The credit card itself is great, no complaints really. If anything, it was confusing at first. I tried to make a car payment as well as rent (fyi, can’t do that). The card is metal, which I like also. The app is an absolute nightmare. When I first got it just a mere few months ago, it wasn’t terrible. Now it takes forever to open, it’s so busy, I can never find my balance, just ugh. The benefits? Well, instead of offering more realistic things, they offer Blade discounts (uber for helicopter rides, I think?) and all fitness class type things. Please just add more point bonuses for travel, or just point multipliers in general. I’ve spent so much money and it’s like “congrats you can use your $150 balance to pay your bill” or something, lolz.
Current problem is that it just closes in the middle of trying to do the monthly rent game. This, after three (?) updates in the last week and a half? Please, please listen to the reviews and streamline this app, take away all the extra adverts and celebrity cameo stuff. We just want an app that works.
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