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About Sika Beton App

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Developer of Sika Beton App

Sika Beton App screenshot #1 for iPhone
Sika Beton App screenshot #2 for iPhone
Sika Beton App screenshot #3 for iPhone
Sika Beton App screenshot #4 for iPhone
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What's New in Sika Beton App


February 27, 2020

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Alternatives to Sika Beton App

More Applications by Sika Informationssysteme AG


Is Sika Beton App available on iPad devices?

Yes, the Sika Beton App software is iPad-compatible.

Who is behind the development of the Sika Beton App app?

Sika Informationssysteme AG is the developer of the app.

What is the minimum iOS version to run the Sika Beton App app?

The app needs iOS 11.0 or later to function properly.

What is the overall rating of the Sika Beton App app?

Sika Beton App has a user rating of 5.

What is the main genre of the Sika Beton App app?

Productivity Is The Primary Genre Of The Sika Beton App App.

What is the latest version of Sika Beton App?

The latest Sika Beton App version released is 1.1.0.

When was the last update for Sika Beton App released?

The date of the last Sika Beton App update is January 6, 2025.

When was Sika Beton App introduced to the market?

The Sika Beton App app was initially released on February 6, 2023.

What age rating does Sika Beton App have?

The Sika Beton App app is rated Sika Informationssysteme AG: Contains no objectionable material.

Which languages does Sika Beton App support?

Sika Beton App currently features the following languages: English.

Is Sika Beton App available in Apple Arcade's lineup?

No, Sika Beton App is not available on Apple Arcade.

Are there in-app purchases available in Sika Beton App?

No, Sika Beton App does not offer in-app purchases.

Is Sika Beton App tailored for Apple Vision Pro compatibility?

Unfortunately, Sika Beton App is not tailored for compatibility with Apple Vision Pro.

Are there any advertisements in Sika Beton App?

No, there are no advertisements in Sika Beton App.