The receipt keeper to scan receipts.
Use the digital expense tracker to keep control of your expenses.
You need to scan receipts?
Use our Intelligent receipts scanner and expense tracker!
Simply scan receipts.
Quickly and easily scan all your everyday receipts and add them to the expense tracker.
You need an expense tracker?
No worries, use our smart expense tracker to manage all of your receipts!
Expense tracker.
Rekening lets you scan and manage your receipts. Artificial intelligence is creating smart receipts and supports the expense tracker. With this smart data receipts you are always in full control about your expenses.
You need a business expenses tracker?
Here we are, take the smart way and use the business expenses tracker to export all receipts /expenses from the book keeper to the accounting.
Track business expenses and export expenses.
You can filter and export your expenses. This way you can share your travel expenses or receipts with the office or friends in various ways. You can open the export of receipts in any popular program on your computer or smart phone. You can also track business expenses automatically and send them to the accounting department. This is the easiest way to track your business expenses in a digital way.
Handle warranty claims quickly and easily with the smart digital receipt.
In the app, you can enter and manage products purchased per receipt. This gives you a complete overview of your warranties in the expense tracker. In the event of a warranty claim, you use the smart search to find a product or receipt in the expense tracker. It is the fastest way to find the corresponding receipts or invoices.
Receipts only stored on your local smart device in your expense tracker.
Keep full control over your data. Rekening stores all your receipts exclusively in the expense tracker on your smart device.
Terms of use: