User Reviews: Agility Gate

Top reviews

  • Love this app!

    This app is soooo convenient at a trial. Gate sheets and course maps in the same place make life a little easier at a busy trial. My only complaint is that I wish more trials used this.
  • Really nice app

    As a new agility competitor this is really helpful to keep us informed on progress toward our turn. What would be SUPER HELPFUL would be two enhancements: 1) estimated time to a competitor’s time (use std estimated run time+in/out time) so we would have a very rough approximation of when to warm up etc. Currently I have to manually add # of dogs to know if we are 1 or 2 hrs out. 2) Having results posted would be super also. PDF’s of scoring for each class like the printouts that are physically pinned up. Sometimes you don’t remember to go and take a picture of a score sheet.

    For trials both big and small, this app makes staying organized and showing up to run at the right time a breeze. I am both a competitor and a trial photographer so features like maps, marking conflicts, and getting a pdf of the run order with dog and handler names are all incredibly helpful. I LOVE when trials use this app, such an awesome tool! (Thanks Roger!!)
  • Needs work

    The most important thing to me when it comes to software is simplicity and reliability. I would give previous versions four stars for simplicity but 2 stars for reliability. It's frustrating when one comes to rely on this app but it does not function.
  • Couldn’t use today cuz update

    If you’re going to update, especially a minor one, don’t prevent access until users update.
    At a trial this weekend, went to use it and couldn’t—and there’s no Wi-Fi at the site so it wouldn’t update. In general a very helpful app but I was not a happy camper on Saturday!
  • Freezes up

    This app stinks.
  • When it works it’s amazing

    LOVE THIS APP…when it works. Used for a year and reliable and excellent when Inhad a signal. However, they lit coders don’t keep up orb iPhones. In th last 3 months I mostly get the logo, then a grey screen. I delete and re-download which rarely works. I turn off my phone and on, and then SOMETIMES it works, other times it won’t load the trial list as I stand next to a Samsung user that works on the same exact carrier and signal. Used to work 99% of the time with a little tinkering and downloading, but recently 25%. Fix the lack of iPhone support and I’ll revise my rating…the last 2 months are a disaster for this app being desired to use at trials (I’m a trial chair) as 50% or so of our exhibitors have iPhones.
  • Can we get this in Europe?

    We were unable to download and use on an iPhone from Belgium. Any way to share this with our friends in Europe?
  • Wonderful app!

    This app is a gem!!! It makes dog competitions easier, as it’s easy to know when your turn is coming up! Plus, it helps to make the whole competition less stressful - instead of continuously pay attention to the dogs competing ahead of you to keep track of your turn, you simply check the app for progress! I would love for the developer to make this app available in different countries - I know my friends abroad would love it!!!
  • New features!

    Agility Gate is such a benefit for trials and competitors. Love the app and now with the new marker dog feature there is even more to love. I hear people say “but I don’t carry my phone” - notifications can come to your Apple and other smart watches if set up. It’s Uber cool! Thank you!

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