User Reviews: MINDSET by DIVE Studios

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Top reviews

  • Great App!

    This is app does exactly what it’s intended for. From the start of your day it helps you put yourself in a positive mindset, gives you an encouraging quote that’ll help you stay motivated throughout the day, and reminds you to identify what you’re grateful for in that specific day. And these are just the basic features it shows when opening the app! There’s soooo much more to explore. Videos that talk about burnouts, loneliness, low self esteem, basically every mental problem that we all face at least once in our life are shared with us. I think it was a really creative idea to feature celebrity artists on sharing their own experiences with mental and emotional problems, because it shows how success, fame, or money isn’t what determines happiness or a healthy lifestyle. It’s what mindset we choose to have to go on about our day.
  • Changing the Stigma - THANK YOU

    I’ve been a longtime fan of Dive Studios so when Mindset started, I was so excited and I am definitely not disappointed. This app gives their users the chance to work on their own mental health by giving them an outlet to express their feelings and on top of that, hear the stories of some of their favorite artists and potentially some of the same struggles they’ve experienced themselves. I’ve been a kpop fan since 2011 and seen how famous not only kpop has gotten, but also social media so as a result, how brutal the impacts may be. On top of that, Korean culture has some stigmas that are different than the US. With Mindset, they are giving some of those idols a chance to express themselves in a way that may have otherwise been censored or excluded. This connection between fan artist is so valuable to both parties and I’m so glad this app exists.

    I’ve gone to a town hall for this app and heard first-handed what an impact these stories and experiences have on a listener. I’ve also watched as the Mindset team ask for what they can do better on the app and then watch them slowly roll out for the user. I think overall the company this app stems from is incredible and I am so happy they created this app.
  • This app is honestly so amazing

    This app is so amazing I really love how I can write how I'm feeling and what I'm thankful for and how It let's you choose any postcast you want to list to. I also like how it gives you inspirational quotes from people that you like or from some tv shows that one of the characters might've said and honestly I really love waking up in the morning and coming on the mindset app and listen to the podcasts and reading the quotes that pop up when you first open the app. This app is amazing and I hope when other people download this, that they'll enjoy it too.
  • A feasible way to self care

    I am so exhausted by the end of the day as work is intense, and this app is a quick and easy way to check in and feel supported. I love the guided meditations too; they are so relaxing. I love the careful attention they place in the app to make it a great community, from the automatic Mindset app “like” on reflections to ensuring that completing any task = a successful completion; this app is designed to make it feasible and seamless to integrate self care into your life; banishing any depression or hurtful thoughts. I highly recommend this app for rewiring your mindset to become your best ally, instead of your limiting factor. I am grateful for the comprehensive free features as well! Thank you to the team for designing such a life changing app that can truly benefit today’s isolated and stressed out society
  • Not Alone

    Thanks to all of these stories and advice, it really made me realize people we see as just such talented, amazing people go through these hardships.
    That should be obvious, but hearing it from these artists from their perspective, of how they deal with these hardships just makes me believe in myself more that I can get over them too.
    It is amazing to hear everyone’s stories because they are ALL different, yet we share something similar, we all share same emotions, and a lot of the thoughts… it’s how we deal with them is what I learn a lot.
  • Great community + good for your soul!

    I love everything the Mindset team puts together and this app is no exception. It features really personal and intimate stories from amazing artists - a great way to get to know your faves on a deeper level! I’m serious, these mindset collections from various artists is truly an amazing gift to the world and community. Full access to all the Mindset content does require a subscription, but it’s minimal and SO worth it. There are also a variety of daily activities to reflect on how you’re doing and share thoughts with the community. All in all, it’s a gem of an app that offers a good way to take a break from the world and reflect on stories of your life and others.
  • Thank You Mindset

    I often struggle with my mental health and could not seem to find the outlet I needed to help bring me back out of the mental slump I’d often fall in. One thing that helps me is relating to the people I look up to. I wonder a lot of the time if my faves feel stressed or share any of the same thoughts or thinking process as me. Mindset has answered a lot of those questions for me. I am able to check in with myself every day and reflect on my days while listening to the stories of people I truly admire. Learning about these artists and what makes them sad, happy, how they deal with the hardships… it calms me and can be truly healing when dealing with my own personal struggles. I am very appreciative of this app and feel very grateful that it exists and it’s an app I look forward to opening every day.
  • I appreciate Dive Studios / Mindset so much!

    Speaking from the perspective of a kpop fan and carat, I really appreciate that Mindset has given a platform for idols to talk about their experiences and struggles — especially in such an accessible way! In my personal opinion, I don’t think there very many outlets for idols to freely discuss personal matters and issues such as these .. and those that do exist may not be easy to for non-Korean fans to find / understand / reach.

    The combination of audio +/- English subtitles on each of these episodes makes for a very easy user experience (at least for English-speaking folk) and allows us to truly listen to what our idols have to say, without mistranslation or language barriers. It would be cool to see the addition of other languages in the future!
  • Exactly what I needed

    I only started to follow Mindset when they had Vernon from Seventeen release episodes, and I was not disappointed. (And then came DK’s episodes and as my ult bias, I was beyond excited.) As someone who struggles with seeing positivity in the world, Vernon’s episodes came along at the perfect time and reminded me to be grateful for the little things in life and the more you are grateful for small things, the easier it becomes to be grateful for big things. I broke my toe shortly after listening to his episodes and I could have been extremely upset yet I was go grateful that it wasn’t worse than it was. Only a pinky toe broken, I could still walk and my foot in general was ok. Thank you Mindset for allowing us a trip into our idols minds and remind us how to change our outlook on the world ❤️
  • Amazing App

    I originally found out about Mindset when Eric Nam collaborated with them to release a collection, but I only recently downloaded the app, and I was definitely missing out. There are so many different collections to listen to, and being able to hear everyone’s stories while I drive to work or clean around the house make me so much motivated throughout the day and make me want to strive towards my goals. I would definitely recommend downloading the app and giving a collection or two a listen, because you won’t regret it!

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