User Reviews: TTT Longhorn Tape Measure

TTT Longhorn Tape Measure
TTT Longhorn Tape Measure
Kristy Thornton & Associates Inc

Top reviews

  • Pay$$$$ before use?

    So I get it you’re running a promotion to start with $99 but that’s just the first year. So after the first year I’ll have to pay $200 to measure my small herd? Sorry but that’s outrageous! If it were $99 a year I’d highly consider it but not worth $200 to measure my small herd. No trial period or nothing. Very disappointed.

    This is so wonderful for the longhorn industry! Needed for people like me and my husband that are retired and older. No chute and can’t always depend on people to help us.

    The price is cheap vs the cost of a chute or hiring 2 ranch hands several times a year. Plus the record keeping / paper work is so much work for us, so this is not just an APP. So taking all of this into account, it is well worth the money and we are thrilled!

    Developer Response

    Thank you for your feedback. We are glad you find the app helpful and useful. We appreciate your support and business.
  • No trial before you pay??

    I have a herd of 11. I would love to use this app if it does what it says. Paying $199 up front without testing it seems irrational. I’d like to try it. Should allow at least 2 free measurements before requesting a subscription. Right now I could be paying for junk. Let me know when I can try this. IF it works as advertised you’ll have my $199 in seconds!!

    Developer Response

    We appreciate your feedback and have sent it to our development team for consideration. Thank you for your interest in our app.

    This app is a game changer. With any technology it takes a lot of practice to get use to it. We found the way to get the most accurate measurements was after our cows ate. They seemed to be a lot more still for us or even while they are laying down. We found the most accurate measurements are with clear backgrounds, like the sky not trees or fences. Once we figured that out it was a time saver. No stress on the animals and could measure all the animals in a day and didn’t need a second person. Cows do move so you have to do it more then once to get a measurement sometimes. But taking a picture is easy, so is this app. Point, click, drag, click, done. The more you do it the faster you get too. You can’t expect to get something, use it for a week and be an expert that day either. Especially if your not using it every day of that week. I LOVE THIS APP. It has worked perfect for us on our cows.

    Developer Response

    We appreciate your feedback. Thank you for your review, we are glad you are enjoying the app.
  • Doesn’t work

    It just doesn’t work, it’s that simple. Wildly over priced as well

    Developer Response

    Thank you for your feedback. Please email us at so we can help you troubleshoot. Our development team is readily available to help answer any questions and help ensure you get accurate measurements.
  • Big Risk, No Reward

    We have an ITLA Registed herd of 23 head I wanted this app to work so badly as I am a 1 person operation I have tried all of the suggestions to get measurements with many different longhorns I have a pretty laid back and gentle herd so I didnt foresee issues Its been impossible to get into the right position and to keep them still long enough to measure I know others would like to try it but requiring the financial commitment up front is a deterrent as well Love the idea of the app but it just didnt work for me

    Developer Response

    We appreciate your feedback. Please email us at so we can help you troubleshoot. Our development team is readily available to answer any questions and help ensure you get accurate measurements.
  • IT’S ABOUT TIME!!!!!!

    My husband and I are just too old to get tape on the cows anymore. And to be honest it’s too hard to work them and get them to the chute by ourselves. We like being out there in the pasture with them. That’s the time we’re happiest and so are our cows. We don’t have to hire ranch hands or ask the kids when they’re here. Now we just get to enjoy being in the pastures with the cows taking pictures and using the APP and when our kids are here we just get to enjoy the family and let the family enjoy the cows like they used to. It’s not a job to come visit anymore. We’re old so all this tech stuff takes us a little longer to “get it” but with time it is easy enough for an old Gammy and Papa Fart to use it. We’re really pleased with it and so happy this APP was created and finally out. We heard about it at a Sale and got excited for the release. We were lucky enough to meet the developer of the APP at that sale and she couldn’t be nicer. She showed us how to use it, sent us to the website for how to videos, showed the APP in person and demos of the APP being used and then showed videos of one of the APPs Beta Testers taking measurements. She is genuine and sweet as they come.
    This APP is truly AMAZING and WORTH EVERY PENNY!!!

    Developer Response

    Thank you for your review and feedback. We are happy to hear you have found success using the app, and that it has been a useful tool for you. Thank you for your support and business.

    FINALLY!!!! We have been waiting for this APP to be released as soon as we heard about it. Finally someone has created what the Longhorn Industry has needed for years. Every has talked about it needing to be done but no one took the initiative, time or most of all the money, patience or risk to make it happen. THANK YOU!!! It takes the stress off the animal completely. Eliminates the need for a $6,000+ specialized chute. Smaller ranches don’t have to hire day laborers to help measure their herd. Larger Ranches go from taking weeks to get measurements to a couple days. And you can measure your herd BY YOURSELF. Now when I have a potential client call and they want a current measurement on a specific cow I am able to drive out to the pasture and can pull out my phone while I’m taking photos and then pull up my APP and get an accurate up to date measurement of each cow a client is interested in by point-click a ball on one tip of a horn, drag it across and put the ball on the other tip of the horn and save!!!! IT REALLY IS THAT EASY!!! We’ve had all our cows in the chute and measured each one several different ways for the variety of the ways they were in the chute and ways to put the tape through the rungs and got up to 1” variances with the tape measure in one day. That’s a lot of variance! Then we compared with the TTT APP and we had 100% success with the TTT APP. Of course like all new things it does take some time, practice and patience. I mean they are LIVE ANIMALS and it’s technology so you have to get use to the software and how to work the APP itself. I prefer using the APP and taking the measurements holding my phone horizontally so I can see the horns completely to make sure I haven’t moved or the cow hasn’t moved. You have to be quick enough to get the 2 Clicks in before they move but slow enough to make sure your ball is on the tip of the horn for the most accurate measurement. Of course having the fewest obstructions in the background is also key. The camera itself doesn’t recognize the difference between a horn or tree branch. And our cows are always the happiest and the most still after we fill their bellies with some sweet feed, cubes and they get a cool drink. When they go lay down they are especially still so that’s when I’ve gotten my best measurements when they’re chewing their cud and enjoying some sunshine and a nap.
    Every cow, even our most docile & hand fed ones that our 2-year old feeds cubes to get nervous and anxious in the chute and end up scraping paint on their horns or busting their head or chins. The risk of horn breakage, injuries, stress on our herd period and heck the time alone is worth the small APP fee if you ask me. More people spend the yearly subscription on Starbucks or Copenhagen in one month alone. Not to mention it’s a tax write off. (Ask your tax advisor of course!)
    We are sooooo pleased with the TTT APP and use it every time we’re out with the cows to make sure we are getting more proficient with it.
    THANK YOU FOR FINALLY DEVELOPING THIS APP!!!! It is going to change the Longhorn Industry!!! 🙌🏼🐮🤠✝️💙 God Bless

    Developer Response

    Thank you for your review and feedback. We are happy to know you find the app useful, helpful, and cost effective. We appreciate your support.

    This app is amazing! It’s a Longhorn industry game-changer! Where we once had to wrestle the longhorns into a chute, using multiple hired hands & risking horn breakage, we can now measure our longhorns right from our phones. This app not only means less stress for us & our longhorns, it is also cutting our COSTS of labor & time significantly! What used to cost us $150+/hour now costs less that $.16/cow to measure & we’re getting our measurements FAST, ACCURATELY, & EFFICIENTLY! We also love how we can record our longhorns measurements to see their horn growth! Thank you for creating this amazing app!

    Developer Response

    Thank you for you review and feedback. We are glad to hear you like the app and find it beneficial. We appreciate your support.
  • Bad business model

    I have a small TLBAA registered herd (17 head) and when I saw the ad for this app in the latest edition of Texas Longhorn Trails magazine I couldn’t get to the App Store fast enough to download it. Imagine my surprise when I discovered that I would need to pay $199 (billed annually) without getting a chance to test drive the app. The money isn’t the problem. If the app works the way that it says it’ll be worth every dime. The question is “IF” it works the way it is described. It’s an awful big ask for customers to let go of almost $200 on the chance that it works right. Your business model is broken. There needs to be a trail period of a couple of weeks or at a minimum a monthly billing option so that if a customer isn’t satisfied they can cancel their subscription without coming out of pocket an exorbitant amount of money. I’d love to try the app but won’t until you go to a different model. Feel free to reach out if you need help putting something together.

    Developer Response

    Thank you for your feedback. We have sent it to our development team for review and consideration. We appreciate your interest in our app.

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