Love Island User Reviews

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  • Really really terrible

    It’s not a ‘choose your own adventure’ style game, it’s incredibly limited. You can’t do anything that you want to: you can’t choose who to couple up with, who to talk to, who to befriend, personality traits or history about your character, nothing. LTG season 2 had SO many choices and actual consequences - you could lose. I don’t think that’s even an option in seasons 4 and 5. There is no way to earn gems and every single scene requires gems. I don’t need more passes, episodes release so infrequently it doesn’t even matter. All the MC choices make me mad because it’s not even remotely close to the decisions I want to make. None of the characters are likeable. All of the outfits and styling of the Mc are ugly. Hire new people or more people - either way it’s not working right now by a LONG shot
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  • Tanking Fast

    The first & second app are crazy different but season 1&2 will always be the best. I didn’t mind spending money because of all of the serotonin I got from playing that it seemed worth it & im not the type to spend money on games, always felt futile. 2nd app is tanking & it’s tanking FAST! They no longer let you graft with everyone in the villa (where the showed a map of the villa & you can choose who you’d like to speak to), they don’t do the private questions in the hut, or even give control of the narrative to the MC really. They’re pushing their own & for that, I might as well play Chapters and/or Episodes. At least when you play those story telling apps, you can watch videos to earn more diamonds. The story doesn’t even follow the basis of the show anymore. Writers literally do their own thing without listening to it’s CONSUMER as a company should. I miss the old writers :/ Also, no one has pointed out there only being 3 girls & 4 boys. Did they get lazy? Why is that? It makes no sense….
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  • Don’t waste your time

    Bombshell is ok if you’re desperate but don’t bother with Ex in the Villa, made me hate the game and it’s only been a few episodes. It’s no longer a choice game, don’t bother with it, you have absolutely no autonomy, every choice you make has become meaningless, every character is incredibly unlikable, it’s a shame to watch a fun game turn into such a dumpster fire. If you haven’t download the old game, or literally any other choice game out there because at this point they are all better options than this garbage.
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  • Pure frustration.

    This season is the most disappointing, under whelming, and over all a huge waste of time. The writing is down right horrible, whoever is in charge of the plot line this time really said “eh slap something together and call it good” Compared to other seasons this one has to be the worst, only 6 islanders to start with (3 guys, 3 girls) no sense of freedom or choice (they keep sticking Suresh, Alfie and Dana on you) and the plot line had to be the dullest, most unoriginal one we have seen yet, I am over every episode being loaded with melodramatic nonsense from Kat, Alfie and Suresh!! If I tell a character to shove off why do they keep coming back for long winded dialogue about “our” feelings for one another when I clearly just told them to shove off!! I have never been so frustrated, annoyed and down right mad at a game like this. Gosh, this game has gone down hill so quickly, don’t bother downloading it!
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  • Just Getting Worse

    It’s ridiculous how the reviews were erased since the start of the new season, ‘Ex in The Villa’ thinking that players would instantly love this season, it doesn’t, if anything season five is the worst of all seasons. We barely have any choice on the matter of what our MC is thinking, her goal, & who she is as a person. In real life any normal person would leave the villa, so far the MC have been played by majority of the guys inside the villa & by her so called “friends” who are all nosy in her business with her ex. This honestly feels like our ex’s story rather than OUR story. What made Love Island the game, was picking our secrets, having reactions on what’s going on, etc. That’s all been taken away in this season & it’s very underwhelming. At least in season four, we had choices & had our own backstory rather made up by us by this developer & an ex that can be triggering for so many players own experience. Do better FuseBox or stop entirely of this madness as your consumers are blatantly tired of this. I’ll say things would get better, but after the mess of a so called Love Island S4, I seriously doubt it would get better but we can only have to wait & see.
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  • Who is writing this stuff

    Season 2 was the best season. It had so many different outcomes that made you wanna play over and over. Season 3 was very boring. Then came Bombshell which wasn’t any better. The narrative is so forced. No matter who you chose the dialogue doesn’t change. I was so excited to see what Ex on the Beach had in store and I am utterly disappointed!!! It seems like it’s been written by a child honestly. Then it’s so freaking restricted, you basically have no freedom of choice. They’re forcing you to be with Suresh or Alfie and I really don’t get that or understand it. I’m just so infuriated because I really like Love Island but it has become trash. I also feel like they are pushing the lesbian thing in your face way too much. If I don’t like women, why keep saying she’s looking at me in certain ways. It’s so cringe. Whoever came up with the concept for season 2 need to return because this is not it for me.
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  • What’s the point

    It’s only volume 3 of season 5 but my god I hate it here. I don’t even get the point of making decisions this season since they don’t matter if they don’t fit the narrative. I don’t get to choose my couple. Or my outfits. Or my personality. And despite showing no interest 100% of the time I’m forced into garbage chats with a garbage LI. It’s boring. It’s annoying. You only get more than one star because of how much fun the early seasons were.
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  • Love Island the Game has really took a turn downhill

    After the catastrophe that is season 4, I was hoping on some stroke of luck that season 5 would be better but god was I wrong. I want to give it the benefit of the doubt and see where it goes but at this point I’m just disappointed. The “volumes” are way too short, they never used to split days between episodes before why now; having to wait a whole week to see what happens next, makes me want to quite playing; AND THE DAY AND NIGHT CYCLE IS STILL SCREWED. The storyline had so much potential but Suresh is really giving psycho ex, I can get the point with you being stuck with him but he just can’t take no for an answer; and forcing characters onto the MC as we have said many times before WE DON’T LIKE IT. The art style could be way better, it’s as if no thought was put into the outfits and with the lack of POC hairstyles; season 4 was way more impressive. The Devs clearly don’t care anymore or just don’t listen to their players, it feels like it’s all for the money than actually making good content.

    If you never fired the old team, you would actually have a game people would love again like the first couple of seasons. We would rather you take your time and create a game with a great storyline and character customization instead of the trash you continue to give us.
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  • that’s MY OPINION!!

    i wrote out a very thoughtful and honest review of the overall game. i added things that needed to be addressed and things that i liked. i tried not to be too critical about the newest season (5) because we’ve only gotten a couple episodes so far. however, even though i spent probably a little too much time on the review, i do not see it anywhere. i’m assuming the review (and many others) have been deleted and they’ve spammed positive 5-star reviews. My reasoning is that last i checked the rating for the app was when i wrote and sent my review (several days ago) and the rating was 2.8 but just today as i’m writing this, the rating is 3.4 and i only see reviews saying “if u don’t like it, don’t play it.” i’m not seeing anything of actual content on whether the game has made improvements or what they like about it. it’s a little sketchy imo.
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  • LOWER Your Expectations to NOTHING !!

    I fell in love with the show, then found the original game. Was the first three seasons perfect? No. But they were decently written, had good customization and an actually likable MC, and FOLLOWED the main concepts of the show!! After the first new season on this app, I was left very disappointed, but hopeful that they would hear our feedback and give us what we wanted for Love Island the Game.
    Instead, we have a HIDEOUS and horrible drawn MC (bring back the cartoon style, and bright colors PLZ) , a stupid plot line, and instead they seem to wanna focus on making it even more cringey by attempting some sexy-like style that just doesn’t hit right. I spent so much money on the original app, and had no regrets because the first were cute, and I actually cared for the men we got to date. This app is trash, loads like trash, and just isn’t worth anyones coin. If you wanna have a good laugh, just don’t buy gems, and see how bad the game is for yourself.
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