A heroic ninja warrior adventure set in a setting of medieval Japan with its own creatures and monsters. An action fighting game with hack n slash as well as rpg elements where you can be legendary warrior. The first ever console level soul game experience for mobile devices.
- Takashi
The story belongs to Tochi, a land of secrets. Takashi was a mentor to King's military and a protector to people and their lands before corruption. Takashi is now faced with an unexpected reality to fight against his own king who got corrupted with dark powers.
- A Legend of Medieval Japan
Land of Tochi is in grave danger. Takashi fights for honour by defeating the fierce monsters and uncovering the deepest secrets along the way. A marvellous fighting game where a legend rises for his people in the medieval Japan.
- Features
Character upgrades, Inventory management, Spells and abilities, Unique weapons, Medieval Japan, World exploration, Immersive side quests, Indoor/outdoor fights, Highly detailed environments
Are you ready to become a legendary ninja samurai warrior, feeling the heat of tough battles? Will you save the people of your lands? Prepare for the battles in the corrupted world of an action filled adventure.
- Download Takashi for Free now.
Your feedback is highly appreciated.
Ok so I got the game and the movement it pretty bad also the story is all over it is old Japan but is knights as guards now I know this isn’t a big deal but it is for the story and makes its confusing, when you jumps it sounds like he is spiting i mean this party is import but these suggestions are below So the movement is just hard the turning is super duper sensitive and you move pretty fast so its not a good combo It also said how the details are in your surrounds but its and basic mobile game and the fighting mechanics are trash its sword and bow maybe add like dagger or a no staff like the games is a pretty basic ninja samari knight sword street fight mobile game you can find in the App Store its not bad but needs a lot of work