Love Island User Reviews

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  • Choices that don’t matter.

    In 2 years, Fusebox Games has alienated roughly half its customers by producing progressively low quality stories each season—all while asking customers what they want, then ignoring feedback. Sexist, racist, misogynist, LGBTQIA+ phobic elements have become the norm since CEO Wil Stephens fired the OG creative teams for speaking out. This app is toxic. Do not waste your time by downloading. ITV Studios should pull its support from this developer... stat.
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  • Current season is garbage.

    I’ve loved this game since season 1, spent lots of gems and real life money over the years and now it feels like such a waste. In the current season (ex in the villa), your choices don’t matter at all. Everyone is on the same path. Spoiler(ish): you can tell the same character over and over again that you’re not interested and still get forced to stay with them.
    Imagine being in a room full of people and you’re screaming at the top of your lungs but nobody hears you. That’s what playing this season is like.
    It’s full of drama, which isn’t bad… but you’re literally trapped in it. You keep repeatedly getting sucked into it and nothing you say or do matters.
    It’s gotten tiring. I can’t even seem to finish the current episode, every time I try it just makes me mad.
    Oh and also… there has been zero “spicy” scenes/dialogue. None. Boring.
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  • A 14 year old wrote this

    Ex in the Villa is the worst season yet. I’m sorry, but as someone who has been actually cheated on and gave several second chances to that person. I refuse to ever waste my time on that again. But no you don’t get that option the entire time you are still pinning for them even when you don’t want to be. There is still a tone of you wanting them back. It’s stupid. Plus you have two choices this season Alfie or your ex. I don’t care for either option. All the male personalities are players, none actually genuine. The ex story doesn’t make sense as you dated for a year and than he goes on about all the Christmas’s spent together the most it could be was 2. Not only that but technically he cheated on the main character for MONTHS, before sleeping with that person. But they act like it’s not a big a deal and everyone does it/ it’s normal to flirt with another person and hide it while in a serious relationship. I’m sorry, but this season is ridiculous. Take me back so season 2 when there was actual story and decent characters.
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  • Gone downhill

    I used to love this game!
    The previous seasons had depth, lots of choices and actually let us pick the people to couple up.
    “Ex in the villa” is slow, forced and has gone absolutely nowhere is 16 episodes.

    Until something changes-I will no longer spend money on this game.
  • What Happened?

    Season 5 has been majorly disappointing. I have actually really enjoyed all the previous seasons with little to no complaints (including 4), but season 5 just seems like it was very rushed and some lazy writing. Diamond options are pushed way too much, I don’t need the girls making diamond outfit recommendations every time there’s an opportunity to change; or when a character asks for a side chat or something let the no be a no, don’t have a follow up questioning the choice made. Same with love interests for MC, they seem SO forced. The answer options have also gotten very boring and basic, they might as well just say yes, no, maybe. I never write reviews, but this has been so disappointing I had to leave one. Hopefully y’all read and take into consideration what is being said by users, it looks like so many loved the previous seasons but are disappointed in the most recent one, so obviously something needs to change.
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  • Wow

    I’m extremely sad how far downhill this game has gone…I used to be obsessed with the other love island app, but neither of the seasons on this new app have been really good. This last season had sooooo much potential, but the fun aspect of the game, which is to choose your own story, is completely eliminated. You’re essentially just reading a story which makes the MC (you) look ridiculous. I’m sad to say this but I’m done playing for this season. Paid options literally are a waste of money because it has no impact on your outcome. This company completely ignores the players, so I suppose they don’t mind losing them either.
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  • Disappointing

    Honestly, I’ve been trying to give fusebox the benefit of the doubt with a lot of the writing decisions for these seasons and I have kind of lost that by now. These newer seasons can’t compete where they don’t compare with season 2, the GOAT. The choices don’t really feel like they matter in ex in the villa and it is extremely poorly written. Bombshell is at least tolerable and some of the choices do seem to effect the MCs time in the villa. It’s really sad to give up on a game I used to love so much. Listen to the feedback on reddit and Twitter!!!
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  • Lowkey disappointed

    Bombshell was alright, however I agree with everyone else when I say that “Ex in the villa” was a no go. I also thing you guys could do better with the customization of the character. For example you can’t change the facial shape of the character you are playing as unlike season 2. Also I’d love to see some of the old hairstyles back.
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  • Season 4 and 5

    SMDH so season 4 I didn’t finish I got bored and gave up hoping that season 5 will have some improvements since 4 was boring and the dialogue were not good interesting. However season 5 is a dumpster fire, I know fuse box hasn’t been doing too well since season 2 and all the drama that followed but come on now. The concept isn’t bad but the execution isn’t were it goes wrong. Having an EX in the villa is one thing but this season is so toxic!! The MC isn’t the main Interest to anyone. AND SHES THE MAIN CHARACTER! Ok not EVERYONE needs to like the MC but the only person into MC is the ex and he doesn’t take “no” for an answer. If someone tells you no it should be end of the constant pushing the ex and MC together is disgusting and at this point. I know y’all don’t like hearing too much negative and have been deleting bad comments, but honestly just take notes, take this on the chin, and try and improve. Again, season 2 was great! Season 3 felt like a summer camp but wasn’t too bad and season 1 was a trial but was pretty good as well. If you need more writers, developers or employees branch out and hire. A lot of people of the Reddit do stories themselves and many of them are AMAZING!! Some also to custom characters which are fantastic as well.
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  • Season 5

    Season 5 is extremely unenjoyable. Beyond the repetition, lack of choice, and unlikable characters, you are constantly bombarded with prompts to spend gems. They make it seem so urgent but it’s just the same tired stuff as in the main game. I dunno what’s going on with this season, but this isn’t the same game as it’s previous stories.
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