User Reviews: Clock

Apple Inc.

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  • No Audio During Alarms Fixed: I figured it out but man was that a pain

    So for the past month I have been having issues with the alarms only alerting me with my haptics and not my music that I set for the alarms. I tried everything including upgrading from the 13 mini to the 15 pro as of a week ago. Still with the upgrade I was having the exact same issue. Yesterday I went into my music library and downloaded every song I’m using for individual alarm sounds. Once I downloaded them all I gave it an hour then force reset my phone (press and release the volume up button, press and release the volume down button, press and hold the power button until the phone turns off and continue holding until the apple icon pops up the screen then release power button and allow the phone to start back up) and now all my alarms work again. So moral of the story is if you don’t hear your alarm going off and you have music set as the alarm tone make sure to download the song not just add it to your library. Seems the alarms will only work with downloaded songs
  • Much needed feature

    I’ve used this App for many years now. I can’t live without my daily alarms bec of being just plain busy and being a care-giver for many years. Your customers would welcome a feature that eliminates the annoying fact of completing a daily task earlier than expected, only to have that alarm go off anyway! I don’t mind it when I’m by myself. It’s the people around me who get annoyed esp if I need the volume loud!

    Now this happens often everyday. Say I completed an alarm to “take morning meds everyday at 9am” earlier than expected at 7am just once that week. I wish I could just silence it for just that day. I can’t just slide the alarm button off. I’ll forget to turn it back on! So people around me end up having to hear alarms I don’t need during that day if I completed my task early. Hope there’s a way to fix that to make mine and the people around me hear one less alarm go off! KkYes…I have that many alarms from 7a-12a! Thank you for years of keeping my world in order!
  • Not sure why all the bad reviews… 🤷🏻‍♀️

    So I get that seeing the world clock first upon opening is a bit annoying. You’re ONE tap away from the alarm section though. One tap.
    I haven’t had any issues with alarms not going off, and I’ve been able to set my own 30 second song clips to use via using the Garage Band app to import a song clip and transfer it to my Apple ringtones. The songs are more than loud enough. I love that I can set multiple alarms and name then separate things, and they always go off (like clockwork, lol) without fail.
    I admit that it would be nice to be able to set one alarm for a specific date but you can use the calendar notification for those types of occasions.
    Overall I’m very happy with the app, though if this changes in the future I will come and update my review. (Oh and for reference, I’m using an iPhone XR.)
  • Not thought through

    The clock is a simply concept, and there are so many good features that Apple has on it, but it’s honestly outweighed by the bad, most of their alarms are extremely quiet, like the default for instance, and even at full volume, I’ve slept through it more times than I have fingers (wouldn’t be surprised if it was more than my toes too) so naturally to fix this, I just was going to change the alarm sound, well that’s simply enough in its on, but you can’t set one as a default, so each and every single alarm you set, you have to change the alarm sound. Which might sound just slightly tedious at first, but if you’re like me, you’d probably need alarms for more than just waking up, and even if you didn’t, you probably use more than one alarm a day. So picture this, you have your alarm to wake up, your alarm for when you need to get going soon, and one to know when to leave. With each one, you have to go through meticulously long set of steps just to change the song. And god forbid you want one that’s different then the weird assortment of jingles and jangles Apple has prepared for you. I had to download four different apps, and wait for downloading for almost an entire day just to get a Steven universe song as my alarm sound.
  • Please consider these changes

    I’ve been using this clock app for forever. There are two features I wish were changed, though. 1. I wish we were able to customize the order of the icons (world clock, alarm, etc) on the bottom of the app. I almost never use world clock and it auto defaults to the first thing that pops up when you open the app. I would like to be able to move alarm clock to the first spot and arrange the rest how I see fit. 2. I typically use the timer feature when I’m cooking and I keep the app open during that time so I can keep an eye on how long I have left on something. When the timer goes off, it shows up on the top of your screen as a pop up. I think it would be better to just tap my screen to cancel the timer when the app is open instead of having to swipe down on the notification and then clicking stop. These are definitely first world problems, but it would make the app even more enjoyable.

    Update: Still feel this way. Aggravating.
  • Alarm mostly useless

    I’ve had iPhones since revision S4, and always had a good, dependable alarm as part of the clock app. Over the last year and a half, the alarm would come on loud, then immediately reduce the volume to minimum which, to say the least is almost inaudible. Hitting the snooze button, sometimes it will go to moderate volume; other times it would remain at minimum volume. I am hard of hearing, and cannot hear the alarm go off when the volume minimizes. Also, I could care less about the World Clock because I don’t travel out of the country, yet every time I touch the app, the world clock is the first thing I see. I’m sure I’m not the only one who doesn’t travel outside the country. There should be a way to delete it, but there is none. As for the alarm volume, I keep hoping a fix will come in one of the phone updates. Judging from the dates on these negative reviews, along with no response from Apple, makes it pretty clear that they don’t bother to read these reviews. The Lock app will remain on my phone for now because of the timers. As soon as I find a good, dependable app, the Apple clock app will go bye-bye.
  • This app ruined my life

    I felt blessed having a great job and making decent money until I gave in and took friends urging for me to change to an Apple I phone. Upon changing I first felt I would like it but that soon changed in the most horrible way. I placed my trust in Apple and set this app up to use the alarm to wake me up in the morning since my Boss was a real stickler on being punctual. Set my alarm for a 0545 wake up and it didn’t go off causing me to over sleep two hours. I thought perhaps I slept really hard and didn’t hear it. My Boss was livid and drug me across the carpet with a stern warning that if it occurred again I would be fired. So the next night I set the alarm and double checked it three times. Again I over slept and when I got to my job I was sternly told I had 30 mins to pack my stuff and report to HR to clear out. It’s been two months and I haven’t been able to find employment. I went thru my savings quickly trying to keep from losing everything but it all was in vain. My car was repo’ed and I’m in the process of being evicted. It’s sad how one simple but important app could quickly turn your life upside down. I’ve been eating a small simple meal every day like soup or potted meat and crackers but it’s about all gone. My health has taken a major dive and I feel terrible. I’m all out of options. Thank you Apple 😰
  • Managed to ruin a simple timer app!

    Wow iOS 17 totally ruined the timer portion of this app! First off all, allow us to set a default alarm sound when the timer goes off instead of forcing it to default to the “radial” tone when setting a timer with Siri. The radial tone is not loud enough and setting timers is a common task I have Siri do. Super annoying. Second, please give us the option to disable the timer history. I have absolutely no use for this and it just clutters the page with extra stuff I have to read through to make sure I’m clicking the right thing. I literally clear the history everytime I set a timer now to clear the screen up, and this has become a super annoying task. Maybe these features are helpful to some people, but you could easily give us the option to set it up either way. Third, when perusing the various alarm sounds list and selecting your desired sound, the phone plays the alert at full volume without any obvious way to make the sound stop. This is annoying to others in your vicinity. Maybe set it up so that it doesn’t play a sound sample unless you ask it to. Just some suggestions. The previous version worked perfect and had the Apple simplicity to it.
  • No more custom songs

    2 Star Review
    I used to be able to play my alarms with songs from iTunes but suddenly after the update it’s only playing the radar tune 😭PLEASE FIX THIS ASAP! I’ve uninstalled the clock and iTunes app and even created many test alarms. Only the default alarms work when you change them, but when I try to addy own choice song, it is selected but when the alarm plays, it only plays radar. 😭😭 my schedule has been terrible without the proper music stimulation. The default times just don’t cut it. I can’t find any other app that allows iTunes songs either, I keep getting errors or it just doesn’t show at all when I go to select it. Maybe it’s an iTunes issue? 😔

    5 Star Review
    UPDATE: I was able to resolve the issue!! It’s not enough to download your songs in iTunes, you also have to go into Apple Music and download them on there. After doing this, I was able to get the songs I wanted to play as an alarm. ✨ Definitely a tedious process if you have multiple songs you’ll be using. Thanks Apple 🙄 But I’m happy to have my alarms back. 😊
  • Clock Alarm, Where Did You Go?!!!

    This is another reason I’m getting rid of my iPhone. I can Never depend on this clock or alarm to work any longer! I’m lucky if the alarm setting even shows up on the screen. There’s No Sound on the alarm anymore! Except, that is, for times I don’t have the alarm set! It just seems to go off randomly now. I open the app to check if I set an alarm for a reason, but nope, no time set for the annoying random alarm. This is ridiculous. I now have to ask my husband to set his alarm for me. I also use the calendar alert for my alarm clock I’ve tried everything and still can’t get this alarm to work anymore. There have been too many important appointments I’ve missed or have been very late for. Now, I lose sleep worrying that I’ll oversleep. Like today. I’m up two hours earlier because- you guessed it- my alarm didn’t go off again! Sometimes it doesn’t even show up on the screen until I open the app. Then, it shows it went off and is in snooze. Of course, with no sound to alert me. iPhone and Apple are gong downhill instead of improving their technology. Bye bye, Apple Products.