User Reviews: Photos

Reviews Summary

Top reviews

  • Good App, but connection with Google Photos is significantly lacking

    Let me start of by saying that the Apple photos app is not bad from the limited amount of time I’ve used it and integrates well into the phone. However as a long time Google photos user, Apples support of the app is horrible. You should be allowed in settings to switch between or prioritize/make default the photo app of your choice. Not only is Google photos hard to use on IPhone with its limited integration, I still to this day have not found an easy way to switch all my photos over from Google to Apple Photos; so even if I wanted to switch over I literally cannot find a way to get my photos over or sync them between services. I switched from Pixel to IPhone and have been loving the phone so far, but Apple’s inexplainable desire to keep everything in their “walled garden” is ruining the experience for me and people who want to/are accustomed to using a non-Apple service and how horribly they integrate into messages, apps, and the system as a whole. Please fix Apple or at least work with Google a little so we can use the services of choice on our platform of choice.
  • Barely passable, much worse than previous versions

    Why the h*** does it scramble my pictures when I add them to a new album?! Whenever I try to add pictures to an album, it routinely takes a dozen or more of the them from the end of my selection and inserts them randomly into the first 30 or so, as well as mixing up the vast majority of the rest. It doesn’t matter if it’s three pictures or 224 - Photos NEVER keeps them in the same order that they were in in whatever album or section that I selected them from when it adds them to the new album, even though I have Custom Sort set as the default for everything. Do you have any idea how frustrating that is? Or how much more time it now takes to sort and/or arrange pictures? Seriously, I’ve used Photos (and iPhoto before it) for YEARS, and this was never an issue before.

    So fix it.

  • Amazing!…

    Honestly, everybody uses Google Photos, and it is a very nice developed app. But, the reason why I only gave it 4 stars is because of the storage. I know its not just from the photos, it’s also from all your apps too. So, about the storage is that my settings ALWAYS tells me,” yOuR iClOuD sToRaGe Is ToO fUlL…” ok, I know I might seem like a brat but there is always something wrong. And then I am always having to buy more storage, and it’s super annoying. I really hope the developer reads this because it means a lot to save memories! Anyway, its not that negative though, because it is very nice that you can actually keep photos and memories in to store. I really hope this helps. No bugs or fixes though, I haven’t had any problems that are actually causing me to do anything like that, so, thank you for reading!!!❤️ Have an amazing day✨✨✨
  • Terrible widget and people curation

    As an Apple fan, it is frustrating to have to write this. The Photos widget only ever finds 1-3 (and always the same) out of 3000+ photos or 200 “recents” photos to “feature”. Also, the widget never shows memories that are curated by the “create photos memory” option. Memories can’t be made “less” except by person or date - and yet it keeps coming up with memories that I don’t want at all and have to keep deleting (the algorithm is severely limited!). And no matter how many memories are generated, the widget never shows more than a recent few - so much for being shown things from my beautiful intensely curated library. And once there is a featured photo to show, the widget will won’t show any Memories. The widget also has long ago been switched to giant text captions which can’t be deleted (and I’m tired of having to edit everything all the time) and absolutely ruins the “beauty” Apple keeps selling in their “wow-look what we did” product announcements. And the people curation on iOS hasn’t found anyone in over a year (empty) and then suddenly last week found (only) two people (out of 3000+ photos) - and then it stopped. Useless. And this is a problem reported by many people as evidenced in many online discussions and yet never solved by Apple support personnel involved in those discussions and never in the bug fix releases either. Very disappointing Apple!

    HELLO :D photos is fantastic and is perfect for when I have to crop my screenshots for my yt vids!! It is time consuming but at least it can’t let u and crop it in chunks and instead pixel by pixel!! But if I was forced to say what the worst part of the app was it would be.. paying for storage. Im not an adult so I can’t pay stuff without help and my parents are ignoring the paying it’s okay with me! But considering in a part of me like I HAVE TO REMOVE PICS I DIDNT WANT TO LAST YEAR FOR 3 YeArS and it SUCKED so please make it free so my phone doesn’t explode.. :C other than that LOVE ITTT
    (Oh and 1 more thing PLEASEEE ADD COLOR FILL TO THE CUSTOMIZER PART OF THE APP it is SUPER time consuming like I spend a WEEK ON EACH CHARACTER so either make a free app about it or make the customizing part of the app like an actual drawing app like sketchbook or better like procreate Ik I’m asking for a lot but idc the customizing part of the app looks sad just.. sad) love the game byeeeeeeeee!!
    Yt channel: Alissa’s Gacha universe
  • Please help

    Please you guys should give us an option to put a password in our app photo and in every picture or album that we wish.

    Is very frustrating that every time someone asks for your phone or iPad and you are very kind with them and help them… they just go to your photos and start messing with them without you even knowing.

    Guysss. We need privacyyyy.

    Password ! Password! Let us have peace. Let us be fine if we forgot locking our device by knowing our privacy is not in danger.

    And another thing is that I would love if you enable an option to organize our pictures and albums in an amazing way. By letting us put titles inside each album and separate each section as we wish in an specific album. By letting us organize our pictures in the way we wish. So we can make one bigger, other smaller and giving us that experience.

    Cause the most people do is taking pictures but pictures are the messiest thing in our phone because we don’t have many options to organize it. And is very draining if we want to organize them in another app because in the journey of passing the pictures they lost the quality…
  • Hard to organize

    Because I have so much photos with classes, life and work, I often create lots of albums (more than 80) The issue is when I capture couple photos and want to save to the same specific albums that I created it last year or just last month would be super hard to find and time consuming. Select photos > Add to album> (???) They only have the options of creating another NEW album … Instead of giving a more conventional “search option” for saving. I don’t want to scrolling down over my 80+ albums on my phone and just to do a save. iPad can do it because of its interference with large screen. But in phone is very annoying I would like Apple can able to keep my photos more organized just to add an options by just typing in album name and do a simple save.

    Maybe you should add on a search bar on “albums”

    Also when I did the “search” at the bottom right of app & type in album name, it just cannot find anything at all… maybe the development team can utilize this “search” section better by enabling the searchable album option or able to search the word on images (that would be cool)

    Except to see it happens some day in future!
  • Wrecked People album

    Update: 6-3-22 No fix in sight for the People identification issues. Still no way to permanently identify people (so that they can’t be “unidentified” again and again by the horrendous algorithm), still no way to manually add people to the people album without Apple doing it first. And the response is just to typically Apple, which is to say, no response at all. No concern. No fix. Hey, we’ve still got our trillions—why should we care about the customer experience?

    This (Photos) truly is the worst botched update I’ve seen in my lifetime. I’m either not going to use it anymore, or I’m I going to find a new phone. Because this is absolutely ridiculous.

    Previous Review: You took a functional (albeit limited and often error filled) feature—the People album—and you’ve rendered it unusable. Now it constantly, randomly resets key photos that I’ve selected, and it un-identifies people I’ve spent hours tagging, so it’s literally like starting over again every single time I charge my phone! From a company that still hasn’t managed to duplicate 2009 technology in some of its native apps (cough, cough, Pages, cough), this update is the biggest train wreck I’ve ever seen. I guess the days of “it just works” are gone forever. I was one of your biggest fanboys, but you continue to erode brand loyalty with a complete and utter lack of caring when it comes to attention to detail.
  • Translate feature DOES NOT EXIST??!?

    Ok the feature does and does not exist. I went to search engine and typed in Japan headline news and one of the listings had Japanese text. I took a screenshot and in bottom right of image was translate option. However it will not work if app does not “see text” in image so my banner on shipping container with 3 inch tall Chinese characters is “unseen” by the app, so it is NOT COMPLETELY FUNCTIONAL . It is circumstantial if it will or will not work.

    The much touted translate language text feature does not exist in app. iOS 15.1 on 12 pro max. Does not appear in photos, or camera. Had a Chinese label on an international shipping container I needed to translate when it arrived in one of our American ports and after downloading the language, the feature still does not exist for off line or on line.

    It works in first example but not second one. App still has A LOT OF WORK that needs to be done, however it is off to a good start.
  • Can we admit apple ain’t what she used to be?

    You know, back when everything worked 100% of the time, when Wozniak was working tirelessly for a narcist who just wanted it now, but in a cool box . The photo searching barely works. Grouping by location always excludes half the content I’m looking for. (add more criteria to grouping/search algorithm? idk) it’s cute my phone recognizes some people every once in a while but not nearly enough to make the feature that useful. And last but not least why am I forced to use all these horrible songs to try and create a photo album why can’t I just add whatever music I want from whatever source whoever is curating the selection either has a very poor library in front of them or they have horrible taste. How about some real database AI. In the past I’ve stayed with Apple because I’ve became entrenched in the iCloud since 2010 when I was editing video…And I don’t do that anymore I think it’s time for a change, what kind of phone PC tag team is waz using?