User Reviews: Dimensional

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  • Some Bugs

    It’s now 2024 and it’s the same thing. I get a notification on my phone that there’s a new story or insight to view, when I do it, I’m sent to the Dinensional Home Screen. There’s no area that shows a “daily story.” The stories that I do see are the ones that remain on your profile. It’s really frustrating as I would love a pick me up every day.

    2022: I’ve had a notification for two new insights that I would really love to read, but can’t. Every time I click on it the screen just continues to load. It’s not an issue with my network or wifi. I’m not even sure how else to navigate the “insights” other than from the notification page. Also, the idea of having everything unlocked when you add and invite more friends to the app is a little frustrating. Not everyone is going to be interested or down for this. Due to my friends lack of interest in the app, I have to miss out on reading ?
  • Amazing but…

    I’ve had this app for a while now and I absolutely love it. Their test results gives me thoughtful insights that really helps with my own self reflections. However, one downside of this app is the amount of bugs it has. For results that require sharing the app with a loved one to receive your results, or just results in general with that element, you never fail to see an “error” pop on the screen. It’s been months and I still can’t access some of my results/stories despite filling out the requirements to attain them. It’s weird considering how often the development team updates this app. Not only that, but with almost all of my sample reports I either can’t access them or they show/say completely different results compared to what the app is telling me. I’ve had this issue since 2022. I thought the creators would have noticed by now. I also wish that they could at least bring back the chat rooms. Things like the quizzes and journals does make the app feel more interactive, but I miss seeing those daily prompts from other users that you could type a response to. I liked having the chance to interact with other users that weren’t just my connections.
  • Good App

    I love this app and I don’t know if I’m really gullible but it feels very accurate to me, even more so than The Pattern which I had initially thought was freaking accurate too. The only thing is that the practices are weird now. For weeks I’d look forward to the like prompt thing of the day and some like word of advice type of thing which I think was the practice. Now I don’t get those and it’s weird because I got a preview for one the other day that was like perfect to what I needed to hear but when I clicked on it, it disappeared and I can’t switch or view and practices now without an error message. I’ve been checking for updates and updating but nothing… it’s either really buggy right now or it’s behind a paywall which is unfortunate because these things were already given for free before and so now it feels like more of a money thing which also makes me call into question the integrity of the app as a whole, but hey that’s just me.
  • Beautiful.

    I’m an app-h0e and sample a dozen or two a day on App Store. On a good week I might end up keeping one. Every now and then there is an app that really blows me away because you can see how much time, attention, and heart went into it. This is one of those apps. It didn’t miss a beat and truly aims to provide its users with a comprehensive understanding of themselves and facilitate self-growth. The interface is simple, organized, intuitive. Not only a keeper but one I will share with my friends and family and hope to see it blow up. Well done, developers 🫶🏽
  • Great app but disappointed by update

    I was originally going to give this app 5/5 stars, and I can’t in good conscience give it less than 4 because what they did here is amazing. The way they took most legitimate/semi-legitmate (I love myers Briggs but it’s not as empirically sound) personality tests and aggregated the results is incredible and please reach out to me if this company is ever looking for an intern or employee and I can send my resume. Also the summaries they do are insanely good and make me concerned they have an actual human being writing them because they make way too much sense for an AI. But anyway the new update makes a majority of things only visible once you get premium or invite three people. I wish I could invite three people, I tried even before the update, and no one will and I’m obviously not going to alienate my friends and family over this app, no matter how much I love it. And since I make near minimum wage I sadly can’t afford premium. This app is so great I very much understand keeping something’s behind a paywall, but it just seems like a lot now, and I’m concerned where this means they are headed since other personality apps started doing this and now they are pretty much unusable because of all the ads, ask for invites, etc. In summation: great app, don’t love the update
  • Great App, At Risk

    Dear developers,
    This app is fantastic. However, it unfortunately has begun to run the risk of destroying itself with the paid features, “invite friends to unlock,” and other predatory features that we hate to see in apps like Temu.
    While paid features are great, they should enrich the content— not sap from active users. Paywalling self-discovery isn’t exactly humanism. There should be another way to either access this content, or some feature we can get out of the premium.
    This paywall takes the purpose out of subscribing, because we are no longer able to compare with our friends— the feature of this app.
  • Well done, but plus is not worth

    The quizzes are not only well made but so unique in a good way by having traits and other test results compile into a ordered analysis of yourself. It is one of the best apps out there for quizzes, but Plus is a joke. The additions are great and I was going to buy it, but then I saw the price tag, $60! There is no world where that is worth it sorry. 120+ hour triple A games are cheaper than that. Unlimited movies and shows on streaming services are cheaper than that. It just is not worth even close to that money. $5 a month even would be more manageable, but immediately dropping $60 is absurd. Solid app just not worth spending at this moment.
  • Cool but also… eh?

    This app is absolutely amazing and I don’t think I have to explain why considering its 4.9 star rating. It’s completely free with no ads and it has feature that other companies would overcharge for. Favorite personality app every to say the least.
    Anyways now I’m going to complain. I just think it would be reeeeally cool if it had a way to recover a deleted account or would at least have one of those “are you like… sure about this” questions when you press the deleted account button. I say this because I’ve had this app since before it had any of the new stuff. Back when it gave the specific numbers instead of the bars and when it told you how rare an archetype was. I’ve had it since before premium existed and back when it was only traits and stories with none of the other stuff, but I accidentally deleted my account when I was trying to log out. So now I have to get “successful shares” in order to get a feature that I used to have for free. Wow this is whiny. It’s slightly annoying. Not to mention retaking all the tests which took quite a while. I feel like there could be a system where if you delete and account and then try to make a new one with the same email, you could give two options: recover old account or make a new one with the same email.
    It’s a good idea, at least think about it.
  • LOVED until Plus was introduced

    I absolutely LOVED this app when it was free! I couldn’t believe how much information, assessments, insights, etc it offered for FREE! It was truly incredible! But like all good things, it didn’t last. I could handle $5/month, but to pay the whole $60/year is too much to ask for from an app I’ve basically exhausted. I understand the need to add a paid version, but please give us some options. :) A lump sum is much harder to swing than a smaller monthly payment. Many of us were using this app long before Plus was introduced. Perhaps a loyalty discount? Lol. :D Still cool, but I can’t do anything else on it anymore. But if you’re new to it, it’s a LOT of fun and still has plenty to offer for free…for now. ;)
  • lost access to account

    I was an early adopter to the app, and I invited all of my friends and provided feedback. I at one point was a fan of the app but when I switched phones I realized I could no longer access my account because I had created it before it was required to link it to an Apple ID or Google account. I reached out to the team via email several times about regaining access to my account but received no response. I was finally able to get a response from someone by reaching out on Instagram but it also took several days to hear back about my account. They said they could see the profile exists but cannot find it in analytics logs. As a software engineer, I don’t really understand how it would be impossible to link auth to an existing account or link it to a new account. But regardless I asked if I could at least get all the features unlocked through invitations on a new account I created since I had already invited so many people previously but no response.

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