Ads ruin the experience.
Amateurish looks.
Please please please make a paid version so I don’t have to deal with the adds!!
Ad riddled garbage
The game itself is fun but the pop ups make it nearly unplayable
Good for focus and concentration
Someone like me who hasn’t played puzzles and riddles or attended school for a hit minute. This is a really good way to challenge your focus, memory, and strategy! Also, it’s good for teaching kids process of elimination to find a solution. I also like it because kids become dependent on instructions and many will become insecure of beginning anything they have never seen before. Some kids have seen this but may or may not remember. Many were just learning math and beginning to comprehend reading on their own. That is why little brain workouts like these are good to do in between lessons. when I open up the app you just work straight into it and may question what the boundaries of what counts and doesn’t count at first but as u put in effort. The game helps lead you on the right track and you see yourself getting closer to the correct answer. Many skills we need for dealing s life are in these little puzzles. Especially when getting to know people, people’s behavior, our environment, and how to figure different things out. There is no set of rules or books to tell you how to live your day to day life as far as knowing the exact choices we are supposed to make. However, learning how to think. using critical thinking skills, and making good smart choices using skills we learn. All help us to live our best best life possible.
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