Lobby User Reviews

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  • Bring Lobby Back!

    I remember when lobby first released back during the pandemic. Apps like this were really popular during that time, like Amongchat which is still up today, just under a different name. It brought people together. It was so wild, but it was so fun! People were hosting talent shows, games, even movie nights. It was such an experience, and it makes me so sad to see this app just.. shut down without any announcement. Lobby was genuinely such a great way to find new people to talk to, and have some fun online. I would do anything to have this app back, I’ve never forgotten about it. This app holds so much great memories for me, and it only existed for about 2-3 years. So please, I, and the rest of the community that still remembers this apps existence, beg that Lobby Returns.
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  • it was my place

    lobby was the best app that I always go on , specially summer It was so fun. I miss the old days like you had readers / arguing just for fun / you had talent shows you had like everything and it was so fun mostly discord people moved it to lobby And like the best year was 2022 me seening getting shut down is really crazy to me because I always go on an app and it’s fun I just didn’t like the new update like verified and stuff. Other than that, it was a good app. but if you know lobby, you know lobby you have role-play you have everything on that app. It’s like something about the app that y’all don’t even know about but the people that played this they know it but if you haven’t, you should’ve it was very fun. It was everything. I’m really sad that it got shut down because I really missed days and I missed it all of my friends but that’s all I have to say rip for lobby😔
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  • The reason behind my one star

    I had Lobby back in 2021 when it was actually fun. I was there when ppl was aloud to join random parties and have fun with strangers. I was there when ppl made singing/rap comp parties. I was there when ppl made roblox/fortnite/c.o.d parties. I was there when ppl were playing the mute game. I was there when ppl were streaming “We Don’t Talk about Bruno” song, or streaming a Coryxkenshin video. What I’m typing to say is, I miss the old lobby. I miss all the friends I made on the old app and I truly regret that I didn’t get any of their contact info from them. I want to know if my friend Danger ever beat his cancer. I want to know if my friend Smile is still out there singing. I want to know if Gon is still being a good friend to those that feel left out in things. I MISS THEM THREE THE MOST!! Lobby used to be a place where we could relax and have fun at. Where we could listen to strangers sing whatever songs they wanted, or rap whatever they wanted. I undeniably miss that feeling I got every time I got on Lobby and would be greeted by my friends. I miss all of that… but let me stop yapping 😭! To my friends, I miss you all and I hope that you guys somehow see this.

    Sincerely, Lili 🩷!
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  • Moxie here.

    so I ain’t gonna lie I think anyone seeing this can agree with me that we all miss lobby. all the fights, arguments, and deep convos I had with people were entertaining to say the least. if u seeing this and know me, then u know I was a very interesting person. I was known to be a player and to mess around with everyone’s feelings. just know that I’m not really like that and it was to entertain you guys. all those friends I made and arguments I had were funny. hope none of y’all took it heart. but I know there’s still bad blood with some people in this app. I think we should all campaign to have lobby back and there are rumors that it is coming back next year of 2024. hopefully that’s true because we miss lobby. peace out y’all
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  • I’m still trying to change

    I will like to say this was the worst and best experience of my life. The reason why I like this is because if you lonely you can get on this app and find people to talk to. But the reason why I hate this is because so much happen. One day you can meet some people who you have something in common with. Next you start to catch feelings for someone, and you just simp and simp and simp for what. Ain’t like you can see these people in real life but the messages I’m trying to say is don’t get this app because now I got even more antisocial with everyone in my life. Like I wasted so much time on this app, I wasted like a year of my life a whole year talking to some random acting like we can be something one day. DONT AND I BEG DONT DOWNLOAD THIS APP EVER I DONT CARE HOW LONELY YOU ARE DONT DO IT PLEASE. Have a blessed day or afternoon and maybe night 🙏
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  • This app is so stupid

    I literally hate this stupid freaking app because every single time I try to go login I can’t even get in because it said I have known at work. My network is connected to my data and then whenever I hit the thing because it wants me to sign in with my stupid phone number it says it work is not connected. My network is connected. You’re just being stupid and making it so we’re just because they have data they can’t use it well guess what not even one life is gonna freaking Wi-Fi every single day you’re so stupid. I hate this app I need to re-create it because it’s so freaking stupid need to redo it because it’s so stupid you need to take it down because it’s so stupid. I’m running towards the tides reviews that are bad because that this app is so awful. You think that it might be a Macy’s because you’ve got your little clients going on here in Redding love this little app it’s just so crazy. It’s amazing it’s stupid you wish it was good but it’s not. It’s literally awful and you are bad at creating things. That’s why you should never gonna be a creator fix this right now or else I’m afraid I’m gonna have to make it so no one else ever dares to touch this app and believe me, I will make it through someway or somehow, because I’m sure other people are experiencing the exact same things!
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  • really helpful

    I missed the old update when u can meet people I have been using this app since 2020 and met really nice people that are still with me till this day I hope They bring the old update back because there’s a lot of difference and people are really hating how it’s like that I enjoyed the times where there is fights in the app and people that are from all kinds of this world it’s crazy how I have someone from china that I’m friends with because of this app and I hope I can meet more when the app is hopefully back to the old update again 💪
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    when I got my new phone, I tried logging in lobby because me and my friend LOVE this app and when I tried logging it for some reason it did not let me in using my number And I tried using google, Apple, and Snapchat but it did not let me still and I few months later I tried it again thinking “ maybe it will work this time” and it do not work and is annoying and my friends messages does not work so this is the only way we can communicate and this does not work for me and I really want to talk to my friend but this thing won’t let me log in for no reading and I’m getting kind of tired of it so Lobby, can you plz fix this issue and let me log in?
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  • This app bring some thing in my life

    I’ve been having the app for a while since 2021 I loved the app and the app bring me someone really special in my life and that is still is special in my life and I’m glad that I met them because of this app, I actually developed my confidence and how to defend myself I actually love this app, but the app started to get dry. I don’t know what’s been going on but I thought it was because of the updates that app been having because like every single week there was like a new update and everything I think that’s the thing that kinda like bring people to not want to be in the app anymore but eventually I deleted the app, because how much I’ve been in it I always went to this app and now it’s 2023 and I’m downloading it to see if it has changed or if it’s still the same but this app can also have really toxic people and it’s not even funny how respectful so if you’re gonna download this app, please be careful because the people in this app can be very disrespectful mean and rude
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  • Very good app but won’t let me log in .

    I’ve had Lobby for some time now and it’s a very good app. A very good way to socialize and it brings people closer together in many ways. Recently, I’ve been having an issue with logging it. I regularly log in with apple but I tried that and it loads and sends me back to the log in screen. I also tried using my google account and phone number but it does the same thing. This has been happening since the beginning of 2023 and I’ve tried to email lobby and never got a reply. Please help. I really enjoy this app and I’m not ready to leave it yet .
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