User Reviews: Number Match

Reviews Summary

Top reviews

  • Much Improved!!!

    I wrote a review a week ago because adds would pop up repeatedly while I was matching numbers - not just when I hit the plus button. This has since been resolved - so much better!! I love this game and don’t think changes are needed:
    1. No undo button teaches you to be more careful when making a match. It motivates improving your observation skills.

    2. The plus button is perfect. I don’t want numbers auto added when no matches are left. I like having to check and improve my analysis skills

    3. No need to line up numbers when adding to make matches easy. You can totally match the numbers when they aren’t line up! It’s good enforcer for learning to pay attention.

    4. If no matches are available, totally fine. We don’t always have to win - I prefer a challenge and not always winning to it being incredibly easy and never losing.

    To compromise you could create an easy mode with the changes and then medium that keeps it as is.
  • Loved this game but now it’s unplayable

    I really enjoyed this game. It was part of my calm wake-up routine. Unfortunately, the past week or so, it has been virtually unplayable. The ads have been causing the game to lag and freeze, meaning I would have to restart the entire game several times to finish one level. It eats up my battery and makes my phone hot. The glitches it causes interfere with using my phone even after closing the game, making me restart my phone entirely sometimes. Not to mention there are so many ads now that I’ll often get several back-to-back while trying to play. Needless to say it no longer provides the calm brain wake-up it used to. Finally just uninstalled it completely. A real shame. It was a great game once you figured out how the more obscure matches worked.
  • Addictive!

    Update: please please fix the glitch. This game glitches after about 10 min and has a very long lag where the buttons freeze up. Then it freezes everything on my iPhone XR. Sometimes I have to completely restart the phone to get it going again. It ONLY happens with this game. It also happens on my partner’s Galaxy.

    Initial Review: I love this game. Two things though, 1) I’d really like a back button to undo my big thumb mistakes 2) it glitches after 10 or 15 min and freezes my phone. The second makes me want to delete it everyday, but I can’t stop playing LOL so excellent work y’all!
  • Number Match

    Love this game! It definitely is addicting. I prefer to add all of the numbers at the beginning as it doubles whatever if any numbers are on the board. This way I end up with 48 rows (3x2x2x2x2) and more numbers for a higher score. I wish the tutorial explained how some pairings yield much higher scores, such as 28 points versus 2, 4 or 8. My final move at the end of my high game added 348 points but there is no explanation as to why. Also, what is the highest possible score? Not knowing that makes it impossible to gauge how well I’m doing versus my potential. My high game so far is 3,743 but I have no context except as compared to my own scores.
    Thank you!
  • Absolutely Makes No Sense

    I don’t think of myself as a stupid person and believe I am capable of following directions. With that said, this game makes no sense whatsoever. Obviously the directions are missing something. They state “match pairs or numbers adding to 10 right next to each other, diagonally or starting and ending a line” but clearly that is not the case as I only played two games and used every hint available to me trying to figure it out and it showed available plays using two numbers not even in close proximity to each other or at the beginning or end of each line without logic as to why. I would say this game needs a better tutorial - much better.
  • Great game with some critical pitfalls

    The game itself is extremely fun but suffers from some clear setbacks

    The tutorial is somewhat helpful but does not distinctly describe the rules about tile elimination in terms of positioning: Occasionally you can have a tile in the middle of the board match with something you wouldn’t expect, etc. maybe add some clear rules about what makes two tiles a match (in terms of positioning!!) I feel this would help newer players learn the game.

    While the daily challenge should be a challenge, if there is someone who is a freak and needs to complete all of the daily challenges from the past, the point threshold can be slightly overkill on some of the levels. I know this defeats the purpose of it being a “challenge” but maybe for someone trying to complete the past daily challenges, lower the point threshold for completion.

    Possibly add an undo feature with uses similar to the hint button in order to prevent users from wasting their time in an un winnable game.

    Again this is a great game and has a lot of potential!
  • Accessibility issue; please read!

    I love this game, but there are two issues. I'm a user with limited/low vision, and both of these issues affect my ability to play the game. 1. Haptic vibration: In the past I relied on this game's haptic vibrations to tell me when I've run out of number matching options. In the past there was 1 buzz when a match was made, and then 3 buzzes when there are no more matches than can be made with the current number set. Since the update before the latest, the only time the haptic vibrations happen are when you make a number match. The 3 buzzes that tell you you're out of matches are gone, making this game more complicated & frustrating. It's one thing to know there are more matches and just not see them, but an entirely different thing entirely to flounder through the game trying to find matches when there aren't any left. Please bring the 3-buzz haptic vibrations back so I can play this game again. Legitimately, I can't play the game without those vibrations because of my vision. Dark mode: I understand other folks have requested a dark mode setting in the reviews. I'm also one of those folks who'd like a dark mode. There are times when the vibrant whiteness makes it harder for my eyes to focus, and having a dark mode would be really helpful/let me play the game longer without my eyes getting tired. Please read my review & consider fixing these issues. Thank you.

    Developer Response

    Hi! Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. We're going to take your feedback on board as we continue to improve our service. Please stay tuned for our future updates! 😊 If you have other ideas on how the app can be improved, you are most welcome to share your them via We'd be glad to hear from you! 😊

    I feel like this game could easily make little improvements that would enhance the gamers experience exponentially. First and foremost DARK MODE. It would make me play more in the evenings (when I’m typically on my phone), and would greatly improve plays experience and autonomy. I also think that just automatically doubling instead of forcing you to try a hint, would be awesome. I like the vibration/haptics response, but I’m not always keyed in enough to know whether it signaled me or not. Just food for thought. But dark mode for sure is necessary.
  • Lost features on update? Where’s dark mode?

    I came to give a 5 star review… but I just updated and there’s something missing now… I got really used to my phone vibrating and animated plus button automatically when there are no pairs remaining - after the update it took me a few frustrated games to realize that I wasn’t just missing it, it wasn’t happening anymore. I thought maybe the devs decided to make it optional or something (I could see where some users may prefer to notice this on their own) but I checked the settings, and there is not a way to turn it back on.
    I also agree with many other users that an undo feature would be nice. And dark mode would be appreciated and would not require much effort on the development side.
  • Vibration

    What happened to the game vibrating when you have no more matches to signify to add more numbers? This came about a week ago that I no longer have that tattletale prompting me that there are no more matches. I haven’t seen a deletion of this feature in any of the app update notes.

    I agree with many of the other users that there should be an undo button. However, I also disagree with them at the same time. A little strategy and pre planning go along way from needing an undo button. I get frustrated with myself, not the game, when I notice too late a better strategy.

    Bring back the vibration and I’ll boost my review to 5 stars 😂

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