User Reviews: SwiftSeller

Top reviews

  • Does the work but is expensive

    This is a decent app but really pricey, particularly since their website (at least when I downloaded) stated that their cost was half of what they’re actually charging. When I inquired, they were unwilling to honor the price on their own website. I tried it out, but can’t justify that much expense for what it’s doing.
  • Very frustrating

    I went to re activate this app after being away for vacation.
    Paid the basic fee, then an offer popped up within the app or while online paying for the basic fee, to upgrade to the higher tiered version for more money, that runs in the background, with a promise to refund the original basic fee I just paid. Well, I’ve been charged for both versions, and still haven’t received a refund as promised for the original basic version. I upgraded when I was offered this by the app- within 5 mins. What gives? And nobody emails me back when I need help. I feel scammed

    Developer Response

    Kendra, I emailed you 10 minutes after you sent me the email mentioning the double billing. I believe there was a billing issue and Apple charged you twice once the billing issue was resolved. If you could respond to my email I would appreciate it so we can resolve this. If Apple denied your refund request, I will personally take care of arranging you a refund.
  • The apps responses say enough

    The responses from the app owners are appalling! I wouldn’t expect an app to do work for me for free, but I also wouldn’t expect an app to charge so much, especially when there are other apps out there that do quite a bit of this as a part of its app features and for free. If that’s not enough, I expect to be treated with respect. I won’t use the app for the simple reason of their attitude. A little kindness goes a long ways. There is absolutely no reason to talk to your paying customers (or anyone for that matter) the way you do. Maybe try taking the constructive criticism in a way that helps your app gain a more positive exposure instead of being defensive and pushing people away with such a lack of respect on your part. They say that word of mouth is the best form of marketing and advertisement, yet word of mouth can also make or break your business.

    Developer Response

    Holly edited her original review Heather, so you didn't see how entitled and unconstructive it was worded. You're operating on incomplete assumptions about me and my character. You can ask anyone who has contacted me through the proper support channels for assistance. I respond as quickly as I can the minute I see a support email and do immediate incident response when crashes present themselves. Customers email me all the time and present constructive feedback and I implement them. I will do anything and go to lengths these other developers will not go to ensure SwiftSeller maintains the highest quality and consistency in user experience. For the past two weeks after the launch of 2.0, I have been running on barely any sleep working around the clock resolving issues and making the system more robust. I am that committed. I am active in the Facebook groups and keep tabs when people mention issues with SwiftSeller because I care that much about user experience. You can go through the Facebook groups and ask people who have interacted with me and can attest to my character and my willingness to assist those who treat me with respect. I am pro-active in monitoring everything because I care that much in a world where developers are driven by profit. I don't care about money. I don't need money. I won't name names, but most of these other clowns selling bots are just trying to make a quick buck. They ignore actionable feedback and stick to their rigid ideology. To those who lack a constructive tone and bring a sense of entitlement with them, I do not return the favor. I am not a doormat. If someone is complaining the app costs $22.99, how is that actionable feedback? What am I going to do with that information? With regards to there being less expensive options, no other app that has full around the clock background automation that works when the device is turned off and is less than $20. Server infrastructure costs money. Everything that happens behind the scenes isn't cheap.
  • Very good

    I have tried other services many for much more monthly cost and yours is pretty advanced in options. New member so time will tell but looking good so far!
  • Awesome App, However…

    It would be cool if it was possible to set a timer for the loop for every x amount of minutes. Otherwise, it’s a bit tedious to constantly click back to send them loop.
  • Easy to Use

    The app is easy to use. I think it has helped increase my sales.
  • So Far So Good!

    This app is been pretty good so far. Still exploring it and haven’t had enough time to evaluate further. Will update after a few days. So far is great!
  • Best Bot 2023

    I love this app. I have been using others in the past and just now got to a place where I could again shop for one. I’m so glad this one came out of the list I queried up, because it does everything I’ve been looking for!
  • Return and bulk follows not working

    I think this is a decent app for sharing your items from your closet. However, I have tested this several times and it appears that return and book follows don’t actually work because I will set it to return and bulk follows and I’m not following anybody more when I go and check in my Poshmark app. I therefore have to manually follow people back and bulk follow. This is disappointing to me because I was looking for an app that would help me not only with Sherry my home and shares back I’m starting to wonder if that’s working too. Seems to me this app is only good for sharing your own closet. I have wasted money on this app and I’m not happy.
  • Limited Features & Not Good for Community Sharing

    I found this app to be very limited compared to others. First the community shares I’ve noticed in the few months I tested this app out it only shares brands with the letter A. That completely limits and restricts your returns. I reached out to SwiftSeller and was told it fetches the popular brands. Again after trying it for a few months that does not sound right that only popular brands are with the letter A. I did not produce nearly as many engagements or sales as I did with other apps I’ve tested. Another downside is that it does not share in the background or send offers for you. I’ve done my research and found an app that does everything that I am looking for and will no longer be using swiftseller.

    Developer Response

    Extremely unfair review, sent you an email. One star reviews should be reserved for egregious acts of neglect on the developer's part which did not occur here. To those reading this review, we have thousands of satisfied customers and are constantly improving our product. Development of new features takes time due to ensure quality consistency.

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