Deceptive Subscription
I ended up with a subscription that I knew nothing about, unaware of how it ever happened. A subscription that I have never used, nor had I ever downloaded or even seen the app to even know the it exists.
All the while, without my knowledge, I'm being charged a monthly fee for absolutely nothing. There was no feedback from the company of any type. Which tells me, the company could careless about any thing. So what if it's an accident or if happened without your knowledge, it doesn't matter to them. They take your money anyway, knowing you are not using their services, or have an account with their company.
Can anything or anyone be more deceptive? I think not. Maybe that's how they choose to operate, by deception. If the company had any type of morals, deception would be unnecessary. They would openly welcome you to use their services and be upfront and foremost with everything.
By doing anything else, is simply stealing or robbing the consumer. Thieves are everywhere, deception is all around you, and it's all by simple and clever design.