User Reviews: Warriors Characters

Top reviews

  • Just one thing.

    Not trying to be rude at all but some of the characters don’t look how they’re described. Now, this isn’t a huge deal but it could be misleading to those using this app as a source to see how some characters look. The only character I’m going to use as an example is Thistleclaw from Thunderclan. He’s either black or dark gray in this app. I looked closer and saw spots on him. He does have white on him so that’s something you got right, but he doesn’t have spots. He is gray, but he isn’t that dark gray to the point where he’s almost black. Another thing is that you guys left out Nightkit in Tigerstar’s page. Nightkit was one of his sisters along with Mistkit (who you did mention.) That’s the only mistakes I felt I should mention. Again, not a big deal, but I figured you guys would want to correct your mistakes to make the app better and more accurate so nobody’s misled while using the app as a resource for Warriors. I’m trying to help you guys make the app better, that’s all. I see nearly everyone’s used an oc name once they’ve completed their review so I guess I’ll do it. -Lioneyes from Windclan.
  • First of all, thank you for this app.

    Hello! This is Perchflight of ShadowClan. This app is very useful for when I write fanfictions that take place in the real books. It lets me dive deeper into the character’s appearances and family and ranks. Though some things seem… wrong.
    1. One-eye is described differently than her picture. This is a very simple problem that many cats on the app have and can easily be fixed.
    2. As a fanfiction writer, I’d like the ability to make my own clan grouping and to be able to edit my own clan cats. This would help me keep my clans more organized rather than having to use Google Docs to keep up with them. I know this app is supposed to be used for information solely, but I think this addition would please many fanfiction writers.
    3. Cloverfoot is said to go from kit to warrior on her page. My friend and me investigated, and this glitch has also appeared on the Warrior’s Wiki, so I know this is not your fault. I think it would be in our best interests if you at least fixed it on this app.
    5. Violetshine is a favorite cat of mine, and also a main character, yet she doesn’t have a picture? That doesn’t make very much sense!
    6. I bet you didn’t see that I skipped 4.
    7. I bet you grinning about how stupid you are.
    8. I bet you’re thinking about how all these suggestions are great ideas.
    9. I bet you’re adding these suggestions to your app now.

    - Perchflight of ShadowClan
  • ♥️♥️♥️ but...

    Ok so I love this app. It has been so useful for me to find out more about the people from warriors. But I have some suggestions. One, you should make it so you can pick what series you’re on every time you enter the app, so that way there’s no spoilers. I am only on The New Prophecy (series 2) book 4, Starlight and there is a lot of spoilers in there that I do not understand, like what is Tall Shadow’s Camp? Two, you should add pictures to the cats like Pebbleshine and Patchpelt. I’m not sure if you already have and it’s just not working or what. Anyways, I ♥️♥️♥️ this app it is helpful just PLEASE add a menu where you can switch the series you are on so you can see what the data of the cats is in that series. Like, Bramblestar would still be Brambleclaw, and he wouldn’t be dead, and so forth.
  • Great but something’s wrong…

    So when I found this I got it. But then I realized things that don’t go there…go on bluestar and it says she drowned. She jumped in a gorge. And still on bluestar its doesn’t mention mistystar. The scar on her torso should be on her shoulder. And on longtails profile he’s brown. He is supposed to be kinda like a pale blonde tom. And on alderheart it shows his kin twice? And Squirrelflight should have a much fluffier tail. And on Squirrelflight it says “ squirrel queen “ and “ squirrel ghost.” Last WhErE Is bAtEaR. If you could fix this stuff it would be much better. Apologies for being rude- rosefall - from mist’clan
  • awesome app, but a few things need to change.

    Hey! It’s Raventail of nightclan! This is overall a great app, but I have a few complaints. First, not all of the written appearances match the artwork! It’s just annoying to me that you took the time to draw this cat and then drew it completely wrong! For instance, longtail, he is described as a pale brown or silver tabby with black stripes and a “V” shaped nick in his ear. He is dark brown, there are no black stripes, and the nick in his ear is nowhere to be seen! Secondly, the biographys don’t always match up with the true ones. Bluestar’s, for instance, her only kit is mosskit in your description, but there is no mention of the canon cats, stonefur and mistystar!? My final complaint is, if you take the time to draw most of the cats, please please please put pictures to all of them! Over half of the cats don’t have pictures, and I relie on those to see exactly what a character looks like! Other than that, it is mostly a great resource for beginner readers of the series. I would appreciate if you would fix these problems and it would be a most wonderful app.

  • Needs a Little Fixing

    Hi! I’m Wooden-(clan name) from basically any of the clans. I’ve been playing for a hour and I already see it’s great but needs a little fixing. First, I wish there was a setting so you could select which series it goes up to. What I mean is that so it only goes up to a certain series of characters and the characters info. Next, for a lot of the characters some of the information is wrong! Then, it shows you so many characters but for a lot of them not even a quarter of there info is filled out. Please fix these things and a lot of people will be happy! Wooden OUT ~ P.S. Make is so there might be info on the author of warrior cats. ALSO, DOVEWINGS FATHER IS NOT BIRCHFALL! ITS CLOUDTAIL!
  • Great app but…a few things

    Hewo!so this is a great app but it doesn’t show some of the pictures which is a little disappointing (I don’t know if I spelled that right or not)but anyway this app doesn’t show some of the kins I read all the other review things and that is where I got that from. So this app also doesn’t include some of the cats I have foun like 2 that doesn’t show also on one of the review things it said that Longtail an a couple others aren’t the right colors or have a scar in the wrong place (Bluestar,has a scar in the wrong place it is on her side not her shoulder) anyway overall this is a great app just a few thing that aren’t right(even some of the main characters!) that you need to work on please I agree with all the reviews other people have written please chang/fix them so thank you if you read this!
  • Great app but some suggestions

    So I had this app for a few days and it was fun finding out about the clan cats like the key information about them.

    I also think that maybe you should add some things like adding information about what the character really did or his/her past. Or even key things that happened that involved his or her.

    I still think that this app is really great for those who want to know more about the cats in the series Warriors.
  • Wonderful

    Hi!! Adderflower from ShadowClan here! This app is great, and it is a great source if you want to track the Warriors books as you read them, the app is also very helpful if you want to understand a certain characters family and they’re past affiliations. However this app does need to be updated, I know there are certain characters who have died in the series but don’t show up as dead in their ‘profile.’ Other then that though, I wouldn’t change a thing:)
  • It’s Great, Except for 2 Things

    Before, I would put 5 stars. For some reason, the app will only stay open on my iPhone for a minute or two then quit to the home screen.
    If it was longer periods of time, it wouldn’t be as frustrating, but between the ads and having no back button so having to continuously sort through the Clans makes it impossible to do anything.
    Please fix this, and while you’re at it, add a back button!

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