Bullet Echo User Reviews

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  • Gets boring fast

    The game can easily get repetitive and boring fast. The only game mode you can excel in is solo. You could find yourself struggling in 3v3 and 5v5 even when you are good in solo because both those game modes are messy and your teammates are either bots or players that do not want to play as a team. You won’t easily find a team of players that watch each other’s back and survey multiple paths at one time together strategically. Like it or not, the developers must remove 100% bots to make the game more likable. I see a 2v2 having a better chance to do well than 3-5 vs 3-5. This is a game where you either choose to rack up kills but lose or win a game with minimal kills. It is not easy to win a game with a high kill count which may irritate some players. Also, some stats need to be removed(games played, winning percentage). It doesn’t help a player to know they played 1000 games and got first place only 50 times which is a 5% winning rate, just show how many first place we got and that should be enough.
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    Developer Response

    Hi BirdyLance! We're glad you've touched on this topic. In-game balance is probably the most important thing needed to enjoy the game. We keep improving, and we believe that it will be better soon. Thank you for sharing with us.
  • Goood game. Some issues

    I love this game. Excellent take on battle royale. Had hours of fun with this. Would highly recommended. However, there are a few issues - seems to be a lot of lag. Occasionally I find when moving close with people, the movement mechanic struggles and then you can’t move forward - it’s like if there’s your team of 3 huddled together, you try and walk away, and get pulled back. This happens for a couple of seconds then fixes but by that time, another team has the advantage. Characters seem a little big for the maps too - too many times have I gotten stuck down a normal corridor on something and died from it. I also think there needs to be an improved matchmaking system. Too often am I coming up against players with stronger heroes and heroes I haven’t unlocked which are a higher tier to any I own. Overall, great game. Happy to keep playing and spending money on but would be a top 5 game easily with a few fixes.
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  • Really solid stealth shooter, F2P friendly

    I’d decided to give this a go having seen it was recently released and it’s a really solid game. There was a short period within the first few days when I felt I wasn’t really progressing (needing more character shards or energy to advance), but once you get over that basic bump, it’s all downhill and a lot of fun.

    Each character has their own mechanics you can unlock to give yourself or our team an advantage. I’m partial to Doc, the first rare and only rare character I’ve unlocked this far as his grenade launcher can be a game changer in certain circumstances and his team heal is pretty solid. While I enjoy using him, some of my team mates have had some really game changing abilities too from a shield or sniping or ducking between really small tunnels.

    If you’re a fan of Battle Royal style games and looking for something mobile friendly, give this one a go. You won’t be disappointed. Just make sure to play it at least a good three days as day 2 can be rough and make sure you only invest in one character starting out I’d you’re going F2P.
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    Reading through some of the reviews on this game, I think that it's only fair I add my own experiences to this. The game is without a doubt very fun and great, but there is a big hindrance and gaming quality when your character is only a rare lvl 13 and you get matched against legendary maxed characters. The developers of this game really need to address this problem as it prevents players from upgrading more than one character as one may be forced to only upgrade one character so have a somewhat-decent game. IMPORTANT: I think that if there were to be an update soon, that you should fix the matching system to be on the level of the character chosen rather than the number of trophies someone has. PLEASE FIX THE PROBLEMS ADDRESSED ABOVE DO NOT IGNORE THIS REVIEW LIKE THE OTHER ONES ADDRESSING THESE MAJOR PROBLEMS. thank you for your time for anyone who actually read this.
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  • Unbalanced but fun

    First off it’s a very fun game especially when you’re playing with friends but there are many problems as well. Like getting one shot from someone you can’t even see or hear, or maybe it’s the fact that you get second place and only receive one trophy, or sometimes even when you win first place you get three trophies but in the previous game you’re spawned in next to a medkit and no ammo and then run into another player who has full armor and their primary weapon locked and loaded, this player then proceeds to destroy you and you lose four trophies...

    Another thing is the placement of teams in battle royale. I can’t even count how many times my friends and I were squished between two teams in the same quadrant and within 10 seconds we were dead. Another thing is the damage maybe I’m just trash at the game but I feel like sometimes it’s just so unfair that I get melted without any time to react, then I lose trophies that will take me 3-4 games to earn back. Please balance a lot of the issues this game will be so much more fun.
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  • Has potential

    I really do like the idea of this game but there are a few problems.
    •Poor balancing
    I understand this feature a lot if games do it where you will battle opponents with weaker/stronger stats then yours but I do think it’s too far in this game as you can be a slow heavy but go against a lighter faster character who has more health then you so they are statistically better than you in every way, even when you get the drop on them you do little damage so they can evade or just turn to you and kill you so fast.
    •Poor economy
    You get a low amount of coins and supplies from winning (80 coins) which is seriously low considering upgrades can cost over 1000 coins and you have to upgrade a lot. Watching adverts is quicker and earns you more coins, which really says something and I do think the prizes for winning or coming close should be much bigger.
    •Not suitable for casual gamers
    The game is a massive grind as shown in my last point gaining money is a lot of effort for little pay off. The game is is pay to win in a way but then again it’s a free game so I understand it to a degree. Also getting a new hero can be quite hard as they are usually obtained from grinding for a chest with bucks or winning the leagues which isn’t easy for a casual player.
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  • Good Game, Bad Connection

    Okay first off, this is a really good game. There’s some balancing issues but nothing you can get to with F2P in a reasonable amount of time and with the ranking system it keeps the whales away from the casuals till the casuals get to that level. It could use more game modes as well as the ability to switch weapons to the first gun you have before you pick up your first ammo crate and King of the Hill should be renamed Free For All, although an actual King of the Hill game mode would probably work great.

    The problem comes from the connection though. Not only do you lag out a lot but it’s not even like you lag out, the server catches back up and your just dead, no. You get to watch as your character rubber bands back to the same spot as the boundary closes in, you get to watch your character shoot the same enemy with a full clip and do nothing then watch as the dude turns around and demolishes you as you sit there being rubber banded again. There are times when the connection gets so bad that the synch gets disrupted and straight up throws you to title screen and I call that a blessing compared to the rest.

    Anyways definitely worth the try, but be prepared to be frustrated.
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  • Good core idea poorly executed

    The core idea of a stealth shooter are good but there’s two issues I have with this game. Number 1: it should never have been a battle royal. This decision put such a good concept on the worst tracks possible. The stealth shooter mechanics of this game would have been far better suited for a top down Rainbow 6 Siege and it would have been much easier to make. Issue number 2: it’s not finished. It’s broken in its current state. And it’s not just balancing although that needs a lot of work, the common sniper hero can shoot through walls. This is not a feature because the shooting is automatically triggered when enemies are in site but if an enemy is behind a wall far off screen in line with the enemy being shot at, they’re hit too. It needs major work to function as a battle royal but should never have been a battle royal in the first place and that bothers me a lot because it took so much more work to do the wrong thing.
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  • Standard pay to win fare, perfectly good concept ruined

    The premise behind this game is admittedly pretty decent, with simple controls and a well designed stealth mechanic keeping things exciting. However, this game is absolutely not worth your time. The characters are wildly unbalanced, you can only get new characters from loot boxes, and *of course* you have to spend real money to get those at any decent rate. Plus characters can be upgraded, meaning even when you’re fighting another of the same character you’re gambling that they’ll have sunk less money into them than you did. Oh and did I mention that the means of upgrading characters requires you to get duplicates of them, *also randomly*? Charging real money for entirely virtual products is gambling. Don’t gamble, kids.
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    Developer Response

    Hello, Hevybot. We appreciate your review. We try to make the game equal for everyone and thankful for your opinion as a player. It is possible to play without paying to achieve high results. We hope you'll enjoy the game in the future! Let us know if you change your mind.
  • Bullet echo

    It’s a fun game with unique presence of being more stealth based then other battle royals and evrey match I’m constantly having fun it takes a bit to get hero’s but it will be no problem as you will be playing this game enough to get them constantly the only problem I have with this game is evrey character only as 2 guns there primary and the very week secondary which they should either buff to have a reason to swap to them or add more types of amo that can unlock other weapons anyway great game I recommend it
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