User Reviews: Clock

Apple Inc.

Reviews Summary

Top reviews

  • Outdated. Nearly cost me my job

    This app hasn’t changed in what feels like years. As of late, both my girlfriend and I have noticed (once we wake up late) that our alarms are “going off” but are completely silent. This has led to either or both of us being late to work; the worst was when I had set multiple alarms for a day I was supposed to get up at 06:00 for my 07:30 shift and I didn’t wake up until 11:00 because my alarms, I assume, canceled each other out and rang completely silently. I never write reviews because I find a way to just cope or replace the thing driving me insane but I’ve had this problem before (it only recently with the iOS 16 update started happening almost regularly) and Apple is a multibillion dollar business, you can afford a little investigation into your clock app instead of worrying about what minute feature you’re going to change on the last model of iPhone to release the “new and improved” one.

    And don’t even ask if my ringer is on/off/turned up all the way etc I am part of the generation that was born glued to a screen I know a thing or two about operating technology. This app is terrible and desperately needs a refresh.
  • Glitch in the software

    Within the past 2 months or so, I’ve noticed my songs that I have downloaded and selected (and used for years prior, mind you) will no longer play for my alarms. Instead, the default alarm is the only thing that will sound, and to wake up at 6:45 AM to that jarring noise is very off putting. I’ve noticed that some songs that I’ve downloaded recently will play, but these are not all the songs I want to be woken up by. I even tried calling the Apple helpline and they basically had me jerry-rig my phone with every version of the ol’ “unplug it and plug it back in” method and it did nothing. I’ve mentioned to them that this sounds like a software issue and I’m not sure that they reported it to Apple HQ. But over 1,000 people have had this same exact issue for about 2 or 3 updates now. As a Junior college student, this is crucial to my day to day routine and it needs to be fixed ASAP!

    Also, the “snooze” and “stop” buttons are there for decoration. Because the alarm is just going to snooze itself regardless of what button you push
  • Clock

    I use this app for many things, timers, stopwatch etc. what I don’t use if for is an alarm because there are not enough features. I had to download a separate app for that, and I wish I didn’t have to do that.

    Some simple suggestions would be to add options to the alarm like to set it for every other Thursday, or for a specific date. My other alarm does that, but I have to remember to open it before I go to sleep. Yours works even if my phone is silent and I forgot to set, but it has to be for every Thursday, when the alarm I might need is for a meeting or a flight that is 3 weeks or a month away. And if my alarm is to remind me of something during the day, unless I keep the other app open all day, it won’t work. Yours on the other hand, works no matter what. Reminders and calendar events don’t always work because they don’t make enough noise. If I’m mowing the lawn or feeding the animals I’ll probably miss it because it will make a small noise and then just stay on my phone, but if I don’t look at it till I come back in the house to wash my hands, then I’ve missed it.

    Hope to see some updates soon, otherwise, everything else works pretty good.
  • You’re tracking my sleep?

    I had to wake up at a certain time so turned the alarm clock on, and surprise, the recent update had changed everything. The alarm was now in the health app. I had to set a sleep/wake schedule and when I tried the new ringtones I couldn’t hear them very well. I set it for the loudest available, but I didn’t hear the alarm. I checked the app and it turned out it tracked my sleep, noting that I had been up to use the bathroom and another time I simply woke for a minute and then went back to sleep. I didn’t give permission for my sleep to be tracked. I’m 70 years old and don’t need to be told to get 8 hours of sleep per night, I’ve been sleeping fine without apple’s tracking me for a very long time. I don’t need to know how long I was in the bathroom and neither does Apple. I don’t give permission to have my sleep data collected. I’m partially deaf and need a loud alarm, not these soft little tones that apparently someone thinks are okay. This update should be reversed. It’s just a real intrusive and ineffective app now. I won’t use it again and am considering getting rid of this phone in favor of a less “smart” spy phone this seems to have become.
  • Apple please fix your App!

    For months now the Clock app that comes standard in the iPhone has been glitching for me which is causing me to wake up late for work. I have my alarm set for 5:30am which goes off, but like many other people, it takes me a little longer to wake up than just one alarm so I snooze until around 6:30. I hit the snooze after the first initial alarm goes off but then nothing else happens after the 9 minute snooze. It shows that it’s going off but no sounds or alerts are made. I’ve done everything I could to try and remedy this. I’ve tried deleting the alarm and making a new one but to no avail. I’ve even taken my phone to the Apple store and they seemed to have fixed it but it did nothing. If you are reading this review and are having similar issues, you’re not the only one. Apple needs to update and completely overhaul this app. I was honestly surprised and somewhat relieved to find out from all the other poor reviews that I’m not the only one suffering from this. This does not look good coming from Apple who expects us to pay top dollar for a product that can’t deliver properly. It’s truly a shame. Hopefully they will fix this sooner than later.
  • Clock keeps turning off my set alarms

    I’ve overslept a number of times recently, in spite of setting an alarm. (Trying to remember when this started happening, but it was within this past year, I think.) I even started setting a backup alarm for 30 minutes later than the first, but still sometimes ended up waking late to find all alarms off. I’ve been wondering whether I have somehow in my sleep been managing to turn the alarms off rather than hitting snooze after they sound; however, I don’t always remember them having gone off at all. I finally just confirmed that it’s not me—it’s the Clock app. I hit the snooze button for the first alarm, was awake enough to think to check on the alarms, and both the first alarm and the backup were on. I lay there waiting for the alarm to sound again, but it seemed to be taking longer than 9 minutes. Sure enough, checking the alarms again, both the alarm and the backup were turned OFF. I hadn’t touched anything since confirming they were both on just 15 minutes prior.

    This is one-star behavior for a clock app; however, I gifted it two stars because the timer and stopwatch have continued to work well for me.
  • Glitchy and Disorganized

    I’ve used this app for as long as I can remember and the long list of alarms I set for various reasons gets to be confusing. It would be cool if there was a way to group alarms for various tasks/activities into folders. It would also be nice to be able to set an alarm for a particular date rather than just the standard day of the week. For example, when I find out I need to wake up early for a flight 3 Fridays from now, why don’t I have the option to set the alarm for the day I need it to go off? The current option forces you to set it for every Friday. It’s a small but annoying thing. I know lots of people use calendar reminders for this reason, but why not build in a calendar to make the alarm app more functional?

    Another issue I’ve noticed more recently is, the swipe to snooze is so touchy that more times than not the alarm doesn’t swipe down properly and turns off rather than showing the option to snooze or turn off. I now have to use multiple alarms, as I can never trust the snooze is going to work. I can’t remember when exactly I started noticing this but I think it may have been after an update. Either way, after being a lifelong apple clock app user, I am considering deleting it and finding another one. I think this app has just been neglected or de-prioritized and is in need of a little TLC by developers or more people are going to stop using it.
  • Just not great

    I recently switched from using an LG phone to now an IPhone and I have to say this app clock app is really lack lustre. You can’t customise like anything and there is no way to change the settings. first off you there is no customising the snooze, the first time it happened I realised that it was much longer than any other app I had used (good thing I didn’t have anything to do that morning because I would have been late). secondly you can’t use a song as the alarm sound unless you use apple music as someone who doesn’t use apple music and has music downloaded onto my phone it would be nice if I could use that as an alarm sound even though Im not paying specifically for apples subscription service. finally this is just a small thing but I feel like it should say how many hours you alarm is set for. I feel like this is just a nice feature where you can confirm you have set the time correctly and are not going to be screwed over by miss setting the time
    The app does functionally work but there are definitely things that can be done to make it better and work better for those who are using it
  • Virtually Useless Timer and Alarm Clock

    The timer and alarm clock features of the Clock App on the iPad Pro are utterly useless. The sound is practically inaudible when the pre-set time comes for either of them to go off. I’ve tried every sound adjustment I can find, and contacted Apple Support, but to no avail. Also, the alerts for the Calendar are sorely lacking as well…no slide-in banners like my laptop does, and the sound alerts are pathetically weak.

    If you can’t hear an alarm or timer, what’s the point, especially if you need it to wake up or to notify you of a important doctor’s appointment. Per other reviews I’ve read, it has been a known issue for some time and one that Apple appears not to be concerned with resolving.

    For anyone who is considering the purchase of an iPad as a replacement for a laptop, don’t do it! You will almost certainly regret it as I surely have. The iPad iOS has substantial and glaring shortcomings (not to mention unstable behavior), and in its current state, doesn’t come close to replacing the performance and versatility of a Mac laptop. iPad Pros are obscenely overpriced media consumption toys, not work or task oriented, and the price points for them and their keyboard cases are virtually criminal.
  • Could Definitely Be Better

    I’ve used this app for the majority of my life and it’s always worked fine, however it could definitely be better with a few adjustments

    For starters, the app needs a way to group all of your alarms into categories. I play a lot of sports and am in a lot of extra clubs and groups and I have absolutely TONS of different alarms to make sure I’m on time for everything. HOWEVER, whenever those certain things end for the year (i.e. football and/or wrestling) I always have to scroll through my alarms and try and turn off all of those specific alarms for those specific things and it’s always time-consuming and annoying. If you added a way to create categories and add alarms into set categories where you could turn them all on/off with a single click it would be SO much better.

    Secondly, I’d like to be able to change how long an alarm can be snoozed for instead of only being able to snooze for 9 minutes at any given time. I get that I could just set my alarm at a different time, but I don’t always want to sleep late or wake up earlier depending on IF I want to snooze at all, and for how long.

    I get that all of these are probably available on another app somewhere, but I can’t find one with these capabilities anywhere I’ve looked and , like I’ve said, I’ve been using this app for the majority of my life. These adjustments would ultimately make the app so much better than it is now.