ROL Biznis – Mobilna aplikacija Raiffeisen banke za korisnike ROL sertifikata
ROL Biznis Vam omogućava da brzo i jednostavno, putem Vašeg mobilnog telefona, u bilo koje vreme, pristupite Vašim računima i izvršite plaćanje bez obzira gde se nalazite. Aplikaciju mogu koristiti mala preduzeća i preduzetnici.
Korisnicima su dostupne brojne mogućnosti od kojih se trenutno najviše koriste:
- Pregled stanja po svim računima i karticama
- Plaćanje
- Menjačnica – kupovina i prodaja valuta
- Primaoci plaćanja – sačuvani detalji naloga za lakše i brže plaćanje
- Lokacije na mapi sa informacijama o adresi i radnom vremenu filijala i bankomata
- Informacije o stanju i prometu po dinarskim, deviznim i računima platnih kartica
- Domaće platne transakcije u dinarima
U slučaju potrebe za dodatnim informacijama, možete nas kontaktirati putem:
- imejla:
- telefona: +381 11 3202100
Mala preduzeća i preduzetnici mogu postati korisnici podnošenjem Zahteva za korišćenje mobilnog i telefonskog bankarstva u ekspozituri Raiffeisen banke a.d. Beograd.
ROL Biznis – Mobile banking without limits!
ROL Biznisis enables you to access your accounts and execute payments quickly and easily with your mobile phone, no matter where you are.
The application may be used by small enterprises and entrepreneurs.
Users can enjoy many features, some of the most used ones being:
- Information on the balance on accounts, cards and loans
- Payments
- Currency exchange – converting currencies
- Saving the account details of your most frequent recipients for easier and faster payments
- Locations and working hours of the closest branch offices, ATMs and working hours
- Information on the balance and movements on their dinar and FX accounts, as well as on their payment card accounts
- Domestic payment transactions in dinars
If you need additional information, you can contact us by:
- e-mail:
- phone: +381 11 3202 100
Small enterprises and entrepreneurs can become users by submitting a request for using mobile and telephone banking in any branch office of Raiffeisen banka a.d. Beograd.
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