in the kin section, it only shows Mosskit as her daughter, Not mistystar. Also, in the place of no stars, I think you mean the dark forest resident. AND, THEY DID’T INCLUDE SCORGE!!!!! I mean, scorge is DEFINITELY in the dark forest! I’m sorry if I’m being rude, but it’s true. Other than that, the apps great!
  • I only rated 5 so it shows up- I give it 3

    Well… It’s mostly accurate, but for example, Bluestar’s death wasn’t completely true. Yeah, she died in a river, but she was attacked by dogs first, then fell down the gorge, THEN drowned. Please be more specific when explaining. Also, you need to be more accurate on the looks of the cats profile image. Longtail, for instance, is not the brown he should be. He’s supposed to be WAY more pale, with black stripes and BLUE eyes. Please, look at images of characters on google or something, because that’s not accurate. Also, Rowanclaw’s eyes are NOT green. I’m starting to think you guys are getting lazy when making these characters, because Tawnypelt is a TORTOISESHELL, NOT A PALE BROWN TABBY. PLEASE look back at the character and make sure things are more specific, and more ACCURATE. Then, I’ll make a new Review.

    I’d really appreciate these changes :)
    -Warrior Cats Fan 😜

Alternatives to Warriors Characters