User Reviews: Adams Groceries

Adams Groceries
Adams Groceries
Adams Fairacre Farms, Inc.

Top reviews

  • Feels like the Beta version

    This app could be so useful. But it feels clumsy. When selecting previously ordered foods for my cart, it won’t let me add them as a group. I need to login each time I open the app, rather than just letting me stay in. Everything needs to be done one step at a time. The tech here is far behind other apps.
  • This app needs significant updates

    Not only does the app look and feel outdated, I can’t even open it now because the second I do, it crashes!
  • Make a real update.

    Updating the app with a note telling us it’s not available for Middletown is useless. Update the app to include the new location. Just about every grocery store around here will deliver to the home, meanwhile we can’t even get curbside here?
  • Needs some significant updating

    - The developers need to add their Middletown location ASAP! - I would also recommend updating the aesthetics of the app as well. (the app’s logo at the very least)

    Side Note: It was very difficult to find this app using the search bar in the App Store
  • Needs some significant updating

    - The developers need to add their Middletown location ASAP! - I would also recommend updating the aesthetics of the app as well. (the app’s logo at the very least)

    Side Note: It was very difficult to find this app using the search bar in the App Store
  • Needs some significant updating

    - The developers need to add their Middletown location ASAP! - I would also recommend updating the aesthetics of the app as well. (the app’s logo at the very least) - it was very difficult to find this searching for this app in the App Store

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