User Reviews: Cat Simulator 2020

Top reviews

  • THIS GAME IS AWSOME, But one thing!

    I love this game so much and I only downloaded a day ago but I already have defeated eight mini bosses probably my favorite game I’ve ever played I love cats so much and I’ve been looking for a game that really demonstrates how cats live and this is the best one I found I do have a couple suggestions though, I think that the cat to be able to go inside of the house for sleeping not for just for sleeping in maybe getting some food water and treats also I think the bossShould not be a mouse it should be something like a dog or a coyote and one more thing I think that you should be able to eat rabbits I Koons in the boxes you should be able to eat everything you kill because if you don’t it’s just kind of sad. Anyway this is an amazing game and I really hope somebody read this!
  • Really good game

    Can you add more places to go? Like maybe a city with pigeons or a Savanna with cheetahs and lions and elephants or an ocean or a beach or a pine forest or a desert or maybe a kingdom where you can go into a castle also if you make a city I would really like it if you could go into buildings. Another thing can we go into the house pls? I would also like it if there were caves you could sleep in and can you make it so you don’t have to wait forever while the cat sleeps? Okay here are some things that are AMAZING about the game I love the stealth mode and getting to hunt boars and foxes and mice, also I really like all the bosses. Ok that’s all sorry if this is super long have a nice day.
  • Great game!! (Some ideas)

    This game is aAAAMAZZINGGGG no doubt you should download this. The cats are adorable and the baby even has a little bow! The motions of how the cat walks and eats and sleeps are very accurate (I have a cat so I know). But I have a few ideas for your game. I would love to be able to go in the house because honestly I don’t know why it’s there if I can’t get in and you could hunt spiders/mice their and maybe even decorate! To make it more realistic there could be weather and time change EX: a rainy day or the sun is setting. i really would like to name my cats too. more: What about you could accessorize your cat like choose its collar whatnot. Anyways those are my ideas I would love if you added even just one and overall this game is AMAZING.
  • Awesome game but a few suggestions,

    Great game! I am on level 211 and own every single skin, but can their be, like, a Siberian cat skin? And can you please make it so you can go in the farmer’s house? Also can you like make it so you can kill a miny boss and get a ball of yarn? Trying to find the balls is way to hard. And how do you get more then three kittens? All my kittens are adults and I really want another kitten but I don’t know how to get one. Also can you please please PLEASE make it so we can climb trees? That would be so cool. Thank you!
  • Great game, but more things

    This game is fun and all, but it needs some more things. Like can you add your family to pick up stuff, because I can’t get stuff by myself, and how can I comunícate with Farmer, Goat, and Piggy? It would be cool if I can talk with my family, and please don’t add words for me too pick to say to them, I wanna talk to them using my own words. I’m not being mean, but I want you to please add everything I said before, and also my house where I spawn where I died? Can you turn it to a house I can go inside? I hate being outside on the porch just sitting and lying down there. Ok write down once you add everything!
  • Good game

    I got this game because I like cats, and it’s a pretty good game, but I can think of ways to make it better. For starters you should be able to eat rabbits, I work so hard to hunt them down and for what. I think you should also add different types of prey like squirrels and fish etc. Also mice don’t actually attack cats so why do the mice attacked us here? The mice should run faster not attack us! The controls were really hard to use at first and they still are especially when turning around but don’t worry it gets easier. I do like that removing ads isn’t too expensive but, it’s really is hard to earn money in this game so I think there should be more ways to earn money. There should also be more territory that the characters can cover, the map is actually really small, but other than that it’s still a pretty great game, and the best cat simulator game out there.
  • My suggestions

    I love this game and I play it all the time! The graphics are great and its very fun to play! But like every player, I have suggestions and certain things I would like to see in the game!

    I would love to be able to go inside the house. Not make messes but just go inside overall. Since the cat(s) eventually gets tired it would be cool to have some type of bed inside the house! We could also fight off spiders and mice from inside the house as well! I also wish that there were more people in the game. Like if the farmer had a wife and/or some kids! We could bring them eggs and apples and other things!

    I would also like to be able to interact with the family more. I wish they were more interactive as they just follow you and eat. I would like for them to be able to hunt on their own and so on and so forth.

    And last but not least I think the game needs more cats!! More cats would be adorable and I enjoy reading about them!
  • Best. Game. Ever. Made.

    I love this game! My name is ginger. I am a tabby cat. My husband’s name is jack. I have 3 kids. My oldest is Vanessa. My middle kitten is Dylan and my youngest is Otis. I love the game!
    ( did I already mention that? ) butI have a few suggestions. When you take a nap, it should only take a few seconds like it does in other cat simulator games and I think you should add other places instead of just a farm. Also you should be able to go inside the house and have 🐈toys to play with🧶🧶🧸‼️ Can you also make more animals and have a mega boss? And I need you to add nighttime PLEASE! sorry... if you ever add going Inside the house can you make a cat door into it? Can you also add a litter box inside the house? ( just an idea I had 😂😂😁 )
  • super fun!! a few suggestions

    I just got this today and i love cats and its soo fun!! 😁, but i have a suggestions. can you please add where you can turn off/on your cat husband/wife/kitten? sometimes i like to play solo where i am just doing quests by myself. suggestion 2. can you add where you can go into the house where you can rest there, eat there, and there is a fireplace, a cat bed, and a kitchen where you can get food! it doesnt have to be the best house ever. (also basically the house is just a little hangout/healing area) and also can there be a another cat bed for your kittens and cat husband/wife? Thanks so much and its also super fun!
  • 5 out of 5! A few suggestions tho..

    Ok, first of this game is AMAZING I love it so much! I also have played your game mouse sim before and I think it’s cool how the mouse mini boss has the mouse sim armor skin, that’s a cool touch! So suggestion 1. A dog would be cool, idc if it’s a boss or just someone who gives quests, but that would be cool. Suggestion 2. I think it would be nice if you could go into the house through a cat/dog flap in the door (the dog should go in the house as well). Last but not least, suggestion 3. Can you eat the rabbit when you defeat it? That would be nice, oh and one more thing, like if the farmer asks for 2 mushrooms, can your mate and/or kid help carry it? Like a button with an arrow pointing up that switches to one pointing down when u push it? That’s it, sry if this is long, but I love your games, keep up the good work!

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