Bullet Echo User Reviews

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  • improvements please

    could use allt of improvements a s maybe make the a
    space where we walk a little bigger and our characters a littl faster and pickn up things instantly instead of waiting for 2 seconds.
  • No oversight

    This game is plagued with nothing but bots and hackers, I probably have about 100 hours in this game and once you get up to high diamond the real players start to disappear. In battle royale your teammates will be bots, in squad v squad your team and the other team will be bots and/or hackers. Like a mirage able to jump over the map or a Bertha able to shoot through every wall. This game definitely needs a report account button at the end of the match to start cleaning up the game. Also many bugs and glitching, in king of the hill many times if I die with 6 people left, it gives me 12th place anyway. The sound cuts off frequently as well as straight up hard crashes. At this point in time, I would not recommend spending money in the game, you’re not paying for cosmetics, you’re paying to quickly upgrade your character or for new characters that generally play the same within each class. It’s saving grace is the fact that the matches are quick and playing with friends can at times be really fun, except when the game drops one or multiple players. But the game gets more and more frustrating as you progress through the ranks.
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  • Balance is needed

    This game is very fun and is very different from other game. But there is one problem that is balance of hero’s and skill level, put players with the same rank against you not with players that have over powered hero’s from other ranks, next make it so that hero’s can take on other hero’s if they get the jump on them or go head on into them because you die way to fast, one last thing add more hero’s and make them easier to obtain. Other than that it’s a fantastic game recommend it, just please fix this stuff it will make the game more fun and less annoying
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  • Makes me go insane

    Kind of an addictive game, but be prepared to always get destroyed. Your teammates are always dumb and below your level. They scatter and get themselves killed, or they would get shot in the middle of reviving you, and just run away leaving you to die, almost all the time. Once in a blue moon, it seems as if there’s a god on your team, but after that match you go back to getting demolished. It doesn’t even matter what level your hero is if certain characters will just always destroy no matter what abilities you use. It’s a stealthy game, sure, but in every gunfight I’m in, people just rush in like thirsty dogs and eat you alive. Also, losing the winning streak is possibly the biggest mood-killer I experience on mobile gaming. I would have one more match to go up, but somehow someone always rushes to my spawn and murders me on the spot. BS. That’s crazy how it always happens seconds after spawning, too, making you pay money to keep the streak going. If you get angry fast, you need to step away from this game, there is too much bullsh* that happens. This game is good, but the game definitely needs some more elbow grease to keep people from pulling their hair out.
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  • Great game

    I really like this game. I play it all the time. My only issue is I feel they have made certain players a little to overpowered. Giving the characters with the most health a full shield and a auto shotgun or machine gun puts a lower health lower damage character at a disadvantage almost every time especially at the ending of the round when the remaining players have full armor on top of the shields and big weapons. I love using speedy characters and I find going one on one with one of these characters 9 times out of 10 I won’t win even if I catch them unaware. I hope the game can be tweaked a bit so there is no advantage using any character to promote more balance and less of ppl just picking the bigger characters because they are harder to kill and have the strongest weapon. Other then that I think this game is one of my favorite mobiles games to date. I do have a question though. When you max out a character what happens to the cards of them you still receive? Do they turn into gold or batteries?
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  • A lot of potential, but here are some suggestions for improvement.

    The game is fun and addictive but Here are some things that would make the game 5 stars:
    -allow us to manually pick up items and give us an option to turn off auto-pickup on items. It becomes increasingly frustrating when you are trying to shoot someone but your character starts picking up items on the ground, making your character cancel his shooting and lose the engagement.

    -Allow us to switch between our primary and secondary weapons at all times, not just when the primary runs out of ammo.

    -give us the option to turn on manual firing as well as automatic firing. I understand that the game is built around auto fire, but I think the engagements will vastly improve with an option for manual firing. This will work because the bullets are all projectiles and have travel time. The skill level will increase because you will be able to time your shots. This is how it works in brawl stars, and it will make this game a lot more enjoyable and skillful.

    This is the first game I have reviewed on the App Store because I feel like the potential for this game is high.
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  • Great potential, unfinished

    First to get out the way - some bugs need fixing, snipers shoot through walls.
    I think some are complaining about balance issues who’ve hardly played the game. There are 4 upgrade paths for each hero, collect the cards and upgrade if you want to compete.. make the upgrades more easily attainable if you’re struggling to retain new players.
    Why have you nerfed my character Raven - you’ve removed the sight upgrade, armour upgrade, im fairly sure his speed and range has been reduced?
    Buffs/nerfs weren’t communicated at all - just ‘graphic, map, animation update’
    This has potential to be a great game, but it needs so much more, the reward unlocks through trophies is lacking, I’d like to see a reward path that gives sense of progression and incentivise the grind. Game modes, heroes, basically everything, needs filling out. Make me feel like I’m developing/improving my character/squad every day... at the moment that’s not the case at all. Maps need work
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  • Good with some issues

    Fun stealth shooter. Nice production values. Just needs some a bit of polish.

    First, please fix the grenades for Sparkle!! Tapping more than once on the button shouldn't restart the throwing of the grenade! Since the thing takes so long to throw, I'm not always sure I threw it in the heat of the moment, so I'll push it multiple times to make sure - but that ends up having the opposite effect - she ends up repeatedly starting to throw it but never does until you stop tapping. That's ridiculously stupid. Cancelling of healing or reloading I can understand because they take so long, but throwing a grenade doesn't take as long (and still longer than it should) - you shouldn't be able to interrupt the throw.

    On the other hand, for Stalker, you SHOULD be able to cancel his invisibility so that you can sneak up on someone. The way it is now, it's purely a defensive ability, but not even a good one at that, because like other actions, it takes too long to activate and then only lasts 5 secs.

    Finally, for the video ad chests, you're really going to call the fifth chest a gratitude chest but then still make us watch an ad for it? How is that showing your gratitude? Yeah the chest has a bit more in it, but the amount you get from it is barely worth the 2.5 minutes of ads you have to sit through to get to it, even with the 600 coins you get from the previous four chests.
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  • Fun and unique but some characters aren’t well balanced

    The game is fun to play and I have put in quite a few hours at this point but there are a few glaring issues. First is that if you want to advance quickly or get past the block of leveling your heroes up to reach higher leagues and tree rewards you basically have to pay to get there or grind for a very long time. The second is how difficult it is for the “stealth” characters like raven to beat the tank characters like bastion. In a one on one battle i have come out on top maybe two of ten times purely because they have such large health pools and such high damage outputs. Plus even in the times i have gotten one trapped out of the ring they just tank using their health to get into the circle and kill me with ease. Ik that things wont be perfect and the game is still new but these are some of the issues i have seen and im sure many others have as well. Other than that the game is really cool, i love the art style and the maps are made well. With a little tweaking I think the game would easily be 5 star rate able
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  • Incredible gameplay, although a few major issues.

    This game is very fun, unique, and addicting, although there are a few frustrating elements regarding some of the heroes within the game, along with some other, more troublesome, matchmaking issues.

    Some of the heroes in the game are overwhelming strong, to the point where being silent doesn’t seem to be of concern to them. Characters such as Raven do not have the damage output required to take about nearly any of the heavy units, even when attacking from behind, while sniper and shotgun units can almost always kill a Raven or even a Stalker in one single shot. Although I find this quite annoying, this wouldn’t be such an inconvenience if not for the matchmaking. The main issue is that I have been being matched up against people who are multiple ranks above me, with heroes I cannot access, and upgrades I cannot counter. This has been a problem not much time after I began playing this game with my friends. The fact that I must fight overpowered characters whom I cannot even use myself is just annoying.

    Besides this lack of balancing and matchmaking issues, this game is otherwise incredible. The graphics are unique, the gameplay is refreshing, characters are diverse and skill is necessary. I am really looking forward to watching this game expand, as I will be be playing it quite often with my friends during these hard times.
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    Developer Response

    Hi, WolfyNock! Thank you for posting your review. We gather all feedback to make our game better in the following updates and appreciate your support. All feedback is helpful to us, and we hope you'll stay with us to see the positive changes.

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