User Reviews: Glean Notes

Top reviews


    CRASHED ON ME AND LOST ALL MY NOTES! Was half way through class when it crashed and now the app won’t open again no matter how many time I refresh.

    Developer Response

    I'm sorry that you're having problems with the app. Please can you email us at and we can try to help. Thanks, David.
  • No scribble??

    Can’t use scribble, so there’s no way to add notes/use that feature. Why include it if it doesn’t work, not even with my finger. The toggles don’t work either.

    Developer Response

    Thanks for your feedback. Please can you email so we can troubleshoot, and get to the bottom of what's happening when you try to use this feature? Thanks, Emma.
  • Apple Pencil!!!

    Please update it to where we can use the Apple Pencil to take notes on the ppt slide that was imported!!! It would make the app so much better. Also I can only import one slide set, it would be nice to be able to import multiple slideshows.

    Please give me a response and I’ll change my rating!!!


    Developer Response

    Thanks for your feedback. It's not possible to import multiple slideshows into the same Event using Glean, but you can delete and replace your slides with an updated slide deck. Please email if you'd like to know more about this. Unfortunately it's not currently possible to use a stylus with Glean but we're hoping to bring this in as a future update. Thanks, Emma.
  • Apple pen functionalities?

    Seems like good app for what it is advertised to do, but it doesn’t interface well with the iPad/pencil combo. I’d love it if there was an update to allow handwritten notes within the app and also live captions, again, in app. :)

    Developer Response

    Thanks for your feedback. Although Glean doesn't currently support handwritten notes, we're hoping to bring this in as a future update. Live captions are available on certain Glean accounts. Please email if you'd like more information on this. Thanks, Emma.
  • App is better than website

    I use glean for my school and it’s great… only if it’s on phone. When it’s on my laptop or computer it takes forever to load, it overheats my laptop, it doesn’t play my audio recordings and it likes to stop working and freeze up while I use it. So this rating is for the website. Been using it for 2 and a half years now and I always had these problems. Thought it would get better but it seems to only get worse

    Developer Response

    Please can you email me at and I can take a look at what's happening. Thanks David.
  • App crashing

    Hello! I love this app and have been using it for my accommodations since 2021. Recently the app has been crashing on me a lot. I always make sure im on the latest update. If I add too many things too fast it will crash. This includes the regular notes, important notes, taking photos, and posting the slides. This is frustrating because I have to be able to add stuff quickly while im in class. If it crashes I then have to go back into the app and resume the recording so it will end up having a gap. I am not sure if it’s an issue with my phone or if it’s the app. I genuinely love glean it has helped me so much with school. Hopefully this can be solved in one way or another.

    Developer Response

    I'm sorry that you're having problems with Glean. Please can you email me at and I can try to help. Thanks David.
  • Needs better photos tool

    I’m a user of OneNote by choice, but I’m having to use this app as it was recommended to me by our accessibility department.

    In Microsoft OneNote, when I take a picture it has the option to take a photo, a whiteboard shot or a scan, I believe. In the latter of the two cases, it only captures the whiteboard and allows me to adjust for it. Even when taking a picture at an angle, Microsoft OneNote straightens it out as if I’m standing right in front of the board or screen. I would like to see better image capture tools for the app.
  • Needs pencil integration

    I have an account through my university for ADA Accommodations, however, I use my iPad and Apple Pencil for all my notes so I haven’t been able to really use this app since there is no pencil integration.
  • Making Glean better

    If we could edit the transcripts that would really help with clarity as Glean doesn’t always pick up what is being said accurately. Even if we could save and download the transcripts so we could fix it ourselves, that would be absolutely stellar. If you guys could achieve that then this app would definitely be a five star experience in my book.

    Developer Response

    Thank you for the review. Editing the transcript would be a great addition; hopefully something we can bring in a future update. If you use Glean on a computer then you can copy/paste the text into other applications. If you have any further ideas then please email me at we'd love to hear your feedback. Thanks David.
  • Why no transcription?

    I had given up on glean, and then I saw that you could transcribe and include slides, and I came back for the new semester, ready to try again. But I come to find out the transcription service is only available in the web app. Despite my iPad having 6gb ram and 2.49 gHz, I can’t transcribe. I don't even know if I could view the transcriptions afterwards on my iPad if I put the time in to go to the library to use a computer to transcribe.

    It’s not a usefool tool when I have 15 hours a week of transcribed audio and no quick way to go through it. For over a year I have tried to make it work for me. Transcription would save this tool for me, yet Glean doesn’t seem to want to make that an option for all learners, despite transcription coming out months ago.

    Developer Response

    Hi Ukeaboo. Transcription is available in the Glean mobile app (so long as you have this feature as part of your subscription). Simply click the transcription icon in the bottom left of your Event to get your transcript. If you don't see the transcription button then please email me at and I can check your subscription. Thanks David

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