User Reviews: Lingvano

Lingvano - Learn Sign Language
Lingvano - Learn Sign Language
Fischer Matthias u Mitges - Lingvano GesbR

Reviews Summary

Top reviews

  • Disappointing

    I’m a high schooler who wanted to learn asl as a basic skill before applying to a new job where I’d work with kids and I worried there could potentially be deaf kids since I encountered deaf people for the first time at my old job. I was really excited but I got through all the available material within an hour before I was stopped by a paywall. Again I’m a high school student and currently unemployed and I absolutely would’ve tapped into my savings for this but I just can’t afford $18 monthly payments. I think it’s unfortunate after seeing how tiring it is for deaf people to communicate with hearing people who’ve never considered learning to sign because it didn’t affect them and I’m sure many would be willing if it was more accessible but I don’t think prices that high are helpful to hearing people willing to learn or deaf people who struggle daily communicating with people who can’t sign. Accessibility would help all sides so I don’t understand.
  • The cost to learn.

    I have been learning ASL through professionally taught classes for the past three years, I saw this app being advertised by a well known deaf figure and whereas the advertisement stated that this was free to learn, I quickly realized that this was wrong. The format of this app is good for learning, and the feature for watching yourself sign was also a great way to encourage people's hands to be moving. I quickly breezed through the first lesson, second lesson, and within about fifteen minutes I had reached the paywall. I declined and the next day came back to see if it would let me continue, it did not. This block on simplistic things like the alphabet or words that are more important in everyday speech such as "where is __" or "who are you" or "what is your name" are all things that I believe should at least be accessible to the public; not to mention that without the alphabet, many would not be able to at least try to piece together a sentence. So, with all of that said, this seems like a great app for those who are willing and able to pay for its benefits, but free public classes teach in a similar or even better way and do not have the same cost.
  • Wonderful but...

    This is a fantastic app. I found it easy to use and the spaced repetition is excellent. The vocabulary and conversations felt (for the most part) useful and appropriate for the real world. One complaint was the end of section reviews. They were so repetitive I didn't even have to see the word/phrase before answering because they showed the same one so many times. Also there were times I finished the reviews and there was an error forcing me to retake them. I just stopped doing those altogether. But that didn't matter too much and didn't affect the learning process.

    My bigger issue was the pricing structure. I 100% support paying for this app and even paid for a full year. It was (with caveat) absolutely worth the ~$100 for a year. BUT that should have been a one-time, for life price. I finished the entire series in about 6 months and the app hasn't added any new lessons since I bought it. There wasn't any point in renewing to pay another $100 yearly (or a monthly) fee to repeat the same material, but now I don't have access the the lessons I already took. That's really frustrating and disappointing. Again, I am not complaining about paying - an app like this shouldn't be free. But continuing to pay without new content is problematic and not worth it. I'm sorry I can't keep using this app as I really loved it.
  • Great Learning Behind a Paywall

    First off, the app itself is great. The teaching style is wonderful, it includes variations of signs, and direct translations (which personally helps me understand the grammar better). It reminded me of Memrise and I was excited to use it as a supportive study resource while taking my ASL class this semester.

    That idea was quickly shattered though. Unlike Memrise, you cannot go past a point in lessons for free. It would be nice to have the same setup where the paid version gave you better more customized ways to study while everyone is allowed to go through the lessons free. It's already a problem that ASL isn't taught in schools by default so deaf people are excluded in so many of our lives. Why keep that behind a paywall for people who are trying to fix that? On top of that, the payment options are wayyy too expensive. It's the same as the overpriced streaming services. I got a whole year of Memrise for $30, with this app that's not even two months. If anything changes let me know because I would love to use this app, but until then most of my generation is struggling to even pay rent.
  • I don’t have 18$ to give you every month

    When I got this app I was so excited to learn ASL. I did the first lesson then came back on the app just to see that it wasn’t completed. I tried to complete it but it told me to start the free trial. I declined the offer but then shortly realized that there was nothing else for me to do if I didn’t start the free trial. Somebody who is deaf, non verbal, or has a friend that is deaf etc. might need to learn ASL without going to an in person class. The first lesson only gave you words like hello, welcome, how, me, you, and fine. I wanted to be able to know and learn ASL, but to do that you have to start a free trial. not everybody is able to pay $18 a month for an app. I wanted to learn ASL and join the ASL community but now I can’t do that because i don’t have $18 to give you every month. I still gave this app 3 stars because if someone were to go premium and continue with the lessons the lessons are very easy to understand and show you how to learn the word very well even including a slow down button if they are signing to fast. But I am still mad because I would like to have a conversation in ASL which they give you if you continue the app with premium. In all the app would be lovely if it didn’t have that outstanding price you would have to pay before you could even complete the first lesson. Thank you for reading my review and I hope this helps with your decision of buying this app or not. 😊😊
  • This app is absolutely amazing, but…

    I love this app, learning sign language so that i can communicate with deaf and hearing people is very fun. i love the way there are videos and at the ned of each lesson, u can choose to redo it, go over the lesson or move on. the only thing i don’t like about this app is that u have to pay for it. i knew that it would be too good to be true, amazing lessons, great reviews, and amazing quality, until i’m on my last lesson and before i could even start it, it’s making me pay to continue. i’m obviously not going to pay but really, u guys are making a great app that millions could use, to make millions not use it by paying?!? like this is very annoying and i would like to use sign language to communicate with certain people and because i have to pay, i won’t get to do that along with hundreds of thousands of others.
  • Great & Fun!

    I am a hairstylist and I realized that there is an entire community out there that probably can’t or won’t get their hair done because they can’t have someone come to interpret for them, or maybe they feel they might be judged or fear, because writing things down for communication goes so far. I have been using the app for 5 days now and I have learned so much! I am so excited to get closer to being able to converse with the deaf/hard of hearing community. Overall, the app runs great and it’s clear where everything is and what to do.

    the ONLY issue I have is sometimes, the instructors don’t sign the same, and I end up getting confused. I know the letter N has the thumb between the pinky and ring, but another instructor just puts their two fingers down, so I was confused and ended up getting things wrong.
  • Premium?

    Giving three stars because I think this is a great app, or has to potential to be. While I can agree it is easy to use/navigate, and good beginner friendly lessons. Why is there a premium? I consider ASL a staple in communication. While I’ve personally taken a few years of ASL, I’m by no means fluent. I wanted to use this app to become as fluent as possible for my job, and not for the money as I would have to be certified, but because no one else in my department knows ASL. Therefore, would consider this extremely important. If people truly cared about hearing individuals (or others like nonverbal or recently deaf) learning ASL, it would be free. I’m somewhat familiar with the deaf community and they typically love when hearing people know sign language. So why make us pay $18 a month for it? I do have free ASL resources in my area, but that requires me going out after long days at work. And what about people who don’t have those resources? Why make something so important so expensive? $18 is a meal on the table, a half a tank of gas, it helps with bills.
  • Worth every penny!

    I initially started learning ASL due to a crush…and this app has exceeded my expectations in helping me achieve conversational fluency! Over the past 7 months of daily study, my vocabulary has expanded to about 1,000 signs. I've nearly completed all the lessons and am now focusing on mastering them through the vocab trainer feature. This progress would have taken me years through traditional classes alone. While I also work with a weekly private ASL tutor who is Deaf and am considering formal classes in the future, this app has truly been a game changer for me. It has not only enhanced my communication skills but also introduced me to a vibrant community and culture within the Deaf community. Highly recommended for anyone interested in learning ASL!
  • If you’re invested, this app will change your life!!

    I downloaded this app 19 days ago. I am now on unit 3, and I know 264 words so far. I know my alphabet, I can count to infinity if I wanted to, I know my days of the week, seasons, months, I can tell and ask about time. I know simple conversational signs and so much more. This app is perfectly laid out and organized with units, chapters, and lessons. There is a study tab for vocab, spelling, and numbers. This app inspires you and hypes you up to keep up a daily streak. You can get on there and study for a few minutes, and that will count as 1 day towards your streak. Go at your own pace, and have everything explained thoroughly. I say give it a shot ❤️

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