Center yourself and soar thought the science and practice of Mindfulness! This app will teach you valuable centering skills needed to enhance your overall wellbeing. These include Balance, Resiliency and Optimism. When centered, you have the stability that allows you to engage life to the fullest and achieve whatever you want! This app will teach you HOW to obtain these necessary skills and guide you through daily practices to enhance them. You will learn our exclusive 4Steps™ approach which will teach you the competencies of Mindfulness, Compassion, Insight and Optimistic Re-framing and when applied, will bring centeredness and stability to your day to day life. Optimistic Brain has many types of exercises to suit your needs and schedules. Learn how to cross-train your brain by utilizing a multi-pronged approach to learning and development.
Exercises include:
- Guided meditation ranging from 5 to 30 minutes which allows you to build the skills and competencies in a variety of areas.
- Micro-practices that allow you to apply your skills in just 3 breaths.
- Journaling exercises that allow you to dig deeper into your self-awareness.
- Mirror work exercises allow you to focus on yourself as you build value, trust and acceptance.
- Inner child exercises allow you to focus on what you needed growing up and begin the healing process so you can move forward.
- Visualization exercises that allow you to envision a rehearse a future that you want.
- Affirmation exercises that allow you to change the narrative that shifts you away from negative self-talk.
- Real-world exercises that allow you to bring your skills into your day to day life.
Optimistic Brain is based in science which draws upon the latest findings in the fields of mindfulness, positive psychology and neuroscience. There are mini-lessons to help you learn as well as a number of mini lessons and 28-day programs to focus your learning and practicing on key areas of interest and growth.
These include:
- What is stress and how can I reduce it?
- Reducing anxiety.
- Enhancing self-value and love.
- Where do emotions come from?
- How to become a great leader.
- Enhancing communication.
- Etc...
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Easy to use step by step approach that I can access whenever or wherever I want. Start my morning with a session and I get off to a better day. Thank you.