Love Island User Reviews

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  • Nooooo

    Keep rejecting the ex but seriously you guys gotta take that into consideration instead of forcing a narrative I’ve always rejected since the first episode it’s frustrating and there’s no options to leave it alone. Would be fine if that didn’t keep coming up
  • The Seasons are Unplayable.

    The new Ex in the Villa season is horrible. The previous season wasn’t amazing, but at least you had choice. All of your decisions are redundant because they all end up in the same conclusion. You’re not allowed to pick who you want to date and the characters keep forcing themselves on you after you repeatedly say that you’re not interested. The chapters are short and full of mind-numbing drama. Any of the characters that you’re actually interested in you’re not allowed to date. It’s just the same of three love interest who keep coming back and trying to hit on you after you tell them that you don’t like them. And then the game forces you to couple up with them. None of the characters listen to the MC so any dialog you say doesn’t even matter, it’ll just go back to the same base storyline. The last app was better.
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  • not as good as game 1, still recommend

    Ok i don’t write many reviews but tbh this games deserves more then a 2 star rating. i agree that game one might of been a bit better, more choices and such but i didn’t notice the lack of choices until they were pointed out. i think the characters are a little less well written, as in theres people that are going to be your best friend and people that will never like you no matter what, but overall i would NOT rate this app 2 stars at all. especially if your obsessed with the tv show love island, i recommend both this and the other love island game
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  • Shockingly bad and only getting worse.

    Gives “written by a 13 yr old who’s homework is due in the next hour and is only just starting it now” vibes. Tbh, don’t even bother - your choices in the game don’t matter at all because they’ll just force feed the rigid storyline they wrote until you’ve developed Stockholm syndrome and spent all your money/gems/time on this triggering POS game. It’s gotten to the point where the company is coasting off the success of the first few seasons and now just views it’s playerbase as cash cows and not putting any effort in to create a good game. The VERY FEW characters they do have are stale and underdeveloped, they shove unwanted LI’s so far down your throat you feel violated and make you feel like dirt if you don’t buy them, MC is weak af and cornered into options you don’t want AND they drip feed the tiniest amount of content each week because if they released it in bigger chunks, you’d become bored within 2 seconds. If you value your time and energy, don’t bother with this game. You’ll have a better time doing literally anything else, trust me.
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  • Incel Island….?

    I’ve been a loyal, paying Love Island player since season 1… not any more.

    I see a lot of people blame the writers for how bad these new seasons (s4&5) are but this is all on the CEO. How season 5 ever got the go ahead is mind blowing and embarrassing.

    Season 5 is the most awful role playing game I’ve ever had the displeasure of playing.

    The plot is depressing, humiliating, negative and horribly forced.

    The artists can’t seem to draw a proportional face to save their lives (stop trying to draw angled faces if you can’t figure out how to not have eyes at different heights - Arlo in particular looks like she’s had a stroke 🤪).

    The clothing and make up seem to have been drawn up by a washed up Vegas show girl who hasn’t seen how young people dress since the 1980s… and the hairstyles… horrible.

    Advice to artists: go on Pinterest/Instagram for five minutes and you can see how ppl actually dress and style themselves…

    There are three “love interests” for s5 that are all horribly unlikeable and you literally cannot get away from - one of which is your cheating ex which, for some reason, the plot seems to want you to end up with.

    Like, I play these games for the fun fantasy aspect.

    Us players want to be wanted by hot love interests. To hook up with OUR CHOICE of islanders. To choose our story and love interests. To have up to date and in style clothing, hair and make up.

    I could go on but this is already so long, lol.

    Anyways, I’ve deleted the app along with hundreds of others due to the disgusting toxic mess that is season 5. Hopefully the CEO is replaced and the company goes back to the winning formula of the first couple of seasons.
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  • Choices don’t matter

    The first season was pretty bad, but second one is just a complete and utter joke. You basically have a choice between one girl and two guys the entire game and no matter many times you say “no”, somehow you still end up with them. Other characters don’t care even if you show interest, it feels more like ready a very bad written fanfic rather than playing a game. I really hoped season two is going to resemble season two of the original Love Island game (which was superior), but couldn’t be any more different. Just like the love interests (the entire 3 in, you know, an entire villa), the other characters in the game are just completely dull and boring, the story line in general is boring, I’d rather play the original app (season 2 especially) over and over again than replay this once.
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  • Frustrating and unbearable

    Litg used to feel like a game where you were free to choose who to be with and what to say. Characters reacted and it felt dynamic. Every week I’d be excited to play the new episodes and would buy gems because of how much I loved it. S3 started to go downhill but wasn’t that bad. S4 began the trend of making your character unwanted and unable to choose who you were with in earnest. You got funneled along a path with few options for half the season. Plus, conversations mattered less and less. Now in S5 there’s pretty much no choice and every word and character is toxic and frustrating. Want to choose who you’re with? You can’t. Your character said something? No, she didn’t. Nothing you say or do matters. Personality? Character background? Non-existent. Games are supposed to be fun. This game actually anger inducing. Also, if I wanted a linear story with no choices- I’d read a book. Uninstalling this because I just can’t keep hoping for better at this point.
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  • Not what it used to be

    I used to love the game. Seasons 1-3 were actually really great. So when season 4 was dropping on an entirely new app I was more then willing to give it a shot but it was a huge flop. All of a sudden it seemed like your choices weren’t yours to make and no matter what route you chose you’d end up the same. (Previously seasons really allowed you to control your destiny and you could play over and over again and always get a different outcome) this app has completely taken away the best aspects of love island.

    Now if you thought season 4 was bad wait until you see season 5, it’s Boring with a capital B! You have even less control over your story and they just completely force people on you that you have no interest in. You don’t even have much control over you MC’s appearance besides her hair and clothes. There are limited options for your responses and the personally is flat. I’m really upset, after waiting week after week and making no progress I’ve decided to stop playing.

    I recommend playing one of the earlier seasons on the other love island app. It’s more entertaining. More versatile and just an overall better experience for what love island should be about. This one is tacky, limited, and just a waste of time. If you haven’t played seasons 1-3 then I suggest you do and if you have played them then you know exactly what I’m talking about. I wished fuse games would’ve done better but at this point I’ve lost faith that they ever will.
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  • Disappointing

    Used to absolutely love this game, especially on the other app. “Bombshell” wasn’t fantastic, but it’s leaps and bounds better than the dumpster fire that “ex in the villa” is. Don’t waste your time with this game, just get the first app and play the first 3 seasons.
  • expensive

    even more expensive from the last seasons and i feel like the storyline is predictable, like i know i’m going to win and i know that i’ll probably end up with the person i want to be with. like i wish there were different options and paths you could go down like get eliminated, not winning, partner rejecting you ect. i like the game just i wish there were more options and the game wasn’t as expensive.
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