User Reviews: Cat Simulator 2020

Top reviews

  • What do I put?

    I like this game. I like that it has cats doing feral cat things.
    One my complaints would probably be the fact that the game gets repetitive after awhile just constantly hunting, drinking, eating, traveling. But on the topic of traveling I feel like the world is a little to bug and I wish they added in a little info screen if you click on a far saying what it has to offer (Food and water) and what enemies there are (spiders, raccoons, ect) that would constantly change depending on what is inside the farm perimeter.
    I’m doing this is another paragraph because it’s more of a personal opinion. I wish the game got rid of spiders. I really don’t like spiders in real like along with other bugs. Spiders in the game made it harder and harder to play because every time I fought one I would look away from my screen while clicking the attack and eat button. Spiders were also one of the reason I stopped playing for a long time.
  • Really great but....

    Hey I played this game last year but forgot to leave a review I was done playing it for the first time but.. I just wanted to say there are a few suggestions and problem I had while playing the game... well here is one problem: one. I wasn’t playing this game for a lot of hours but I playing it and kinda got motion sickness ( and no I didn’t throw up 🤮) I kinda got dizzy after it... and then other problem Can there be a sleep action instead of having the cat automatically sleep by itself I mean I shouldn’t have to watch a ad or wait for a few hours to wake my character up... so lease Change that. And I have a tiny little suggestion uhhhhhh if you ever update the game... please make the cat family ( or cat 🐈 by itself) eat the bosses or bigger animals like the fox, raccoon, and hares... but yea good game, love it please fix this so every time I won’t get motion sickness during play time pls :))))
  • Love this game!

    I love this game so much. I don’t understand why it only has 500 ratings! I have never got any glitches or bugs when I play it! I even just reached lvl 206! I love how it is so easy to level up. I play it for hours.

    I do have a little suggestion. Could you add chickens as prey? Because theirs eggs in the game, so why not birds? Like ducks, geese and swans. You could also add nests that have eggs in them. Then you could eat the eggs in the nest, but some of the nests belong to the geese and swans, and you have to be careful not to bother the geese and swans, or they will hiss and attack. But the ducks and chickens just get scared of you and run away. Oh! Could you also add more family members? I mean babies/kids. Also add blue jays, red-winged blackbirds, quails, and snakes too. Also, when you unlock all the skins, can their be an extra reward breed? Like the calico? With stats like, 50% extra speed, more dodging chance, more health and jump height.

    Okay that’s some big suggestions.

    Also I’m an overpowered cat >:]
  • AWSOME GAME!!!!!!!!! Read before downloading this.

    I just got this game 2 days ago and I’m on level 30. I have a husband, teenage cat and just got a new kitten. Love the game because I like cats so… got the game. and LOVE IT SO MUCH!!!!!!!!! I have a cat (his name is Sully) ever since I had him I started to like cats. And so I like simulator games so I tipped in cat games and it showed this game and right when I started playing I LOVED IT SO MUCH I KNEW I WAS GOING TO PLAY ALL THE TIME! I love the game because it’s fun and involves CATS one of my favorite animals. I just REALLY REALLY LOVE THE GAME!!!! So buy this game and you won’t regret it. I promise!
  • AMAZING GAME!! and some suggestions

    This game is SUPER FUN, its amazing! You can do so much! But i have some things i would like to see in the game. One, I want to be able to go into the house. Two, WE NEED MORE LEVELS Like, city, town, mabye snow, a cafe A CAFE for cats to destroy .three, Actions! ACTIONS, We need ACTIONS like to be able to press a button and have the choice to sit, relax, play, stand, or others. four, putting different skins on family members. Five. Mabye an Multi player? It would be really cool to be able to be in a coop and cooperate, gather food hunt, and battle or fight!

    PS i love it beacuase the graphics are BETTER THEN ANYTHING, and the cat is realistic.
  • Ok a little more but still 😍😍😍😍😍😍

    Ok so 1 can we craft things like those buckets you can drink water from and other things please 2 can we please eat foxes and rabbits and other stuff and foxes give three meals and raccoons two meals rabbits two meals please do this 3 can you add a home button so we know were the den is 4 or we don’t have a den just a cat house it’s small on the outside but it’s really big in the inside please do all of this please 5 can you please choose wich cat and were you start the game there will be a A B C D E the cde are your baby’s and you can choose to be a one of your baby’s and when you whant a apple or other stuff the mom and dad will get it for you and please update soon
  • THIS GAME IS SO GOOD but I hv a suggestion or two 😺😺

    I got this game about a month ago and omg, this app is so amazing! I read the Warriors series so I saw this game and got it. I love how you can have a family and hunt for them, but I have a couple of suggestions.
    1. I would like it if you could eat the rabbits when you kill them because cats eat rabbits.
    2. I was sort of disappointed when I found out that you couldn’t make your family a different color that yourself. So if you added that this game would be my dream game.
    3. Last but not least, say you got the Maine coon skin, but you wanted a silver Maine Coon instead of a brown one. If you could add colors you can change the cat’s fur to, that would be great.

    Otherwise, this app is SO GOOD and I recommend this to any cat-crazy person (like myself). Thanks for taking the time to read this!!!
  • Great Cat Game 👍🏽😻

    Cats aren’t my favorite animal, wolves are, but this game is great! For some reason my kitten loves eggs and my mate won’t let the kitten eat, he just takes all of the food like the kitten wasn’t even there. I’m like, “stop eating all of the food you’re going to make the kitten stave to death.”
    Anyways I love the game! I think all cat lovers should get this game, even dog and wolf lovers should! But I have one suggestion, can you have a sprint button because I even grew carrots and I’m still not that fast. Anyways, I love this game.

    Sincerely, Wolfy Rainbow Heart 🐺🌈💖
  • The best 🤩

    This app is terrific... but I have some ideas that might make this game better!🙂 I am nine and I love this game but I have always been meaning to write review about this game. Like maybe you could make them walk faster 💨. I think buying the carrots is a wast of time 🕰. I almost have all of them! And maybe you could make a new game where you could be a house cat 🐈. I was really mad when I found out you cannot go in the house 😡. So if you were a house cat you could go over to the food bowl and eat whenever instead of getting a mushroom or hunting a mouse 🐁 🍄. And you should be able to have the owner pet you and maybe add dogs to the game? 🐶 I think that the owner never really pays attention to the cats. Oh and I recommend this game! 🤩 If you are a cat lover you certainly will love this 💕. That is all for now 😄.
  • Awesome game (suggestions)

    I love this game it is very cool, even my sister loves it, but my sister prefers something else I don’t. But can you make a house you could go instead of a barn, oh and please make another location instead of just a farm and make lots of other cats, dogs, and humans. Thanks for reading!!!! 🙂

    Hello again! I have a suggestion. Since I play like I was a Warrior Cat (Erin Hunter Book Serried) I was thinking that you could make a Warrior Cat Simulator! It would be very cool! First you ask what clan you wanna be in. Then you could ask if you wanna be in a prophecy. If you say yes then you can ask what it will be about. Then it will ask you if you wanna be a medicine cat apprentice or a warrior apprentice! Then when you do enough tasks you become a warrior or medicine cat! If you are a warrior, you can become a deputy or an elder. Then when the leader dies, you travel to the Moonstone and receive your nine lives! Then when you die you can go to Star Clan or the Dark Forest! Oh and please let us have a mate and kits! Make sure the cats can speak with one another and walk around and make a gathering, also make sure you can choose your name and the kits name also make sure you can choose your mate. This is just a game suggestion please make this game

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